Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Two new forum boards have been added
At the request of a member, I added two new Forum boards:
- Accountability Partners / Sponsors (Post here if you are looking for an accountability partner or a sponsor, or if you can be one.)
- Success Stories (Share your successes here - large or small. Have you caught up on your taxes? Stopped showing up late for work? Even small victories can mean a lot.)
These are in the same section as the two check-in boards. The section is now renamed "Tools and Success Stories".
- Login to post comments
Reconstructed Forum Index (for use while forum button is broken)
No -- there are not any *new* boards today. This is an *old* thread.
But I had no way to start a new thread, so I'm posting this here!
And I probably posted it in the wrong section, because I'm not an admin here. I'm just an ordinary member. Oh well. This is imperfect!
Pleae don't reply to the bottom of this post -- because then I would be unable to edit it! And it will need editing when we have updated information! If you want to comment, click "Add Comment" at the bottom of the above threadstarter that says "two new forum boards".
Reconstructed Forum Index -- within this post.
DATE: April-May-June 2014:
Hi everyone!
Because the "forum menu" button is broken, here is an index:
Tools and Success Stories
Daily Check-ins are on the March 17th thread
until the forum is fixed.
Ongoing thread for daily posts -- (even though its title says March 17).
Post in whatever way works for you.
There are over 12 pages (several months) of "March 17 daily check-in" posts.
To find older posts, scroll to very bottom of page and click on page numbers.
How to find older projects/discussions that you've participated in,
Or how to view all threads in date order
-- in case you want to find something to reply to again:
A place to start NEW project lists -- a generic bookending thread:
This works well for multi-day items.
Existing threads for Special Projects and Master Lists -- for individuals or groups
You can reply to these with your own project if the topic seems relevant/appropriate
Introductions and Procrastination Discussion
Success Stories
Members tell how you overcame a large or small project or how you have made ongoing steady progress, no matter how slowly or quickly -- tell us your success.
Accountability Partners / Sponsors
Finding an action-support buddy, a peer-mentor, or a 12step sponsor.
Corrected Meeting info as of 2014:
At this time, our only active 12step meetings are on the phone.
(All these meetings are via anonymous telephone conference call)
Note corrected phone numbers inside this link:
Note: The chatbox meeting was disbanded in 2013, due to lack of participation.
Note: There are no face-to-face meetings at this time.
Helpful Recovery Info
Demand Resistance and Demand Sensitivity:
The 10 Signs of Compulsive Procrastination:
The 10 Tools of Recovery From Compulsive Procrastination:
The 12 Promises of Recovery from Compulsive Procrastination:
12step Meeting Materials and 12step Discussions
Discussing the concepts.
Other resources for Help:
Books about Procrastination -- reviewed by members:
Helpful Websites and Videos (regarding procrastination)
Reviewed by members:
Coaching and Therapy
Discussion about how to find a therapist, or what therapy -- for recovery from procrastination. And/or discuss how you feel about using life coaches who specialize in helping you reach long-procrastinated goals or encouraging you with daily goals.
Using this P.A. Website:
P.A. website repair status:
Graphics you can use (on this site only)
and how to put images into your posts:
Additional graphics for this site, contributed by members:
Site Info: Outages, Polices, and Upgrades
(announcements posted by the ADMIN only)
Site Questions and Problems (posts from MEMBERS)
Reporting Spam on the forum
Donating to costs of running the website:
Regarding registration difficulties:
Note: Due to technical glitches, there is a long delay in admitting new forum members. Hopefully the website upgrade will alleviate this issue. For now, all you can do is apply to join, and be patient. In the meantime, read the site and come to the phone meetings.
Off-topic Miscellaneous
(not related to procrastination).
No politics!
Pleae don't reply to this post -- because then I would be unable to edit it! And it will need editing when we have updated information!
If you want to comment, click "Add Comment" at the bottom of the "new boards" threadstarter, way up at the top of the page.
How to find older threads (even while the forum menu is broken)
The "Recent Content" link on the left under "Site Content" still works and gives a list of threads in order of last updated.
Yes, if you do this (click on "recent content"), it will show ALL the threads ever, since the founding of the website, regardless if you participated in them or not.
They are not sorted by topic. Just by date. "Recent Content" has a mixture of it all: discussion/intro threads, articles, daily check-in threads, book reviews, 12step ideas, etc. -- all mixed together, sorted by date.
Note: For the date-order of threads, it displays the "most recent" as
the "last thread that was most recently replied to by anybody" --
regardless of how long ago it was started.
Sometimes *editing* a single post will bump its whole thread to a more recent status, but not always.
The "forums" button at the top of the page won't work.
Under "active forum topics" on RIGHT side of page,
the "More" link won't work.
BUT ... here is what you do:
Look to the ***LEFT *** side of the webpage
-- to the LEFT of where you are reading right now
and find "Recent Content" --
click on THOSE words -- "recent content".
That's where ALL the threads are -- all threads since 2005.
* make a contribution
* meeting lists
* p.a. meeting materials
* my account
who is chatting
Site Content
* Recent Content <<====
* Chatbox
* Articles
* Forums
--- Graphics
* Polls
How to specifically find a list of ONLY threads that you have participated in:
Method #1: to find posts you've participated in:
While logged into the website, click on the "Recent Content" link as explained above, and then after you've done that, notice that it says this:
Notice that "All recent posts" is a tab -- and "My recent posts" is a different tab. You can go back and forth between the two tabs.
Method #2 for finding posts you've participated in:
Go to your profile, as follows: You can click on your own name in the lower right side of the page, after you've logged in, where it says "who's logged in" (if your name doesn't show, then refresh the page and it will show.). Or click on your own hypertexted name anywhere on any page. OR ... after you log in, click on "my account" in the upper left corner of the page. Any of these ways (clicking on your hypertexed name anywhere, or clicking on your account) -- will take you to your profile. Once you're at your profile, just click "Track" -- and it will give you a list of all the threads you've ever posted in.
Regardless of method ...
The date-order of your "tracked threads" or "My recent content"
displays the "most recent" as
the "last thread you participated in that was most recently replied to by anybody".
For example: if there is a six-year-old thread that you replied to long ago
-- but somebody else replied to recently -- then that will display as being one of your more recent threads.
But other than those odd exceptions -- you'll find all check-in threads you've posted on -- in a somewhat reasonable order. This is also a good way to find any "special projects and master lists" posts you may have posted in. And any intro/discussion threads you replied to. Or any articles, polls, or reviews that you may have replied to.
Thanks. That was fast
Thank you pro!
I haven't been on in like a week, and am excited to see new changes! Thank you pro!
Re: 2 new forum boards -- for partners and for successes
Thanks for your service, Pro.