Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

A Place for Bookending Without Replies

Here is a place you can bookend without replies. 


read about MP DONE

read about LE DONE

read about GTD DONE 

read about RDR DONE


read about SC2 SKIMMED FOR NOW 

read about DAK DONE 


20 off DONE

start going through 8 emails DONE

21.06.17 things to do


-- project C

-- project O DONE

-- project M


house chores

-- $ for housekeeper 6/18


-- clean office desk 30 min DONE; another 30 min block

-- put away dryer load 1 DONE; 

-- dry clothes in washer and add another load; did 2 more loads DONE

-- cycling at least 20 minutes indoor trainer

-- make smoothie for evening

-- vitamins pack for week

-- taxes (at least 15 minutes)

-- do another load of laundry

-- grocery shopping

-- project C

-- outline projects for framing art DONE; guest room closet cleanout (prepare for sister visiting in 2 weeks)


-- found framing company and sent email - open next week DONE

-- note art to be framed and pull from spare room DONE AND TOOK TO FRAMER


-- plan atlanta / nashville trip

-- southwest airlines fare sale ends today 6.717

-- brush dogs DONE

clean front yard; leave water for birds and animals DONE

-- clean closet for 15 min and get rid of some things

-- call L re pickleball and played pickleball for first time DONE



big tidy DONE

hydrate DONE

teeth DONE

30 off DONE

food and vitamins DONE

take out trash and recycling DONE

pharmacy DONE

groceries DONE

check mail DONE

living situation thinking/breakdown DONE


30 off

print documents

go to zoom room 


journaling DONE

coaching listening DONE

 make food DONE

break down finishing the essay DONE

bfast dishes DONE

15ish on essay DONE

10-20 off DONE

40ish on essay DONE

break down taxes DONE

lunch DONE

20ish on taxes DONE

focus for rest of day:

laundry, maybe try to map out the rest of the week. 


morning teeth DONE

minor work call DONE

PT email DONE

20-30 min break DONE

practice notes DONE 

30 min nap DONE

food and vitamins DONE

dishes DONE 

work on essay DONE  


morning teeth DONE

start lit section DONE

replies DONE

10 off DONE

30ish on references DONE

breakfast DONE

made bread rolls DONE 

dishes and food planning DONE

10 off DONE

start working on 11 references DONE

7/12 refs DONE

do the other 5 refs DONE

finish lit section DONE

make it pretty DONE

practice around 11:30am DONE

hydrate for real DONE

lunch DONE

lunch dishes DONE

prep for call DONE

call DONE

dinner DONE

biz call DONE 



start 1000 word piece DONE

bfast DONE

bfast dishes DONE

talk to client DONE

work on piece DONE

teeth DONE

practice DONE

lunch DONE

30-40ish on a section DONE

snack or dinner DONE

finish that section DONE

family reply DONE

20ish off DONE

30ish on references and next section DONE

10ish off DONE

20ish on good news section DONE

10 on lit section TOMORROW

practice notes TOMORROW 

teeth DONE



8.4 evening

call ssa DONE 

ballet email DONE 

practice notes catchup DONE

  3/30 DONE

  3/31 DONE

  4/4 DONE

  4/5 DONE

  4/6 DONE

  4/7 DONE

  file 4/8 UNNEC

teeth/shower DONE

meditation DONE


easter grocery shopping DONE

draft savings email DONE

make a document for email #2 DONE 

finalize email 1 text DONE

get approval on email #2 and #3 text DONE

finish rest of breakdown DONE


take balance screenshots DONE

journaling DONE

10 off DONE

hour on making PDFs DONE

10 off DONE

20-30 on email 2 DONE

10 off

10 on email 3  


replies/writing DONE

shower DONE

make 2020 bank statement docs DONE

10 off

10 on making balance docs 


morning teeth DONE 

respond cmd DONE

respond fp DONE

laptop cleanup DONE

journaling DONE

practice DONE


prep 2020 statements


assistant work DONE 

morning teeth DONE

listen to coaching DONE

bfast DONE  

coaching notes DONE


finish accounting 


find prüfungsbericht email DONE

10 off DONE

10 on finding US acct email breaking that down DONE

hydration DONE 

10 off DONE

10 on looking at master protocol DONE

10 off DONE

40 on downloading TDA, Cap One, Mohela, and whatever I need for FBAR DONE

10 on finalizing income document DONE!

bfast DONE 

10 on looking at US spreadsheet. split pre- and post- ALREADY DONE!

