Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
The one thing, the only thing, i can do impulsively is write something on my todo list.
The one thing, the only thing, i can do off plan is recovery, something to maintain my sobriety, when tempted. I have come to believe that it is more important to maintain sobriety than to get things done.
Abstinence from relying on self. AA Big Book says to rely on God. Quoted in my bookmarks : scroll down to "AA Big Book on fears : relying on God not self-reliance:"
I have come to believe that it is more important to maintain sobriety of relying on God than to get things done.
"15 Points" point 5 says:
5. Develop and rehearse a daily plan of thinking and acting by which you will live that day relying on God, regardless of what may upset you or how hard the old urge to rely on self may hit you.
My Plan is this:
read "15 Points"
Meditate for 5 min on the attributes of God
:) ci
:) start timers
:) v task
:) time log
quiet time
r task
s task
t task
:) 11am pa phone mtg
:) sort tasks
j task
do tasks
put away clothes
abstinence day counts
pre-plan tmrw
When we retire at night, we constructively review our day (BB).
Were we resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid?
Do we owe an apology?
Have we kept something to ourselves which should be discussed with another person at once?
Were we kind and loving toward all?
What could we have done better?
Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time?
Or, were we thinking of what we could do for others, of what we could pack into the stream of life?
THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR (everything i "did well" comes from god, either thru gifts he's given me or the way he's transformed me)
you feel anger or resentment, ask God to help you feel it, learn from
it, and then release it. Ask Him to bless those who you feel anger
toward. Ask Him to bless you too.
When you feel fear, ask Him to
take it from you. When you feel misery, force gratitude. When you feel
deprived, know that there is enough.
When you feel ashamed, reassure yourself that who you are is okay. You are good enough.
you doubt your timing or your present position in life, assure yourself
that all is well; you are right where you're meant to be. Reassure
yourself that others are too.
When you ponder the future, tell yourself that it will be good. When you look back at the past, relinquish regrets.
When you notice problems, affirm there will be a timely solution and a gift from the problem.
you resist feelings or thoughts, practice acceptance. When you feel
discomfort, know it will pass. When you identify a want or a need, tell
yourself it will be met.
When you worry about those you love, ask
God to protect and care for them. When you worry about yourself, ask
Him to do the same.
When you think about others, think love. When you think about yourself, think love.
Then watch your thoughts transform reality.
Today, I will think healing thoughts.
From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie
woke up at 7 am and really wanted to do work, but only a limited no. of things I can do that wont wake my DH up. My BIL in down this eve, and we are not ready. But we will be.
Most important task today: Filing
Most important part of that: the loads of stuff connected to job training
I'll try to avoid household chores that can be postponed. Especially, I'll try to avoid cleaning the stairs any more today. (Oh, the temptation to spend hours trying to remove those paint stains!) I cleaned the worst dirt yesterday and the rest can WAIT now.
Stuff that can't be postponed today:
grocery shopping
taking down laundry (needed the stuff to wear it)
IF I did well, I'll treat myself to a swimming workout. (Yes I love those! :) ) Don't know yet if today or tomorrow - the latter is probably better.
Update: Done so far:
2,5h of not job-related paper + digital filing and online banking. Desk cleared of everything NOT related to job training now.
2,5h of something on the very fringes of job training-related filing. That means: Carrying in two big boxes full of ring binders and books, intending to work through the contents. Deciding that the books - the only books that I really need now and will need for one more year - must be easily accessible, and standing or lying straight. (They were starting to get warped at the edges, and some of them are not even mine.) Clearing out the only bookshelf that I actually had a chance of clearing out. Cleaning the shelf and all the books involved. (Very dusty, full of cobwebs). Putting half of the shelf books into another box (stacked properly this time), and storing it in the cellar. Where I had luckily just cleaned an unused built-in cabinet some weeks ago. (It was too dirty to use before, someone must have dropped a glass of jam in there about 30 years ago.) Otherwise, I wouldn't have had a clean, dry, dust-free space for the box.
It's a case of tasks depending on tasks. You want to do task C, but have to do task A first, then B, then C. Or if you can do C directly, it will be much more laborious than with A and B already done. And most "normal" persons don't have the problem because they keep their stuff in order, and therefore, tasks A and B are usually already done. I have many of these task chains and wanted to post about this problem in my project thread anyway. But I won't write more about it today - I want to get on with work.
3h of actual job-related filing
While doing that, also a backup of my laptop + 1 important USB stick. (I'd been neglecting backups in a suicidal way, for various not-really-rational reasons.)
