Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Introductions and Procrastination Discussion

If you're just joining, please introduce yourself here. This is also the section for general discussion about procrastination topics - articles you've read, questions, thoughts, insights, etc.

Hey Everyone...

Hey Everyone,

Hi, I’m Savio. I’m 21. Undergrad student in 2nd year MBBS.

By Now---

1. I gym 4 days a week. I’m very happy with the way I look. (And the girls too. Ha-ha.)
2. I spend more time with the people I love, my gf, close friends and family.
3. I know things that make me happy and things I love.
4. I give myself 1 hour each day to be alone & have some quality time. Think. Write.
5. I've simplified my life a lot. My room is no longer messy, as it used to be. I made a rule to keep things that are most useful or loved and give away everything else. Almost.

Feeling good...

I have not posted on here for a while but just wanted to update on were I am at now. It really helped, at the time, to be able to share my anguish and know that I would be understood.

I don't fully understand my reason for procrastinating but can only guess it was down to feeling low and depressed, and following the wrong path. I have come a long way in the last few months - letting go of things in the past which have been haunting me.

I have also embarked on a new career path which feels right, everything today just feels so right. I no longer feel the need to self sabotage and 

The beginning of the end.

Hi Everyone... I've procrastinated ever since I can remember. It has caused me MASSIVE and NEEDLESS pain,despair and depression. Recently I've taken a good hard look at myself and made a decision that this will end... I've also made the realization just like others have here that chronic procrastination IS a life destroying addiction (In many ways worse, and harder to rehabilitate than any drug), therefore I'm now regarding it just as seriously as being addicted to heroin, instead of thinking that it's just "a bad habit" like I have in the past. Thinking of procrastination in this manner has changed my attitude alot, and I think it's a perspective that others who suffer from this problem should adopt immediately if they want to change.

Another New Member Looking For The Cure!

Hello my fellow time wasters, potential dumpers and 10% out of the lemon squeezers,

I am a 22yr old male.  I live on my own and I am fully independent.  My sex and social life couldn't get any better if I had a genie in a lamp.  I am good looking (although I would like to drop a few pounds... like 25).  I have my own legal home business in which I have a very flexible schedule and I am my own boss.  I have a car, nothing special but gets me around.  I am intelligent, well spoken, well mannered and popular.  My side job on weekends is probably one of the most fun things you can do.


Hello. I just registered on this site today after sitting in my office all day doing everything BUT my paperwork. I just can't seem to start...I've procrastinated to the point of exhaustion Yell, and now it's time to go home...I'm really tired from not doing anything I should and everything I shouldn't and I still have to go grocery shopping and pick up supplies for work tomorrow (and go home and pretend I was productive...ugh). Sometimes I feel like it takes every ouce of energy I have just to not stare into space...I'm super anxious...about to jump out of my skin. Anxiety and guilt...I know it would all be better if I'd just start and stay on task. It's not like I've never done it before, but it never fails; I fall right back into the same pattern of letting things build up again. I've been like this all my life: sometimes really productive, producing excellent quality work, then falling behind again. I wonder if I can ever be consistent. There are so many things I want to do.

Anyway, thanks for providing me with a place to rant. I've always thought that one day I'd pull it all together and develop healthy habits, but I'm discouraged. What stops me from doing EASY stuff? Don't mean to sound like a complete screw up...most people have no idea how much this affects me.

I haven't looked around the site that much today (too nervous), but I'd appreciate all the help I can get.


Hey, I'm new to the site

I've recently admitted to  myself that I am powerless against my procrastination.   This is a big step for me; while always knowing I was a procrastinator I never could admit defeat.  After barely making it out of HS, losing countless jobs, flunking out my first semester of college, getting on academic probation once I got into school again and being unable to keep a coherent schedule, I can now say I have lost control of my life due to procrastination.  I am glad to find a space where people take this as seriously as I do.   THERE IS HOPE FOR US YET!  I am certain of it.  I've already gotten a lot out of Pro's articles and I think this site is a Godsend.  I'm addictive escapism.... all the way.  I put off EVERYTHING POSSIBLE!  Even urinating.  I'm serious.  I am beyond lazy.  I'll even put off smoking pot even when I really really want to.  And of course smoking ganja only makes me procrastinate more.  Marijuana and procrastination go hand in hand for me and I plan to end both once and for all.  I'm here for support, advice, and peers who can truly empathize with extreme procrastination.

42 years and counting...

Hi everyone! I just found this site, and boy, does it every strike close to the bone! Especially the article about Demand Resistance. Not that any of it is a surprise to me. I'm a voracious reader, and in school I'd often avoid doing homework by reading. Unless the homework WAS reading, then forget it, I would never get around to it lol.

