Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.


Chatbox Rules

We're also on Slack! Slack has all the features of this chatbox, plus many more. If you'd like to join the P.A. workgroup on Slack, email me using the Contact form.

Courteous behavior is required at all times. If anyone is unkind to you, email me using the Contact form.

Multiple usernames per person are not allowed. This creates confusion about how many people are in the chatbox, and also can result in the "Anonymous" bug, which makes the chatbox unusable for everyone.

Usage Information

The chatbox supports multiple channels, each on a different tab. Two channels are always available - meeting (for online meetings) and check-in (for checking in via chat). They are supposed to be created automatically, but if they aren't, you can create them by typing this (or clicking on the links):

/join meeting or /join check-in

You also can create additional channels using this syntax: /join mychat

where "mychat" is whatever name you like. You can use this for private chats or chats that aren't check-ins or meetings. :)

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