Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday October 25, 2012
Step Two of PA:
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves coud restore us to sanity
Have a great proactive day!
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Hjf2bme check in 10/25/12
I am freezing! Don't want to get off my cozy couch and start a new healthy habit! Hmmmm? Or do I? dear God Help me!
Restore me to sanity! When was that anyway? Maybe for about 5 minutes when I was born? Dis- ease...not at ease with the world around me for one reason or disease doesn't want me better! It wants me to sit here all night long and waste my life away!
So, ready or not, here is what I am going to do!
6pm get off couch,
put on sweatshirt,
turn on some music,
make some healthy lean and green dinner
8:15(after some words with friends)progress, not perfection
clean the kitchen,
clean the dining room,
tired...going to bed at 9 for once in my life...tomorrow is another day!!clean the bathroom,
clean the living room,
clean my bedroom,
clean the bathroom,
set up living room for new healthy habit of coming home and journaling after work tomorrow,
work on the den,
go to bed at 10 pm!
4 hours so I got to move it, move it!
Here I go!
Hamlet's checkin
1. FoY exercise (Done)
2. Meditation (Done)
3. VN LEP project
4. water plants
5. Cook veggies and marinate pork
6. OR conf call
7. Qi Gong
8. mail
InnerTruth's check-in
My procrastination is getting worse. not better.
Had a crisis today. I missed putting a shift in my schedule and didn't show up for work. Can't believe that I did it. I'm such a nervious wreck these days. I've got to more careful about writing things down and managing my commitments. Told someone I would do something and didn't set aside the time.
I need to go to bed earlier and get up on time.
To do's for the rest of the day:
12:30 - 3:00 - prospecting
3:00 - 5:00 - schoolwork. read assigned chapters and then start on grammar quiz.
5:00 - dinner
5:30 - go to sister's place and bring clothes over, walk to L subwayfor more exercise
10:00 - relax
11:00 - Wash dishes, put away laundry, make schedule for Friday
Vic October 25, 2012, Thursday
Show up (done), cal, exer. October 25 2012, Thursday
Hope to stay humble enough to use the tools that help.Good day yesterday.
kromer 10:25 CI
Today is mostly about writing:
*Finish results section
(This has 5 subtasks: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, write figure captions) (working on this now)
*Email paper to DP
*Email about setting up mtg
They, I want to do some other small tasks:
*Clean up bench
*MU notes
*Email about halloween party
*Email DP with response
*Add mtgs to calendar
*Email about baby shower
Lavida CI Th. 10/25
"Surrender and Take the Next Right Action"
Thank you, Lennon, for the PA-related material, helps keep my focus on it :)
Small tasks (do not put emphasis on these, just take a small amount of time to get them done, and that's it):
-call re: loan / Fri: cash out, deposit, then call in
-do skin /shower / teeth
-home test
this week:
-call local PO about key/forwarding
-return keys to stores
-cancel subscrip.
-inquire rates new car insurance/lower current ins.
-inquire letter for sec.
clement ci
i'm gonna list my tasks today in my own file, and use chat to keep myself on track, lord willing.
woops bed time approaching...
what's the plan? work til bed? need to figger
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Take shower
3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting4. Fix and eat breakfast5. Get dressed
6. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.7. Go to individual therapy at 10:30 p.m.8. Go to the 12 noon Mass9. Cook and eat lunch
10. Test blood sugar twice
11. Prayer and meditation
12. Wash dishes
13. Clear tables
14. Clear place where I put my books
15. Read the meditations
16. Read the EA reflection for today
17. Clear the floor
18. Go through my mail
19. Empty garbage
20. Take out recycling
21. Eat dinner
22. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting23. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting24. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting25. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting26. Do numbersThanks for letting me share
Jack's check-in for the day
1. breakfast2. skype RS3. start pomodoro log and contents so that I know how I've spent my day4. weekly planning & check email - 1 x pomodoro
6. lunch, prep at 11:30pm then at 12pm with WY
7. outreach DG 2pm
jays day
30 mins desh draw
45 mins bb clothes clear
quick bath
find gym lock
check and hang bay clothes- check postage ( this will take over an hour)
45 mins general living room clear up
order bulbs
make bed + 15 mins tidy bedroom
10 mins tidy bathroom
cook stew
20 mins kitchen
hoover living room and steam kitchen floor
Calypso's check-in
Grateful to have discovered this 12 step program this morning, as I sit down to start my work, and remind myself I do not need to close myself off from the rest of the world, but can keep this chatbox open while i work, which is supportive.
I discovered the pomodoro technique yesterday, thanks for recommending it to me.
I am excited about using it today to do:
theoretical framework
finish coding
start findings and plan finishing findngs section
coding is not draft but others are.
HP will be done, not mine.
Have a great day.
Progress report
Progress report
So far today i did 4 pomodoro bursts on my theoretical framework, 1 on my latvian hw, went to the bank, and to my language course, and now i am just back from having nice vegetarian meal. It is time to continue working, and finish the things i said i would do today, namely
1. theoretical framework 1st draft
2. finih coding so it is 100 % reliable
3. start findngs section, get a respectable amount done.
moreover i want to get to bed on time, before 11pm latest, but if possible b4 10pm, so i can start my early mornings again, which i enjoy so much more (for working) than late into the night. let me be in service of hp, and do hp will.
Maximo's check-in Thu 25 Oct
Thanks to Lennon for today's starter and good wishes to everyone here for a good day this Thursday
My list for the day
Done (don't know why can't cross out - but smiley works)
ADT job - page 62.
ADT job - page 7
ADT job - page 8
ADT job - page 9
5. books for FC
6. inc/exp spreadsheet
7. FH proj. - 10 mins
8. Declutter - 10 mins
9. Order slow cooker knob
10. Order calendars
11. Order health book
12. Ex bike - 15 mins
13. Reply re R. group
14. Write to cottage owners - just stop procrastinating and do it!!
Online meeting anchors needed
To lead our chatbox 12step meeting we need people to anchor --start the meeting, beginners are welcome. And here is link to the calendar sign-up:
First check-in trial
OK, first time I am trying to check in and follow. I hope I'll manage to work it! I will do the morning for now. Program for 25 October 2012:
8:00am-9.00am: Wake-up, quick breakfast, get ready
9:00am-9.30am: Walk to the meeting building
9.30am-10.30am: Meeting
10:30am-10:45am: Get coffee and back to the office
10:45am-11:15am: Put in the paper information to ppt
11:15am-11:25am: Break
11:25am-11:55am: Presentation
11:55am-12:40pm: Lunch
Amal's check-in
Thank you lennon, have a happy thursday :D
Alarm set 9:00am
Pro check-in
write-finish section 2 part b, begin section 3
driving lesson
EleanorBE's Thursday List
Many thanks Lennon.
How can I stop this text being double spaced? My list always takes up silly amounts of space because of it.
1. Sort out c's for class
2. Sort out photocopies for UP and TT
3. Sort out photocopies for class
4. Sort out DVD
5. Teach class (+ visitor) - finish 5 mins early to get to meeting
6. Go to emp meeting - got someone to go to this for me
7. Go to SM meeting
8. Meet with J
. Get refreshments for training (on way in)
10. Do training
thanks lennon! up
thanks lennon!
up earlyreadingstidypack swimming bagwrite note for landlordgo hosp aptappointmentmeet vemail t, m,m,nsort student c nevening meetingring sposorbookshoprestms thursday
leave house by with attention and compassion.check with j that can post todays work and catch up about problem.a walk.upload work if j has signed off on with self spending habbits carefully.after posting take evening to self.