hour-ish on submitting everything to US accountant DONE

half hour laptop cleanup and sketching out prüfungsbericht breakdown DONE

10 off DONE

10 on German accountant proper breakdown DONE

10 off DONE

lunch and corona requests DONE

20 min rest DONE

30 on PB DONE

10 off DONE

hour on income summary, aug-dec spreadsheet, and receipts DONE

warmup DONE

coaching DONE


send off front matter DONE 

reply PT DONE

finish tax recordkeeping DONE

handle grocery delivery DONE

bfast DONE

reading and apt thinking DONE

practice DONE

set up for ballet DONE

ballet DONE

lunch DONE

2 hours off DONE

dinner DONE

10 mins finding prüfungsbericht email 

break down prüfungsbericht and US tax return 



hydrate DONE

journal about apartment search DONE

editing DONE 

practice DONE

make hummus DONE

eat bfast DONE

pay rent DONE

bfast dishes DONE

practice notes DONE

20 mins off DONE

invoices DONE

most of tax recordkeeping DONE

see friend DONE 


strategy journaling DONE

made notes for a physio consult DONE

curls DONE

hour walk DONE

water DONE

find and send chunk of text to author DONE

bfast DONE

30 off

10 on invoices 

monday night and really ought to have got more done....

apparently I need to do things early on, otherwise I'm hopeless. I did a few things, including cycling about 12 miles, and getting my second jab... So, taking it easy and watching tv and thinking 'tomorrow is another day...'  plenty to celebrate really.... also I have two different doughs started off and will walk the dog again before bed. Really I'm doing okay (self-compassion


teeth DONE

walk+curls DONE

bfast DONE

hour of accounting DONE

10 off DONE

hour of accounting DONE

lunch DONE

lunch dishes DONE

continue accounting DONE


teeth DONE

bike ride DONE

hydrate DONE

bfast + vitamins DONE

bfast dishes DONE

make brötchen DONE

make and tupperware tray of roasted veggies DONE

dishes DONE

practice DONE

wardrobe planning with friend DONE

dinner dishes DONE 

read book for homework DONE 


teeth DONE

take out trash and recycling DONE

walk DONE

bfast DONE

journaling DONE

practice DONE

lunch DONE

dishes DONE

unbox mason jar and clean it DONE

practice notes DONE

contact mm

$ email DONE

gift accounting 2020 DONE

tax recordkeeping 



teeth DONE


put away groceries DONE

bfast DONE

practice notes DONE

finish jan report DONE

practice DONE

ballet DONE

feb report DONE


30 off DONE

60 on Jan/Feb numbers DONE

30 off DONE

calculate sales for Feb (Jan) and Mar (Feb) DONE 

10 off DONE

hour on Jan and Feb reports DONE


journaling DONE

bike ride DONE

meditation DONE

practice DONE

food DONE

dishes DONE

check on a bike thing DONE


hour rest

break down accounting if possible



journaling DONE

ballet notes DONE 

pilates DONE

water DONE

food DONE

text edit cleanup DONE

pay taxes DONE

move $ DONE

practice notes catchup DONE

practice DONE

practice notes DONE



teeth DONE

hydration DONE

walk DONE

try new recipe DONE

dishes DONE

food planning DONE


fold laundry DONE

practice notes

practice DONE

hydration DONE

lunch and vitamins DONE

dishes DONE

$ stuff 


put away grocery delivery DONE

unpack kettle DONE

journaling DONE

water DONE

spending record update DONE

big batch cooking DONE 

food and vitamins DONE

tidy/ballet prep DONE

take out trash and recyc DONE 

ballet DONE

freeze soup DONE





transfer money 

food planning




morning teeth DONE

walk DONE

journaling DONE

practice DONE

lunch DONE

lunch dishes DONE

rest DONE

dinner DONE

compress DONE

laptop cleanup DONE

get back into accounting NOT DONE

practice notes? NO

evening teeth and dentist visit prep DONE

compress #2? DONE

meditation? NO


Today's to do list


  1. Readings with PAYG
  2. Send med cert DONE
  3. Email Alison DONE
  4. SUAW 930-1200 - questionnaires compile these - SET IT UP DONE
  7. Decide re new agent
  8. Walk or pilates or run


Identify frog =


List all the sources of records/data for my appraisal

Get already printed out MAG form and create word doc containing all of the headings (major components) and under these list as many items as possible which fulfill these requirements

Identify any of the headings for which I do not have material -NEED TO DO 

and the paperwork in spare bedroom relating to this and in the office and put it all into a large cardboard box 

create separate folders for each component which I will require for the MAG form




  1. Set out this to do list 
  2. read readings for today DONE
  3. MFH scan and anchor 20-25 mins NOT DONE
  5. Vitamins etc DONE
  6. Breakfast lunch dinner


  1. Write out worry sheet/Write out BE sheet / Make use of time log/make use of distraction log
  2. Fabulous
  3. Productivity Challenger
  4. PA, FM, SUAW, study grp via library or skype study grp, 
  5. Library - Mayo building
  6. Office PBU


