Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 17th March 2014

hazyjane ci monday june 30th

Been away and have had no routine. Back in harness as of today.

Morning (up at 8am): HP, exercise, breakfast, dog walk, buy water (health habit number seven), quiet time (semi-meditation).

Noon: meeting, fellowship.

Afternoon: housework!!!! (hoover, laundry, plant care. Change sheet on bed.)

6pm: return of daughter from w/end away: welcome with some healthy dinner and a clean house :).

7pm: leave for commitment (late).

9pm: home, walk dogs. 

11pm: bed. 

It's an inside job...

believe ...

      JOY !!!

Vic 6.29.14

Maintainence, do what works for me, grateful good MB readings lately, HP with help of T helping me not to give up on myself

Sunday, June 29, 2014 From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie
God's Will       God's will most often happens in spite of us, not because of us.
We may try to second guess what God has in mind for us, looking, searching, hypervigilant to seek God's will as though it were a buried treasure, hidden beyond our reach. If we find it, we win the prize. But if we're not careful, we miss out.
That's not how it works.
We may believe that we have to walk on eggshells, saying, thinking, and feeling the right thing, while forcing ourselves somehow to be in the right place at the right time to find God's will. But that's not true.God's will for us is not hidden like a buried treasure. We do not have to control or force it. We do not have to walk on eggshells in order to have it happen.

It is right there inside and around us. It is happening, right now. Sometimes, it is quiet and uneventful and includes the daily disciplines of responsibility and learning to take care of ourselves. Sometimes, it is healing us when we're in circumstances that trigger old grieving and unfinished business.Sometimes, it is grand.
We do have a part. We have responsibilities, including caring for ourselves. But we do not have to control God's will for us. We are being taken care of. We are protected. And the Power caring for and protecting us loves us very much.
If it is a quiet day, trust the stillness. If it is a day of action, trust the activity. If it is time to wait, trust the pause. If it is time to receive that which we have been waiting for, trust that it will happen clearly and with power, and receive the gift in joy.

Today, I will trust that God's will is happening, as it needs to in my life. I will not make myself anxious and upset by searching vigorously for God's will, taking unnecessary actions to control the course of my destiny or wondering if God's will has passed me by and I have missed it.

Sunday June 29, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

4. Go to the 8 a.m. telephone OA meeting

5. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone DA meeting

6. Go to the 9:50 a.m. telephone CLA activity line

7. Test blood sugar

8. Cook and eat breakfast

9. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

10. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone UA meeting

11. Write down three questions for tonight's meeting

12. Do ACA work

13. Do some NA work

14. Wash dishes

15. Clear tables

16. Go through magazines

17. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

18. Go to the 7 p.m. online EA meeting

19. Go to the 7:30 p.m. telephone CLA activity line

20. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

21. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone  CLA business meeting

Thanks for letting me share

Vic 6.28.14

Maintenance tasks, do what works for me

Saturday, June 28, 2014    From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie
When Things Don't Work

Frequently, when faced with a problem, we may attempt to solve it in a particular way. When that way doesn't work, we may continue trying to solve the problem in that same way.We may get frustrated, try harder, get more frustrated, and then exert more energy and influence into forcing the same solution that we have already tried and that didn't work.
That approach makes us crazy. It tends to get us stuck and trapped. It is the stuff that unmanageability is made of.
We can get caught in this same difficult pattern in relationships, in tasks, in any area of our life. We initiate something, it doesn't work, doesn't flow, we feel badly, then try the same approach harder, even though it's not working and flowing.Sometimes, it's appropriate not to give up and to try harder. Sometimes, it's more appropriate to let go, detach, and stop trying so hard.If it doesn't work, if it doesn't flow, maybe life is trying to tell us something. Life is a gentle teacher. She doesn't always send neon road signs to guide us. Sometimes, the signs are more subtle. Something not working may be a sign!
Let go. If we have become frustrated by repeated efforts that aren't producing desired results, we may be trying to force ourselves down the wrong path. Sometimes, a different solution is appropriate. Sometimes, a different path opens up. Often, the answer will emerge more clearly in the quietness of letting go than it will in the urgency, frustration, and desperation of pushing harder.
Learn to recognize when something isn't working or isn't flowing. Step back and wait for clear guidance.
Today, I will not make myself crazy by repeatedly trying solutions that have proven themselves unsuccessful. If something isn't working, I will step back and wait for guidance.

