Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Introductions and Procrastination Discussion

If you're just joining, please introduce yourself here. This is also the section for general discussion about procrastination topics - articles you've read, questions, thoughts, insights, etc.

Tools that have actually helped you

Just wondering if anyone has any productivity tools that help them.

I'm a big user of google calendar, but most importantly, I have most things set to automatically send me email reminders about 10 hours beforehand. This has helped me manage my appointments and workshifts much better. I am also sending myself alerts that tell me when I should be a half hour away from leaving the house and need to be ready.

Introduction: Hi Everyone

Hello! I have been a procrastinator for what seems like most of my life.  As the years go by it gets progressively worse.  It was easy to get away with in mid-school and high school.  Got a bit harder in college and as an adult in the 'real world' it is terrible!!

Back to PA because of Jay, yes as in Silent Bob

I just posted this on another forum and surprised myself with the conclusion :) Warning for talk of drug addictioon (not mine.)

I woke up today with, 'Is it a week till I move? It's a week till I move.'

New Article: Find the Solution by Identifying the Problem

I posted a new article last night with a useful anti-procrastination technique I learned in a teleseminar. Here's the link, in case you didn't notice it:

SPAM!!! (just kidding), what you think of procrastination?


Just writing cause I got a cool idea. I was wondering what you guys think of procrastination and how do you define it? What do you think its nature is? Pscyhological, physiological, bad habbit or addiction, fear based or comfort driven (both maybe?), due to resistance, a college student epidemic, perhaps just our natural state left over from evolution, it's definition in general etc, and any other details you find fitting. Feel free to throw in your personal experience with the subject.

Introduction - I'm marcreed and I'm a compulsive procrastinator

Hey everyone!

I'm marcreed and I've been procrastinating I think since the age of 7-8.

My parents were always demanding and later in my life I've found that it was impossible to live up to their expectations, so I gave up and started to defy them.

This defiance eventually somehow bloomed into its' current state of compulsive resistance towards things I should be doing but they involve some sort of discomfort.


Hello Fellow procrastinators!!

I'm new here & would like to know if there are any other members with ADHD as many/most of the symptoms are identical.   

Thank you...



hello ladies and gents,

wanted to share my progress it's been close to 3 or 4 mos with you guys now. It's been rough in some ways and overall a growing experience. But, I'm gald to say that things have gotten better. Adaptation I guess, now that I'm close to being done with my first years classes I'd say I'm not an epic procrastinator anymore!!!!! I'm just more of an intermediate one, I get the job done I do studying usually daily or atleast every other day. My cramming is down, which is nice (not completely gone but down).

if nobody seems to reply in chat ... don't worry! ...because ...

Just wanted to let you know that we use the chatbox for "checking-in" periodically while working on tasks.  We say what we're working on, then stay logged in while working on something for anywhere from 5-60 minutes or so.  Then check back in.

So if you enter the chatbox, and say hello, and nobody greets you, it's because everyone is working on tasks.

Hello Everyone...

Just wanted to introduce myself

Hi everyone,

I've joined the PA this week and couldn't be more excited. :-) 

I have difficulty with achieving long-term goals - like an admissions test that has been postponed for about 2 years now.. It's easy to start but then I always find excuses to change the study plan and focus on the mundane day-to-day responsibilities.

Hi, newbie here - Cinderella

Hello, fellow procrastinators!

Slipping up...

Hi Everyone,

I joined Pro-Anon a bit more than a week ago, and I've really found micro-bursts in the chat helpful..

But I have slipped up in the last half week or more - my productivity driven mostly by deadlines and last-minute desperation more than mature forsight. I come home from classes and feel that I "deserve" a break, play some computer games and then realize I've been playing for hours. I feel disgusted with myself and then, inexplicably, continue playing. 

The all-too-familiar all nighter -_-

What have I done...

Introduction - Hi I'm Kim and I'm a procrastinator.

I have accomplished a lot during the times I have been able to pull myself together, but then there have been many MORE days when it was a good day if I was able to get a shower in. I have this debilitating perfectionism (even with things that don't matter)...that makes me feel so trapped and unable to move.

Procrastination / Productivity Software

Hi Folks,

I was curious as to whether anyone had stumbled upon software for procrastination or productivity. I have a lot of techniques rostered for personal use, from therapy, from Counseling the Procrastinator in Academic Settings, from The Procrastination Equation, from The 60 second Procrastinator and so forth--but the application of these techiques is a psychologically/emotionally labourious task. Actually, applying procrastination techniques is something about which I procrastinate most heavily.

Hi, Fellow Travelers - My Story

I procrastinated posting my first post, thinking: This is way too long.  No one's going to read this tripe!

But for those of you who prove me wrong, thank you in advance for your empathy, feedback, and support.

Here is my response to pro's question, "Why do you want to join this website?" 

Walker (<= one who takes steps, both forward and backward, but eventually reaches her desired destination)

. . . . . . .

Dear Webmaster,

Hi I'm new, and my little intro

Hello all, I'm glad to have found this forum,  :)

Im a university student, going to graduate architecture school in a year. I've struggled with procrastination ever since I was a kid, but ever since I had some depression issues in high school, it has become worse and life-altering.

Another new member

As seems to be the case for pretty much everyone who posts here, I found a profound sense of relief when I found this website, at seeing my experience described so neatly.  I am most definitely a demand-resistant procrastinator.

Looking for bookending buddies, folks to do "co-working" with

Hi everyone, 

I've been using a really helpful tool (well, it helps when you remember to use it, that is!) which is bookending tasks one-on-one style.  I know a lot of us do this, sometimes with the conference call line.  I've found what's most helpful to me is to do it one-on-one with a friend, by phone.  A fellow traveler who I met through PA believed firmly in 25 minutes being a magic number.  I'm a bit flexible - 25 - 45 minutes.. but the gist of it is, we alternate phoning each other in 25 to 45 minute increments.  It goes sort of like this:


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