Thank you jalla - preserve me from trying to work out the perfect system - and then feeling trapped in its rigidity. I hope this weekend I will have some reflective time, and I want to think about ways I can make some tasks more pleasurable (music, audio books, creating new spaces) and defining places for particular activities as well as objects.
clement ci - day 281 attempting abstinence, 201 from self
Abstinence from unplanned time.
Abstinence from relying on self. AA Big Book says to rely on God. Quoted in my bookmarks : scroll down to "AA Big Book on fears : relying on God not self-reliance:"
My Plan is this:
:) ci
:) start timers
:) v task
:) time log
quiet time
r task
s task
t task
:) 11am pa phone mtg
:) sort tasks
j task
do tasks
put away clothes
abstinence day counts
pre-plan tmrw
When we retire at night, we constructively review our day (BB).
THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR (everything i "did well" comes from god, either thru gifts he's given me or the way he's transformed me)
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Vic 8/17/13
thanks jalla for starter
Think healing thoughts.
you feel anger or resentment, ask God to help you feel it, learn from
it, and then release it. Ask Him to bless those who you feel anger
toward. Ask Him to bless you too.
When you feel fear, ask Him to
take it from you. When you feel misery, force gratitude. When you feel
deprived, know that there is enough.
When you feel ashamed, reassure yourself that who you are is okay. You are good enough.
you doubt your timing or your present position in life, assure yourself
that all is well; you are right where you're meant to be. Reassure
yourself that others are too.
When you ponder the future, tell yourself that it will be good. When you look back at the past, relinquish regrets.
When you notice problems, affirm there will be a timely solution and a gift from the problem.
you resist feelings or thoughts, practice acceptance. When you feel
discomfort, know it will pass. When you identify a want or a need, tell
yourself it will be met.
When you worry about those you love, ask
God to protect and care for them. When you worry about yourself, ask
Him to do the same.
When you think about others, think love. When you think about yourself, think love.
Then watch your thoughts transform reality.
Today, I will think healing thoughts.
From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie
KF Check in 17th Aug 08:25am
woke up at 7 am and really wanted to do work, but only a limited no. of things I can do that wont wake my DH up. My BIL in down this eve, and we are not ready. But we will be.
Today I will:
riddled's Saturday ToDos
Most important task today: Filing
Most important part of that: the loads of stuff connected to job training
I'll try to avoid household chores that can be postponed. Especially, I'll try to avoid cleaning the stairs any more today. (Oh, the temptation to spend hours trying to remove those paint stains!) I cleaned the worst dirt yesterday and the rest can WAIT now.
Stuff that can't be postponed today:
grocery shoppingtaking down laundry(needed the stuff to wear it)IF I did well, I'll treat myself to a swimming workout. (Yes I love those! :) ) Don't know yet if today or tomorrow - the latter is probably better.
Update: Done so far:
It's a case of tasks depending on tasks. You want to do task C, but have to do task A first, then B, then C. Or if you can do C directly, it will be much more laborious than with A and B already done. And most "normal" persons don't have the problem because they keep their stuff in order, and therefore, tasks A and B are usually already done. I have many of these task chains and wanted to post about this problem in my project thread anyway. But I won't write more about it today - I want to get on with work.
Swimming will be tomorrow morning.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life,
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Call an Al-Anon member at 5 a.m.
2. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
3. Test blood sugar twice
4. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
5. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting
6. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting
7. Go to the 8 a.m. telephone OA meeting
8. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting
9. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone OA meeting
10. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line
11. Go to the 10 a.m. telephone DA meeting
12. Eat breakfast13. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone UA meeting
14. Go to the 12:25 p.m. telephone DA workshop
15. Get my medicine ready for the next two weeks
16. Go to the 2:30 p.m. telephone CODA meeting17. Go to the 4 p.m. telephone Al-Anon meeting
18. Cook and eat dinner19. Take shower20. Get dressed
21. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting
22. Go to the 7:30 p.m. face to face NA meeting
23. Go to the 10 p.m. online EA meeting
24. Go to the 11 p.m. telephone UA meeting25. Clear my tables
26. Go through the dresser drawer
27. Wash dishes
28. Read the meditations
Thanks for letting me share
Mole's check in
Thank you jalla - preserve me from trying to work out the perfect system - and then feeling trapped in its rigidity. I hope this weekend I will have some reflective time, and I want to think about ways I can make some tasks more pleasurable (music, audio books, creating new spaces) and defining places for particular activities as well as objects.
8 cafe
PH for bread
9.30 -12 write or work orn writing
healthy lunch
1.30- 3. prov with project
wipe, dust and vacuum
wrap and send S's parcel
Capt report
CV for LM or WILPF letter
eat healthy meal
check in