Saturday June 28, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Test blood sugar

3. Fix and eat breakfast

4. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

5. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

6. Go to the 8 a.m. telephone OA meeting

7. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting

8. Get dressed

9. Go to the 10 a.m. face to face NA meeting

10. Cook and eat lunch

11. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA business meeting

12. Go to the 4 p.m. telephone Al-Anon meeting

13. Warm up and eat dinner

14. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

15. Go to the 7:30 p.m. face to face NA meeting

16. Test blood sugar

Thanks for letting me share

@ Vic

Wow, Vic, that post blew me away (or at least the prickle of tears).  May I walk this way with you...?


Today I won't 'plan' anything - stick to the basic. Program but focus on God and his will for me in each moment...


To all my fellow sprinters, walkers, crawlers, moonwalkers and limpers - Thanks for your company! 


Thank You! and your company.

Pa pa(ers) are my "life support system" right now, anything else is "extra". Grateful for you and  spirit of everyone here. No way would/could I "show up" anywhere else.



Vic 6.27.14

Maintenance tasks, do what works for me

 Friday, June 27, 2014  Achieving Harmony From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie
When a pianist learns a new piece of music, he or she does not sit down and instantly play it perfectly. A pianist often needs to practice each hand's work separately to learn the feel, to learn the sound. One hand picks out a part until there is a rhythm and ease in playing what is difficult. Then, the musician practices with the other hand, picking through the notes, one by one, until that hand learns its tasks. When each hand has learned its part - the sound, the feel, the rhythm, and the tones - then both hands can play together.
During the time of practice, the music may not sound like much. It may sound disconnected, not particularly beautiful. But when both hands are ready to play together, music is created - a whole piece comes together in harmony and beauty.
When we begin recovery, it may feel like we spend months, even years, practicing individual, seemingly disconnected behaviors in the separate parts of our life.
We take our new skills into our work, our career, and begin to apply them slowly, making our work relationships healthier for us. We take our skills into our relationships, sometimes one relationship at a time. We struggle through our new behaviors in our love relationships.
One part at a time, we practice our new music note by note.
We work on our relationship with our Higher Power - our spirituality. We work at loving ourselves. We work at believing we deserve the best. We work on our finances. On our recreation. Sometimes on our appearance. Sometimes on our home.
We work on feelings. On beliefs. On behaviors. Letting go of the old, acquiring the new. We work and work and work. We practice. We struggle through. We go from one extreme to the other, and sometimes back through the course again. We make a little progress, go backward, and then go forward again.
It may all seem disconnected. It may not sound like a harmonious, beautiful piece of music - just isolated notes. Then one day, something happens. We become ready to play with both hands, to put the music together.
What we have been working toward, note by note, becomes a song. That song is a whole life, a complete life, and a life in harmony.
The music will come together in our life if we keep practicing the parts.
Today, I will practice my recovery behaviors through the individual parts of my life. I trust that, one day, things will come together in a full, complete song.

Grateful to read this, I was ready to "give up" on myself, guess was hp.

Friday June 27, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meeting, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

4. Cook and eat breakfast

5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting

6. Go to voc rehab

7. Go to the 10 a.m. telephone DA meeting

8. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting

9. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

10. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

11. Fix and eat lunch

12. Wash dishes

13. Clear up tables

14. Go to the 5 p.m. telephone OA meeting

15. Cook and eat dinner

16. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

17. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

18. Go to the 8 p.m. online EA meeting

19. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meeting

20. Test blood sugar twice a day

Thanks for letting me share

Friday 27th June

It 915 and I'm awake, b'fasted, prayer & reflection for the day.

Each hour to grasp the significance of 'now'...

Get dressed, mail, quick fruit/veg shop.