  1. Meeting at 10am DONE
  2. Reply to emails DONE
  3. Print out and read feedback from LER DONE
  4. Gather and read through the questionnaires - do I think these are valid and corroborative and worthy of pursuing further
  5. Use highlighter to highlight what responses I want to tabulate
  6. Send certificates to Alison and ask re encorporation of more recent time



  1. PA attend 4pm meeting DONE
  2. Read chapter 4 and 5 of book on MFH
  3. Do body scan 
  4. Finish breathing anchor exercise
  5. CALL SR MA at 1800
  6. Keep on top of symptoms - monitor and restrict fluids
  7. Send various requests to GP re. meds and need for appointment to discuss yesterday



  1. read chapter 3+4 of ID and notes
  2. read chapters 5&6 of mindfulness book 
  3. send card to PJ
  4. Get rid of paper in bin in office 
  5. clear desk in office


  1. prepare for Dr B's appointment - questions ready - see medical search history and generate qus in black notebook



  1. Gather the paper plans I already made for my results chapter
    1. Refresh what exactly needs to be added to the results chapter ? 
      1. make a list
      2. identify what is difficult or missing - leave this til last
      3. Write to MF re not going ahead with ethical amendment- DONE
  2. GCP course - COMPLETE
  3. Consultants' course view material and save notes before access ends
  4. Ask HR if an honorary contract can be granted to me for when my contract ends in end March 2021

Important  non urgent

  1. UOM mandatory training - data governance
  2. SRFT mandatory training - try to do this remotely
  3. Read IM material before next clinic
  4. Anticipate LN's call re end of contract
  5. Enquire re BAD access AGAIN
  6. Anticipate LN's call re end of contract 


  1. Walk 25 mins minimum
  2. 5 minutes of pilates minimum - Tuesday workout
  3. Rosary
  4. BINAY study 20 MINS
  5. vits etc 


morning teeth DONE 

water DONE

haircut DONE! YAY!

10 off DONE

bfast DONE

vitamins and water

practice DONE

make lunch DONE

lunch dishes DONE

laptop cleanup? 

inaugurate rice cooker

1) find manual DONE

2) read it DONE

3) wash whatever needs to be washed DONE

4) use it DONE YAY 

flag recipes in new book DONE

online grocery cart update DONE

break DONE

practice notes catchup?

make dinner DONE

dinner dishes DONE

online class DONE 

teeth and maybe a compress TEETH ONLY




morning teeth DONE

ballet notes DONE

food and vitamins DONE

french or german listening DONE

big batch cooking parts 1 and 2 DONE

10 off DONE

practice DONE 

big batch cooking part 3 DONE

dinner DONE


puzzles+languages DONE

7:30 shower, evening teeth, haircut prep DONE

meditation NOT DONE

order kettle, mig, fidget toy DONE




maybe some laundry? text edit cleanup? accounting? 

bike ride



third pass edit DONE



big batch cooking SUN

compresses SUN

ballet notes SUN

practice SUN

2nd pass novel edit DONE!!!


morning teeth DONE

walk DONE

weekend groceries DONE

break down 2nd pass edt DONE FOR NOW

10 off DONE

10 on laptop cleanup 

40 on novel DONE

10 off DONE

80 on insert DONE

food DONE

45 on reading ch 10 and making sure insert works DONE

break down glove section DONE

10 off DONE

glove section task 1 DONE

25 on dialogue check chs 1-5 DONE

10 off DONE

25 on dialogue check chs 6-12 DONE

10 off DONE

20 on dialogue check chs 13-23 DONE

10 off DONE

20 on dialogue check pp. 110-157 DONE

10 off DONE

20 on pp. 158-193 DONE

10 off

20 on pp. 194-211 DONE

hour on the rest DONE 





teeth DONE

water DONE

compress DONE

journaling DONE

breakfast DONE

10 off DONE

reconcile jan expenses DONE

10 on accounting breakdown



compress #1 DONE

journaling/planning DONE

read nutrition book DONE

hydrate DONE

try out new dictation option DONE

compress #2 DONE

clean out fridge DONE

big batch cooking DONE

lunch dishes DONE

vitamins DONE 

compress #3 DONE

grocery order DONE

dinner dishes DONE

compress #4 DONE


reply to meditation teacher DONE

water DONE

clean kitchen DONE

little bathroom floor DONE

big bathroom floor DONE

kitchen floor DONE

text replies DONE

food+vitamins? DONE


20 off DONE

edit thing for dad DONE

compress #1 DONE

class call DONE



laptop cleanup DONE

reading catchup DONE

morning teeth DONE

compress #1 DONE 

plan for the week/cleaning plan STARTED

invoice on 10/10 

10 off DONE

10 on invoice DONE

10 off DONE

hour on email draft, PDF, and journaling DONE

10 off DONE

compress #2 DONE

snack DONE

research language materials DONE

lunch DONE

dishes DONE

next. cleaning on 10/10 

2.5 hours cleaning DONE


compress #1 DONE

morning teeth DONE

big tidy part 1 DONE

breakfast DONE

big tidy part 2 DONE!!!

