Hi everyone,
I just discovered this website tonight when I was messing around wasting time on the internet instead of doing something productive. Hopefully it will turn out to be a positive thing! I'm most definitely a procrastinator and have been for many years. I have accomplished a lot, but usually put a great deal more stress on myself than would be necessary by putting things off until the last minute. I finished my Ph.D. in nursing about a year and a half ago and have been teaching in a nursing department for the last nine years. I'm currently taking classes towards a post-master's certificate in an online family nurse practitioner program. I'm happily married and have two daughters that are married. They live close by and we get to spend time togther regularly, which I love. I feel like I have a great life in most respects, but I drive myself crazy (as well as my family and co-workers, I'm sure) by ALWAYS running late (about 5-10 minutes), staying up until 3 am finishing projects, and just in general pracrastinating on about everything. Also, my office at home is always a disaster so it is a stressful work environment.
I have a lot of goals that I want to accomplish while I'm off work this summer and it's really important that they get done. YIKES! I honestly get overwhelmed thinking about all of them. The first part of my summer was taken up by traveling (for fun and work-related) and by an online course that I just finished last week. I am leaving for a mission trip to Africa on August 1 and won't return until the 15th. I go back to work August 20th so that means everything for next semester has to be pretty much done beforehand. I have a class that I teach that I am transitioning to online that needs a lot of work and student's clinical schedules to arrange. I'll be starting a new online class (as a studnet) about the time I go back to work. I have a lot of preparation to do for the Africa trip. I"m hoping to teach first aid/basic nursing skills to a group of 10-12 women there and need to gather supplies for that. I have an article due for the magazine team I'm on at church on 7/10 and I really need to write an article for publication by summer's end so I can hopefully get promoted at work in the next couple of years. I'm also thinking seriously about training to walk/run a marathon next February. To top it all off, we just got a new dog from a shelter who I am working on housebreaking and socializing. Reading all this kind of makes me laugh. I guess I do have a lot going on, but I am off of work now, and I don't have children at home either, so I feel like I should be able to get a lot done. But I still find it difficult or more truthfully make if difficult for myself. I plan to use the book-ending and I hope that will help as well as giving and getting online encouragement. I'll look forward to talking to all of you!
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Welcome Julie
I'm new here too and just getting my feet wet. Be Strong, Byron