1000 workout w friend

1100 shower clothes off line

1130 start pharm m cq 15min x3 for 2 hours

1330-1530 whatever but Inc. change addresses for superpayroll, insurance co.

1400 ring M

1530-1800 pharm mcq

1800-2030 whatever

2030-2230 phys viva
2230 read

2330 bed 

Vic 6.26.14

Maintenance tasks, do what works for me

Am beside nyself....

Am already behaving as if the race is lost- - so defeatist, don't even know what to dowth myself!! I'm 4 days into my week off and literal 30mins of useful focused study done!!!!!!!!!! Not exaggerating to make it sound worse!( Haha, so twisted).

Just need to pour out whatever is there, The Fear. "Perfect love drives out fear."

So back to basics:

 I admit that I am powerless over my procrastination and debt and that my life had become unmanageable.  I came to believe that a Power greater than myself could restore me to sanity and I made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God. I humbly ask God to remove my shortcomings. I pray constantly and unceasingly only for knowledge of God's will for me today and the power to carry that out.  

Its not about the tasks - its about listening to the moment and going with the flow of the spirit - today and NOW.

Its not about the money, its about listening to the simplicity of need and contentment - today and NOW.

 O man I am so not in control and that totally freaks me out! Instead of losing control I will choose to give up my control.


've cancelled my dinner plans for tonight that were meant to be a reward for a good day's work. Don't waste the opportunity!

1600-1800 pharm mc q w timer and chatbox

1800-1930 pilates, dinner, ring someone sane

1930-2100 path vivas

2100-2230 anat vivas

2230-2330 read something that builds me up, no more tv before bed- it just eats your life away, 30mins at a time!


Thursday June 26, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Test blood sugar

3. Cook and eat breakfast

4. Get dressed

5. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

6. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

7. Go to the doctor at 8:15 a.m.

8. Call the mental health center for them to leave me lunch

9. Go to group therapy at 9:25 a.m.

10. Eat lunch

11. Go to group therapy at 1 p.m.

12. Wash dishes

13. Warm up and eat dinner

14. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

15. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

16. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

17. Test blood sugar

Thanks for letting me share



Vic 6.2514

Maintenance tasks, do what works for me

“The point of power is always in the present moment.”
“I have noticed that the Universe loves Gratitude. The more Grateful you are, the more goodies you get”
“I say “Out” to every negative thought that comes to my mind. No
person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker
in my mind. I create my own reality and everyone in it.”

Louise L. Hay


Wednesday June 25, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Test blood sugar

3. Take shower

4. Get dressed

5. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

6. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

7. Cook and eat breakfast

8. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting

9. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

10. Go to the bank

11. Go to group therapy at 10:45 a.m. 

12. Eat lunch

13. Go to group therapy at 1 p.m.

14. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

15. Wash dishes

16. Clear tables

17. Warm up and eat dinner

18. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

19. Go to the 7:30 p.m. telephone DA-HOW meeting

20. Go to the 8:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

21. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting

22. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

23. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

Thanks for letting me share


people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily

zig ziglar



basic shop

phone son---and extras

phone mum 

bath, wash hair 

wash towels 


organise office 

emails intro 

drawings/prep/    printing?  



Back after nights...

So finished nights Monday morning - really does take me two full days to recover. We am now - got up optimistically at 830 - no study as yet.


Sheets washed and hung out

Prayer and dedication

Check banking

Healthy b'fast 

Ring insurance companies
Renew medical insurance

Email J

 Do some exercise - jog or circuit

Do some plates


Found myself daydreaming which means avoidance and stress -- let it go and just do each little step - just because this mornings gone doesn't mean the day has! 

1120 make coffee

1130 pharm mcq 3x15mins x2

 1330-1500 do whatever Inc. jobs above - return R bike

1500-1730 viva - anta
1730-2000 whatever Inc. workout and healthy dinner

2030 -2230 pharm mcq

2230 read & bed 

Vic 6.24.14

Maintenance tasks, do what works for me

Tuesday June 24, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:55 telephone ACA meeting

2. Test blood sugar

3. Take shower

4. Get dressed

5. Fix and eat breakfast

6. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

7. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

8. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

9. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.

