Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Site Information: Forum Policy, Outages, etc.

Miscellaneous important stuff about this site. I'd make this a reply-only board, but Drupal doesn't have the capability. PLEASE DON'T POST NEW TOPICS HERE - FOR WEBMASTER POSTS ONLY.

PA Web Site - present and future

This Web site is running on Drupal 6, which is no longer supported but still works fine. It's what we've been using in the drup6 subdomain (chatbox only) since the original site broke. I have spent a sickening number of hours trying to update the original site, with all its content, to Drupal 7. It was hosted in Drupal 5, and I did manage to update from Drupal 5 to 6 and get everything working again (what you see here), but Drupal 7 was a bridge too far. The update script didn't work properly.

Web site fees due in December - please help

Hi everyone,

Web site fees are due in December, plus I also now pay for a Zoom account ($15/month) to host our meetings. I've already paid the Web hosting fee, and the domain registration fees will be debited next week.

Please help if you can.

Thanks in advance.

just paid annual hosting fee for site - please help

I just paid the annual hosting fee for this site, which is higher now because we needed a business account to handle the load. Your contributions are appreciated! If you can help, please go to this link:

Thank you.

Chatbox is working again

The Chatbox is working again.

Chatbox is down

Our Web host recently discontinued support for PHP 5.2. This has broken the Chatbox, and it's not trivial to fix. The first thing I have to do is update the version of Drupal we are using, and this will require bringing down the entire site for a period of time so I can update it. Drupal is very hard to update (and the developers are proud of the lack of backward compatibility - don't get me started).

BIG PROBLEM: Chatbox uses too many resources

I got a notice this morning from our Web host that even with business hosting (which we currently have), we are using too many resources because of the chatbox. They say we have to get a dedicated server, which I absolutely cannot afford. There are not enough donations for that. I'm not sure what to do.

Site Registrations and Hurricane Sandy

I deeply apologize to the people waiting to get access to this site. I was having various problems for a while and unable to attend to the registrations, which is very time consuming. Then this weekend, when I finally planned to do it, there was Hurricane Sandy.

Two new forum boards have been added

At the request of a member, I added two new Forum boards:

  • Accountability Partners / Sponsors (Post here if you are looking for an accountability partner or a sponsor, or if you can be one.)
  • Success Stories (Share your successes here - large or small. Have you caught up on your taxes? Stopped showing up late for work? Even small victories can mean a lot.)

These are in the same section as the two check-in boards. The section is now renamed "Tools and Success Stories".

Congratulations to pro - PA membership has touched 2000!

Hi all,

You would all be glad to know that PA membership has reached 2000. As of posting this forum, the count stands at 2002.

How do I know ? Just click on the members list and count it. No. It is not hard as you think. There is smarter way. I leave it to you all as a puzzle.

A big congratulation to pro.

Congratulations pro!!


Look up! See that new button at the top: Meeting List? Click it and you will see a consolidated list of all face-to-face, phone, and online (chatbox) meetings of the Procrastinators Anonymous fellowship.

Previously I only had face-to-face meetings on the list, but the phone meetings have become very active (and the online meeting has been going strong since 2007). So now it won't be such a chore to find everything. It's all in one place.

Forum Policy: Membership requires a working email that you CHECK

You must use a working email address in the forum that you actually CHECK. Your email address will never be sold or given to anyone, but I have to be able to reach people in case of problems.

FAIR WARNING: When an email address bounces or the person does not respond to repeated attempts at contact, I will delete the account. 

NOTE: you must turn off spam filters that require the sender to respond

This site does not respond to spam filters like "spam arrest" that make people fill out forms. To avoid problems, you must white-list messages from before applying for membership.


The chatbox is for meetings or check-ins, not for procrastination! If you are not even trying to get something done, please do not hang out in the chatbox and attempt to divert others who are trying to work. This is really important.

Thank you for cooperating.



The Procrastinators Anonymous Web site will be down for one hour starting at 1am EST US tonight (early Sunday) to allow migration of the site to a different server. This is to accomodate the additional load from our chat software. Our Web host thinks this will solve the problem and all will be well going forward.


README: paying for this site may soon become a problem

As this site becomes more popular - and particularly as the chatbox becomes more popular - we are using more resources on the server.

I just received a letter - second one - from our Web host complaining about the usage on this site. They want to move us to a new server with a lower average load. That will bring the site down for about an hour. This will probably happen soon, maybe even today.

Have a Good Day!

To the two other individuals still on the site at this late hour...

Sleep well & have a great day tomorrow!  :-)

One thing that trips me up

Don't know if others go through this problem or not.

I find one thing that worsens my procrastination a great deal is the fact of having procrastinated a lot so far.

If I had scheduled a full day to do a task, and it's 5 PM (I work at home, and constantly, so the day is far from over, but my sleep schedule is screwed up... more on this in another thread) and I still haven't started, I feel that I'm going to do a half-assed job, I won't enjoy the rushed process of doing it, and I won't be happy with the result.

chatbox disconnects

If you were in the chatbox and not typing, you could get disconnected. I looked into this, and it seems to have been a settings problem. I think it's fixed now. If not, let me know.

Today we welcome our 1000th member!!


Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

please contribute towards the cost of this site

There is now (finally!) a Make a Contribution" page so you can so you can contribute to the cost of maintaining this site.

Contributions are through PayPal. To preserve privacy, the organization name is listed as "PA Web Services", and you can fill in the payment description yourself. If you're a forum member, it would be nice if you put your forum username in the description field so I know who I'm thanking, but you don't have to if you don't want.

It's a 12-step fellowship tradition that members share the costs. Please give what you can, and thanks in advance.

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