I'm a stay at home Mom, always at various stages of panic/guilt/avoidance over something. My kids are 8 and 5, starting grade 3 & 1. I'm really worried about how I"M going to keep up with all their school stuff. Schools are extremely dependant on parents for so much, homework, voluteering, school council etc, I almost dread school starting up again, as much as I need some time to myself.

Being a SAHM is MUCH harder than working for $$ (for me). Everything is open ended, no external deadlines - when does the shopping need to get done? What time is supper? Don't even get me started about housework! Everything about it confronts my worst character flaws, every day.

I could really relate to the person (sorry, cant remember your name) who said this is the worst addiction! I used to say to my husband who was trying to quit smoking - Sure it's hard, but drop us on a desert Island - you're cured, I can procrastinate anywhere!


Hello. New blood.

Hey there.

Im new, thats obvious. I came here and decided to sign up when I read Pro's article:
Chronic Procrastination is NOT a Time Management Problem!

That spoke to me like it came from on high.

I have seriously fucked up my life by procrastinating.
I am finishing off a school level now most people my age have six years ago. And its not because I am progressing along a career path. I am fairly intelligent and very well informed(=procrastination+internet). When I am putting off a 15 minute school assignment past deadline or when my wife is telling me that its seriously hurting our relaitionship and I cant stop when I desperately want to. Then its not because Im lazy or stupid. Its because Im sick in the head.

Hi newbie here


So how does one write a letter of introduction? Specially when you have to think it through 50 times then reread what you wrote to see if it makes any sense, and then decide if what you said is really what you wanted to share in the first place? Signs of perfectionism? Lord knows?

Im glad I decided to try surfing again on this topic. Seems I may actually have found some place where others can truely relate. Seems it affects all aspects of my life......never on time for anything...... be late for my own funeral if that was house looks like a bomb hit it or its been ransacked.......and im always running late. Weird thing is im only like this when Im at home. At work I like things neat and orderly and if Im ever at a friends house I'll be one of the first to pitch in and clean up.

How do I find a dissertation coach?

Hello All,

Julie posted about finally finishing her dissertation with the help of a dissertation coach.  *Lightbulb*  Ah, the power of 12-step groups!  I would probably never have thought of that.  Thank you Julie for sharing your experience, strength and hope :)

I think a coach might really help me.  And, I'm desperate.  I will do whatever it takes and structure is helpful.

Can Julie or anyone else give me advice on how to find a good, reputable dissertation coach?

Thanks much,


Rock Bottom


Today I feel I’ve reached rock bottom in PA. It’s so clear to me what my procrastination has cost and is costing me. Today I had a letter regarding a legal case. It is possible I have left it to late to take action. I do not know if I have as it is a legal matter but I can find out. I do not know if I would have won settled or lost the case but that does not matter either. What I do know is that I have had almost six years to take action and have delayed for whatever reason and I really can’t say why. I can afford to lose the case but that is not the point either.

It is procrastination. I am responsible. I am powerless over my procrastination.

Hi, new here

Just found this site today while surfing for information on all-nighters, actually!

I'm a lifelong procrastinator and I have occasionally had other addictive problems (most notably smoking, although I quit nearly 4 years ago).  I too am a PhD student who is really behind and who did most of my work, throughout my life, in a last-minute panic.  Even though I really hated putting myself in that position when I did my MA, I have found myself in the exact same situation now. 

I have put off just about everything, from taking a shower in the morning to gett


Hi Everyone,

I am so glad I found this site.  And before I get perfectionistic and "never get around" to composing an articulate, witty, stunning introduction email,  I am going to take the advice I've read here so far and just do it.

I am 38 years old and have been (not) writing my PhD dissertation for about 8 years -- and totally panicking.  Procrastination shadowed my early life.  In later years it seems to have swallowed it.

Like many others, I got by on adrenaline and classes that allowed me to make it all up with one paper or exam -- and by going to a college that let me pretty much take whatever I wanted (Brown).  Result:  looked good on paper, was totally incapable (or felt incapable) of actually finishing projects, following through and even imagining the life I was meant to live.


Hi everyone.  My name is Amy and I'm 20 years old.  I have been telling myself I didn't need to join this Web site, but after last night I thought it might be a good idea.  I am a planned procrastinator.  I have everything organized, but I always put things off until the last possible moment.  Last night I had homework due, but I waited until 10:30 to start it and fell asleep.  By the time I woke up it was 12:02 a.m. and my assignment was due at midnight.  I have always got my homework done on time, until the past two weeks when I have missed two assignments because I underestimated the time it would take and missed the deadline to turn them in.

I'm back - Rexroth

I'm back,

Head hanging in shame etc.

It's nearly one in the morning and I'm awake worrying about papers I need to file at court by next Thursday 19th. I've plenty of time to do it and I've been ill. It should take me about a hour or so to get the work done. I've had nearly six years to do it. I had forgotton and if I don't do it the court won't hear the case.

So I'm back and need to be.