10. Go to individual therapy at 10:15 a.m.

11. Call the pharmacy

12. Eat lunch

13. Go to the store

14. Go to the pharmacy

15. Do numbers

16. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone DA meeting

17. Do some ACA work

18. Get mail

19. Clear tables

20. Cook and eat dinner

21. Go to the 6 p.m. telephone OA meeting

22. Go to the 7 p.m. telephone OA meeting

23. Go to the 8:30 p.m. telephone ACA meeting

24. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

Re: Each step forward and each start ... builds to the next

One small step is not just much more than nothing,
it is infinitely more
. (-- Clement)

And the task that seems infinite ... is finite.

Help me find the courage and faith
to start and to keep going.

Every moment can be a new start.

Thank you to PA member Chickadee for providing this sequence of images and words to inspire our day.


Just what I needed!



Innertruth's Monday, June 23

9 to 10 - check fb, email Ayesha, email naheed, TY George, check ESL websites

  1. read SS and WF
  2. go to UA meeting
  3. Queries
  4. check LI for ESL contacts
  5. Contact City Op
  6. Go to CO
  7. Buy glasses
  8. Buy lightbulbs
  9. Go to SL for running shoes
  10. Deposit cheque in bank


  1. wash dishes
  2. walk
  3. Tidy clothes and clean bedroom
  4. Sort desk (SB statements, pay stubs, TESL, H&P)
  5. Put groceries away
  6. Recycle 


Vic 6.23.14

Maintenance tasks, do what works for me

Monday, June 23, 2014   Letting Go of Old Beliefs
Try harder. Do better. Be perfect. These messages are tricks that people have played on us. No matter how hard we try, we think we have to do better. Perfection always eludes us and keeps us unhappy with the good we've done.
Messages of perfectionism are tricks because we can never achieve their goal. We cannot feel good about ourselves or what we have done while these messages are driving us. We will never be good enough until we change the messages and tell ourselves we are good enough now.
We can start approving of and accepting ourselves. Who we are is good enough. Our best yesterday was good enough; our best today is plenty good too.
We can be who we are, and do it the way we do it - today. That is the essence of avoiding perfection.
God, help me let go of the messages that drive me into the crazies. I will give myself permission to be who I am and let that be good enough.              From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie

monday 23 june

people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily

zig ziglar



wash hair

make bed

cook dinner

phone wolve/son (wednesday?)

finances gas/phone---fare tomorrowSmile

consol phoneSmile

basic shop + GYM

filling --complete

organise office


pick up script Smile

Monday June 23, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meeting, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Test blood sugar

3. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

4. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

5. Cook and eat breakfast

6. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting

7. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

8. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line

9. Go to the 10 a.m. telephone UA meeting

10. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting

11. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

12. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

13. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line

14. Cook and eat lunch

15. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone UA meeting

16. Go to my mom's apartment and get dinner

17. Clear up tables

18. Wash dishes

19. Warm up and eat dinner

20. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

21. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

22. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting

23. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

24. Test blood sugar

Thanks for letting me share

Vic 6.22.14

Maintenance tasks, do what works for me

“Our ability to recover from life's setbacks is much greater when we see them as temporary rather than permanent.”AFH



Sunday June 22, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Test blood sugar

3. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

4. Go to the 7 p.m. telephone DA meeting

5. Fix and eat breakfast

6. Go to the 8 a.m. telephone OA meeting

7. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone DA meeting

8. Take shower

9. Get dressed

10. Go to church

11. Eat lunch

12. Wash and dry clothes

13. Type three questions for tonight's meeting

14. Clear up tables

15. Cook and eat dinner

16. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

17. Go to the 7 p.m. online EA meeting

18. Go to the 7:30 p.m. telephone CLA activity line

19. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

20. Test blood sugar

Thanks for letting me share


people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily



SHOP basic


wash hair

wash sheets

FINANCES phone bill

organise office, clear desk 

drawings prep

loft phone 


people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily

zig ziglar


wash up 2 x 10Smile

tidy kitchen wash 3 x 10Smile


mop floor 2 x 10Smile

done 9Smile 

clean toiletSmile

tidy living room

wash hair


organise office --clear desk

 clear desk living room

Salamander's check in - Saturday, 21 June 2014

Greetings, my fellow procrastinators! I haven't been here in a long time but I still have the same need to be here so... here I am again. Thank you all for creating the community I can take safe shelter in.

