Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

fudo_shin 's back to college list

Please no advice.  Positive feedback is welcome.
Action items:
  •  read two essays related to AILD
  • implement those papers in my paper.
  • return my professor's book.
  • revise my paper to explore the points he mentioned.
  • add material from the Dewey Dell Section
  • I need to email him.
  • I need to write the Dept of Rehab an email telling them my intention to continue
  • Submit my second paper as a sample to the Dept. of Rehab
  • I need to read The Last Generation and take notes.
  • write a paper about the antagony of race and homosexual relations
  • read the contrasting Blake poems and write about them
  • submit my papers to the department and email both of my teachers, letting them know that I wish to make up the work
  • schedule and appointment and meet with the department to discuss a study plan.
  • contact Norte and ask them if I am allowed to stay here next year.
  • submit my transcripts to the Dept of Rehab
  • register at CSU via late enrollment form
  • figure out if I'm actually accepted to the Department at CSU
  • find a place to live either in LB or Irvine, depending on where I will attend school
  • get a full-time job to save up expenses to move
  • get accomodations at the CSU: 150% time on tests and quizzes, Recording for the Blind &Dyslexic, Note-takers

Back to college

Hi fudo_shin,

Sounds like a lot to do -- great that you are planning ahead.  Best of luck with everything!
