Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

fudoshin: 43 things the PA way

I need to rework this list, and focus a lot more on topline behavior.  It's important to keep the bottomlines, but I also need to keep the toplines.  It's not enough just to abstain from this or that. I've got to have some shit in my life worth living for, so to speak.  For now I'm piloting the following restrictions. I  find it's harder to work with absolutes than restrictions.


  • I will allow myself to spend 30 minutes on YouTube (and other video sites) during the weekend. 

TopLine Behavior:

  • I need to make a list everyday of things that need to get done.  I must
    order the list for priority level.  I have to repeatedly look at the
    list, when switching tasks.
  • I work on my papers for at least one hour everyday, until I finish.
  • For eight weeks, I will exercise once a day for thirty minutes, even if it's as simple as walking for thirty minutes.  I can do walking, running, jogging, swimming, martial arts, yoga, weight training, sit-ups, push-ups or any combination thereof for thirty minutes.(1/17/10)
  • For the end of this term and next (spring and winter), I will be on time for my remaining appointments and commitments, when possible.  I know there are emergencies, but there's a difference between an emergency and when I can actually be on time.  I will turn work in on time for my remaining commitments, and I will communicate with people when I don't think I can get work in on time.  I will also do the required preparation for the day.  If I'm required to read a certain piece of material, I will read it by the time, I'm supposed to. (1/17/10) 
    • This means I have to leave on the 3:20pm (I cannot tell if I need to depart on the 3:13pm bus) bus on Tuesday and Thursday, and on Monday and Wednesday during session, I must leave home at 2:30pm.
    • In order to get to the meeting at 7:30pm on Thursday nights, I honestly have to leave as soon as class is over. 
  • I will brush my teeth at 11pm, before going to sleep, for the next year. If I get home later than 11pm, then I brush, as soon as I get home; if I fall out of consciousness and don't realize the time, I will brush as soon as I'm aware of the time.  I just have to be honest with myself.  And by brushing I mean, one brushing of my teeth with a regular toothbrush.  This is actually bottomline, topline behavior, meaning i am requiring myself to do this in order to keep my sobriety.(12/26/09) 
  • I go to a twelve step meeting for PA, CoDA and SLAA once a week.(12/26/09)

fudoshin: looking good : 12:32pm

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 



I need to look better.  Part of that is simply working out on a regular basis.  The other part of that is wearing the right clothes.  Scarcely anything in my closet really looks up to date and good on me.  I need to sell the clothes that do not look great and get other clothes.  And that is expensive, but I sincerely don't look good in my clothes, because the last time I really went shopping was 2006, and my choices before have all been focused on how I can hide my body inside of unflattering outfits.  It's not as one of my qualifiers from SLAA supposed many years ago that I don't know what looks good on me; and more the case that I deliberately looked for things that did NOT make me look hott.  I know what looks good, I avoided those types of clothing most of the time, as an engineer, it is important to be taken seriously and seriously in my profession means not flaunting the fact that I'm not a man.  I sincerely sometimes aimed at buying clothes that did not look good on me, because I was/am a mathematician and it was/is necessary to hide my beauty from males in the department.  But I'm also an actor in need of headshots, a new agent and more audition possibilities.  So at this point, at least half time I need to be looking good.   So anyways, this is just a long way of saying my newest project is literally getting rid of the shit that does not look good.

fudoshin: checkin : 3:55pm

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 



I love exercise so much.  It's my favorite past time. I know...I know.  So anyways, I am going to allow myself to either go on a run, walk or swim, after I spend thirty minutes working on my project as per Neil Fiore's suggestion.

fudoshin: checkin 11:24am

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 



Yesterday (today), I did everything except work on my essay and go running.  And it was still 3am before I was done.  I just think I need to focus on what's best for me.  

Also I need to start writing down my dreams, because the dreams are telling me something.

fudoshin: checkin: 10:22am 12/23

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 


I had an idea that I should apply to a ph.d. program by January 30th. It will require a payment, and three recommendation letters, not to mention the essay.  I'm nervous about asking for recommendation letters, but I can just write a draft first, and see what that looks like.

I wanted to backdown on my BL about SD.  I wanted to watch some of SD's vids or call his fan line last night.  I got myself out of it, by writing in my diary about what I wanted to do.  And just processing and parsing what a certain idiomatic phrase I say to myself means.  It means a lot more than I thought.

I know the first step is breakfast, and I got to do that.

As always, prayers fudo_shin!!

♥"Together we could do, what we could not do alone.♥

fudoshin: thanks: 12:08am 12/25

Thank you so much.  Good to know I'm in someone's prayers.

fudoshin: checkin: 12:34pm ; 12/21

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 



I'm getting some long gloves, comet and scotchbrite spongues from the store.  Cuz I cannot clean without them.  I am also getting my receipt and bringing it with me.

When I come home I am brushing my teeth and exercising for thirty minutes.  I don't care what I do, but it must be done.  I must look professional and that means exercising everyday.

fudoshin: Monday 12/21/09 11:28am

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 



I had a slip on bottomline number 3 yesterday.  I just need to figure out a way to get myself to do my teeth at night, before bed.  I need to do this.  No ifs ands or buts about it.  The reason I got to do it at night is cuz I don't have time to do the whole routine during the day.  And brushing at night is at least something.

Anyways, after I finishing brushing, flossing, using listerine and a periodontic brush, I"m going to the conservatory to clean with some gloves I buy for the playhouse.

fudoshin: 12:56pm

I communicated with my professor about my English course. I feel good that I made an attempt to communicate.  Next what I'm going to do is try to finish the French composition.