In my news, I'm going to join Overeaters Anonymous imminently too.

So here is my list of today's goals - briefly.

  • Make delicious veggie-laden quorn "cottage" pie for dinner
  • Wash up as I go along and leave kitchen cleared up and clean by bedtime
  • Start to declutter the hotspot on the dining room table (15 minutes on timer)
  • Hoover downstairs

I'd love to think I could get all that done and have time spare, but I think that's about all I can manage before bed.

If there is any spare time, I will continue to declutter the hotspot on the dining room table.

Thanking Pro for creating this space. Have a good day everyone!



"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)

Vic 6.21.14

 Maintenance tasks, do what works for me

Saturday June 21, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, and my life.

1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Test blood sugar

3. Fix and eat breakfast

4. Go to church/food bank

5. Go to the 11:15 a.m. telephone DA workshop

6. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

7. Cook and eat lunch

8. Make copies and print out copies

9. Go to the 4 p.m. telephone Al-Anon meeting

10. Cook and eat dinner

11. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting

12. Go to the 7:30 p.m. face to face NA meeting

13. Test blood sugar

Thanks for letting me share



Innertruth's check-in for Friday, June 20

  1. Search for ESL jobs
  2. Update spreadsheet
  3. Apply to all o/s jobs
  4. T O app
  5. Phone Victoria re tutoring
  6. Report for Ayesha
  7. email Naheed and others
  8. TY George V.
  9. run
  10. go to NB for running shoes

  11. go to contact fitter

  12. work
  13. wash dishes
  14. UA meeting



movingalong check-in: Friday, June 20, 2014

fill out form
turn in form

Friday June 20, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meeting, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Test blood sugar

4. Cook and eat breakfast

5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

6. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone UA meeting

7. Go to the 10 a.m. telephone DA meeting

8. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting

9. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

10. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

11. Go to the store and grocery shop

12. Get medicine ready for the next two weeks

13. Cook and eat dinner

14. Go to the 5 p.m. telephone OA meeting

15. Go to the 6 p.m. telephone CLA business meeting

16. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

17. Go to the 8 p.m. online EA meeting

18. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting

19. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meeting

20. Wash dishes

21. Test blood sugar

Thanks for letting me share

re: balance





marcelor Thursday

The days go by like minutes... and I am terribly stuck. I cannot imagine a state of lower productivity :-(


keep coming back. it helps me to focus on the next 3 things. I can build up @3, otherwise I go to my "all or nothing" default mode, does not work ass well.

Mama_Cat's picture

Vic, funny :)

Dear Vic,

I know you did not mean to say "ass well," but that was your typo and it DID make me laugh!

In fact, that all or nothing default does NOT work. Works like @ss! :)

Take care, friend -


"[People] need to be connected to each other. Courage comes out of relationship; it doesn’t come out of willpower." Peter Block, author of Servant Leadership: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest.


LOL your right, "typo" lol xxoo V

Thursday June 19, 2014

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, and my life.

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Took shower

3. Got dressed

4. Went to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

5. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

6. Tested my blood sugar

7. Cooked and ate breakfast

8. Went to the doctor

Things I will do today

1. Eat lunch

2. Go to group therapy at 1 p.m.

3. Get my prescriptions filled

4. Go to the library and make copies

5. Get medicine ready for the next two weeks

6. Cook and eat dinner

7. Go to church at 7 p.m.

8. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

9. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting

10. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

11. Wash dishes

12. Test blood sugar

Thanks for letting me share

Vic 6.19.14

Maintenance tasks, do what works for me

The secret of success is constancy of purpose.--Benjamin Disraeli   

Had productive day yesterday, I need to remember consistency is key for me, I can takle things differently today, I don't have to stop.  Grateful PA helps me do that with my HP.thanks pa(ers)