start jan/feb end of month accounting DONE

practice DONE

compress #2 DONE

practice notes DONE 

lunch+vitamins DONE 

laptop cleanup DONE

compress #3 DONE

make a backup DONE

pay bahncard!!! DONE

do author invoice!!!

food planning (make double portion fennel pasta and save half for lunch tomorrow. bring additional banana, almonds, raisins, water bottle)

clean big bathroom and little bathroom and maybe some sections of the kitchen

food and layers planning for b1 exam


author reply DONE

morning teeth DONE

compress 1 DONE

CL reply DONE

CE reply DONE

nutrition program email DONE



morning teeth DONE

food DONE

compress #1 DONE

reach out to friend DONE

laptop cleanup DONE

accountant email breakdown DONE

accountant email DONE

practice DONE

accountant reply DONE

compress #2 DONE

walk DONE

check mail DONE

 big grocery shop DONE

write to lawyer to confirm timeline DONE

pay for LiD test DONE


short meditation DONE

read some writing stuff DONE

motivational journaling DONE

morning teeth DONE

food/water/vitamins DONE

compress #1 DONE

short practice NOPE

online ballet DONE

compress #2 DONE

check the mailbox DONE

unboxing DONE

lunch and dinner dishes DONE


big rest

break down accountant email

compress #3

7pm talk to friend



replies catchup (CL,ML, others?)?

german study?

make a backup 

compress #4 

food planning? 


short work call DONE

research language exam DONE

order prep book; sketch out prep schedule DONE

food and vitamins DONE

compress #1 DONE 

motivational journaling DONE 

practice DONE

compress #2 DONE

unbox WD40

unbox new book

unbox rice cooker

write to people i owe emails to 

half hour language study 



decide on payment method with client DONE

start paper check depositing process DONE

forward lawyer email to friend DONE

motivational journaling DONE

bike ride DONE. YAY.

water/food/vitamins DONE

start prepping for trip to pharmacy and post office DONE

finalize new letter DONE

print new documents DONE

find address, address envelope DONE

post office DONE

grocery store DONE

pharmacy DONE



meditation homework DONE

read paper draft DONE

browser cleanup DONE

text edit cleanup and restoration DONE 

to do list cleanup DONE

compress #1 DONE

water, food, vitamins DONE

practice DONE

food DONE

call pharmacy about vitamins DONE

finish perm res breakdown DONE

compress #2 DONE

check the mail DONE

5 off DONE

email M for letter DONE

email L for letter DONE 

OU email DONE

10 off DONE

LiD appt. DONE. WOO-HOO.

prep dinner DONE

slowly start getting in an invoicing mindset TOMORROW

break down invoice scheduling TOMORROW

rest DONE

course call DONE

compress #3 DONE

draft new coverletter DONE

email lawyer DONE

reply to author DONE 



bike ride


perm res continued


unsubscribe from BTME

nutrition course catchup 

InnerTruth's to-do list - Sunday

1. Mark writing (1:20 to 2:50) - done

2. Mark listening (3:00 - 4:30) - done

3. Record attendance and marks, print HW, homework tracker (4:30 - 5) (done)

4. Laundry (5 to 8) -done

- while doing laundry - prepare for Monday

- insurance (done)

- report cards & warning letters - LM (done)

- Lesson plan - Wk 5, Day 1 - (Will do on Monday)

- dinner (done)

5. After laundry (8 to 10)

- Review HW (partially complete)

- Do dishes (Will do on Monday for a break). 

- Lesson plan Day 2 (will do on Monday)

- Advise student marks (done)

- print speaking   (done)

- Advised weekend HW to LM (done)  


morning teeth DONE

journaling DONE

compress #1 DONE

dishes DONE

moderate tidy DONE

walk DONE

food DONE

ballet notes and/or perm res breakdown STARTED

practice DONE


draft author email DONE

morning teeth DONE

planning DONE

convo about author email draft DONE

get dressed DONE

visit grocery store DONE

eat a little food DONE 

eye treatment DONE

practice DONE

send off manuscript to author DONE. WOO-HOO.

lunch DONE

big rest DONE

meditation videos DONE

break down permanent residency next steps

water DONE

eye treatment DONE



morning teeth DONE 

compress #1 DONE

fold laundry DONE


once-thru read DONE