Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Special Projects and Master Lists

This forum is for checking in on the progress of large, multi-day projects like a thesis or catching up on tax returns. It's also a good place for master to-do lists, gratitute lists, New Year's resolutions, and other non-daily items.


I love David Seah's idea of making a resolution at Groundhog Day instead of at New Year's!  He explains it here:

Basically, the idea is that it's better to make Groundhog Day resolutions because:

t-la daily & billing adventures

4 Words for 2021: Create, Commitment, Focus, and Growth!

10 Goals for 2021! - Go over list daily. Do something for each goal daily.

Mama_Cat's picture

Mama_Cat's Cleaning Spree!!!!!

OK, so - for Xmas, I promised the hubby 1 hour of housecleaning, M-F, for the next three weeks.

Yesterday was the first day, and I:

* Cleaned out the fridge

* Cleared out condiments

* Emptied garbage twice (DUE to fridge clean out)

* And put groceries away

YAAAAYYYYY ME! (I'll have to be a celebratory graphic in there later!) ;-)

So, today I am spending more time on the kitchen.

The next 20 mins, to be exact.

I will:

* Scoop cat litter

* Continue emptying out condiment jars

*Start organizing dishes for easy washing

Lucky's list that took about 2 hours to make!

I've been feeling daunted by everything I have to do this week, so I made a list and gave everything a day and (rough) time.  Suddenly looks quite manageable! Obviously I'll want to do my routine tasks around these as well, but I'm not going to sweat it if they don't all get done.


AM - Up by 6.30
Pack food for work, water bottle, bike lock and lights, gloves, waterproof, hand warmers, cycling clothes
Change trains at Staines, buy bible if it's still there

Lucky's AQ project

This is an interesting one! (Well... to me anyway. :) )

I've been reading a book called 'Adversity Quotient @ Work'. Adversity Quotient (AQ) is a measure of how well people cope with problems. Not surprisingly, people with high 'AQ's tend to be happier and more successful all round. I tested mine and scored pretty low, so I'm going to try the techniques in the book to improve it.

Your AQ is made up of four 'CORE' dimensions:

C = Control: how much you feel able to influence a situation and control your own responses.

fudoshin: 43 things the PA way

I need to rework this list, and focus a lot more on topline behavior.  It's important to keep the bottomlines, but I also need to keep the toplines.  It's not enough just to abstain from this or that. I've got to have some shit in my life worth living for, so to speak.  For now I'm piloting the following restrictions. I  find it's harder to work with absolutes than restrictions.


  • I will allow myself to spend 30 minutes on YouTube (and other video sites) during the weekend. 

TopLine Behavior:


I have a simple task to do and it is very much in my interests to do it and I can't, whatever can't means. So I am posting asking for support and help.

fudoshin: commitment : 11/22-12/18

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 


I would like to set the following requirements for myself .  I intend
to keep these promises for one day, then one week, then until December

roses master plan

Hi lovely people, as is addiction I am back. I hope you all have fared well whilst I've been away.

I wish I could say otherwise, but I have spent most of my time procrastinating plus a little writing in between. I did some travelling in France earlier this year tho, which took a lot of planning! I couchsurfed and hitchhiked, and it was amazing.

Falcon's work project

Hi pro buddies,

I mentioned in a check-in earlier this week that I have trouble with being disorganized at work, and that I want to change that - using small steps so I can actually succeed (rather than trying to make a total change overnight, which just leads to getting overwhelmed & backsliding.)

tiptree's day on track

Firefox crashed right when I was almost done w/ my checkin. Instead, I'm going to resolve to stay on track all day Friday and complete as many urgent tasks as possible. I've fallen apart this past month and have too many urgent tasks to complete within the time constraints.


X wash dishes (request from family member)
X sort laundry (ditto)
X get a good night sleep
X call rev. dept.
X pay BofA
X TM folder feature testable
-- commit thumbnail script
-- add to case working in integration
-- add to case working in editor
X page break bug fixed
-- q. bug fixed

Eightfolds Master List

I am 40.  I am sober in AA.  I also have other addictions.  I might get disbarred from my drinking and procrastinating.  At one time I had a nice practice, big house,  lexus and benz, and wife.  now i am broke and live in my dad's condo  I also make money playing cards online.  seriously.  i dont like to gamble and hate poker really, but worked hard to be good.  now i just dont play.


OCz Master List

1 - I admit I am powerless over my compulsive procrastination and my life has become unmanageable

How unmanageable has my life become?

I still wake up early and come everyday to work, but lately, there are entire days that I spend doing nothing else than surfing the web... the only good thing about it is that I found this site. I'm glad I did.

I need to sit down for a while and come up with my master list. I'll start by stating what are those things I have procrastinated really bad:

Potential Energy's master list

high priority

Reports: make a spread sheet to input for reports

pay over due bills

Make pt. appts.

clean out "junk room"

finish mural  

focus on tx. strat for new cl. and at least start a system to make research readily avail.

wash windows

finish cpr classes

complete cont. ed classes

get rid of accumulation of unsightly and worthless clutter (outside)

donate everything I don't use 

fix dent in car

New policy for Falcon

Hi fellow procrastination warriors,

I often have that familiar feeling of "never having time" to do a lot of things.  I'm also aware that I spend a lot of time surfing the internet that could be spent in other ways.

Part of the problem is that I don't focus or function all that well when I'm stressed.  And I've noticed that I tend to go online and surf when I'm frazzled, frightened, or wanting/needing to distract myself from some unpleasant emotional state.

Agnus' Master List update 4/13/2010

  • Call all AP DLs at least once
  • Call 4 more of the Top 20
  • Scrapbook
  • Revise #8 and submit proposal to give me some hours - (make them fun this time!)
  • Corporate taxes 2008
  • Personal taxes 2008
  • Corporate closeout
  • Consolidate banking
  • Roof run-offs
  • Paint office a color that will help me want to be in there!
  • Clean porch

Edge's Master List

Go me!

Master plans that need to be prepped:
- University payments and subject plan
- Car bank remaining payments schedule
- Car parents remaining payments schedule
- Room remodeling payment plan
- Savings & wealth management road map

x Education: Equate high school degree
x Education: Enroll and start uni
- Education: Graduate with a BA

SAMssa soberiety contract.

bottomlines( things i should avoid to stay sober)

1. not going to the gym twice a day

2. going to bed after 10:00

3. not trd

4. not doing daily prayers and reading scripture early in the morning

5. not following daily schedule for self care

6. not eating properly

7. not attending meetings fully




kromer top- and bottomlines

I feel like I've stalled out in working this program, and am slipping into websurfing and other old bad habits rather than moving forwards to where I want to be.

So I'm going to use this space to set out some top- and bottom- lines for my behavior, then I'll commit to updating this thread every day for a month with performance on my bottomlines.

Promise that I'm striving toward (from "Promises of Recovery for PA"): We will not fear the future, nor wish to shut the door on it.

fudo_shin 's back to college list

Please no advice.  Positive feedback is welcome.
Action items:
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