I'll post my todo list later as I think I need to sleep at the moment.

Regards Rexroth

An Introduction

Hello everyone,

My name is Ben, I am a recent college graduate who really suffers from chronic procratination. Procrastinating has taken a toll on my schoolwork, jobs, and relationships. I often find myself spending more time preparing to work than actually working. Or I will tell myself that I will do something quick before starting i.e. check my email, read the news, browse the internet. I then get behind on whatever I am doing until I have so much anxiety from being behind that I start. Once I actually start working I find that I can work long periods and also very quickly. I have found that procrastination leads me into addiction with computer games and television. Then I am able to say I'll play for 10 more minutes or watch one more show. Then hours later I find myself still doing that and very disappointed in myself for lack of self-discipline. I know the entire time that I need to stop but I just can't which is incredibly frustrating.

Question about ADD/ADHD

I read some things about ADHD and procrastination here. When I read about ADD, I greatly recognize myself in the symptoms. I am not very hyper-active in my behavior though, but I am feeling restless all the time, and also tend to pick things a lot (fingers, nose, objects). Due to this restlessness I have much difficulties focusing and paying attention to things. At least this is how I feel.

When I talked to my company counselor (a psychologist) about my problems last year, I mentioned ADHD. She did some tests with me, among which some tests focusing on attention/focusing. To my own surprise, I scored quite well on these tests. My counselor then concluded that ADD could not be the problem. She then referred me to a psycho-therapist, who concluded that, briefly said, I was unable to focus on long-term goals and could not ignore short-term satisfaction. Although this helped me in understanding myself a little more, it has not really improved my problems.

Staying up late and being late

I had a couple of questions. I read somewhere else on this site that people had trouble going to bed at a "normal" hour and stayed up until 3 or 4 am on the internet etc. Is that a common behavior in a procrastinator? I also stay up late either reading or on the internet (occasionally working if I'm behind and need to catch up) but usually reading. This is fine when I don't need to be anywhere early the next day, but is a killer when I do. I'm fortunate that my teaching schedule does give me days I don't have to be in early. I've always thought that my body clock was just kind of set that way and I wasn't a morning person, but now looking at my behavior I wonder if I'm doing a little time-bingeing thing. I literally can't make myself go to bed before 2 am and half the time fall asleep on the couch in my clothes and wake up at 5 or 6 and have to "get ready" for bed. My husband thinks I'm crazy I know, although we've been married forever and fortunately he's used to my craziness.


Hi everyone,
I just discovered this website tonight when I was messing around wasting time on the internet instead of doing something productive. Hopefully it will turn out to be a positive thing! I'm most definitely a procrastinator and have been for many years. I have accomplished a lot, but usually put a great deal more stress on myself than would be necessary by putting things off until the last minute. I finished my Ph.D. in nursing about a year and a half ago and have been teaching in a nursing department for the last nine years. I'm currently taking classes towards a post-master's certificate in an online family nurse practitioner program. I'm happily married and have two daughters that are married. They live close by and we get to spend time togther regularly, which I love. I feel like I have a great life in most respects, but I drive myself crazy (as well as my family and co-workers, I'm sure) by ALWAYS running late (about 5-10 minutes), staying up until 3 am finishing projects, and just in general pracrastinating on about everything. Also, my office at home is always a disaster so it is a stressful work environment.

Introducing myself

Hi everybody,

I rediscovered this site yesterday, and I intent to start using it to fight my quite serious procrastination. Introducing myself is the first step.

I have been struggling with my behavior for years, maybe even the major part of my life (I am 30 now). However, it has never given me any real problems, until about a year ago. I changed jobs from an academic (university) to a business environment with more responsibilities. I am now a senior scientist at the research department of a large electronic company. I now have to fill in my own projects and make my own plans. Lacking a real supervisor who tells me what to do when I am drifting around, things started to go wrong. My projects  never get finished, I don't take initiatives to start new projects  and my written output is much too low. Also in my personal life things were a mess.  In September last year I realized that I needed help, but I could not exactly pinpoint what my problems were.  I visited my company counselor (a psychologist), and talked to her about my problems.  By doing some test she ruled out some possible causes for my problems (concentration problems for example, which I thought was the main reason), and she referred me to a colleague of her, a psychotherapist. After four sessions, his main conclusion was that I had problems balancing my short-term and long-term desires.  In Freudian terms: My 'id' was much stronger than my 'super-ego', and my 'ego' was not capable of balancing them.  His suggestion was that I should have someone in both my working as well as my personal life who keeps an eye on my progress and with whom I can agree on goals and deadlines. Of course I postponed this for some time. At this moment, I have meetings with a colleague every two weeks to discuss my progress and my projects. However, I am still able to find excuses and postpone things. In a few weeks, I have an appointment with my manager, and if I cannot show him something finished, I am afraid I will be in trouble.  In my personal life, nothing really changed.

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