Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday 13th August 2013
To speak up is not to speak louder;
it is about feeling entitled to voice a wish.
Quoted by Deborah Levy in Things I don't want to know.
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marcelor Tuesday CI
Start where I am.
Free write
List of interviewees
Email re board mtg
First draft interview outline
Go through pile on desk
Email re road
Email re chimney
Start to list trips
clement ci - day 277 attempting abstinence, 197 from self
I like that pic from friday, 8/9
Because the butterfly represents metamorphosis, transformation. It is what Jesus does for humans: transforms them from broken, rebellious creatures into healed creatures in harmony with God's will.
12:19:49 ‹clement› i feel like recovery is not working and i feel the impulse to give up on everything i'm doing. To just throw it all away.
12:20:04 ‹clement› I am posting here so i can microburst bookend so maybe i wont throw it all away
12:21:24 ‹clement› my new scheme is to spread out my "morning routine" tasks thruout the day.
12:21:49 ‹clement› cuz i often get up at 10 and dont finish my "morning routine" til 4pm
12:22:07 ‹clement› or 3pm or 2pm it is telling that i pick the worst case to report
12:23:49 ‹clement› I have so many urgent, important tasks it is overwhelming
12:24:07 ‹clement› And yet i sit here wallowing in self pity.
12:25:03 ‹clement› How is the hustle of getting tasks done quickly compatible with "be still and know that i am god"
12:26:40 ‹clement› I know (in my head only) the answer to that: one can be physically active, and spirtually still simultaneously, if they know that their tasks are God's will and offered in service to God
I have to write this in big font to impress it upon myself:
I decide to commit to trying an experiment tue-fri of this week. I will spread out my "morning routine" tasks thruout the day. I'll see how that works, evaluate, and choose a new course next week based on the results.
that seems logical. I just dont "feel" any of it.
Abstinence from unplanned time.
Abstinence from relying on self. AA Big Book says to rely on God. Quoted in my bookmarks : scroll down to "AA Big Book on fears : relying on God not self-reliance:"
My Plan is this:
:) ci
:) start timers
:) v task
:) time log
:) quiet time
:) r task
:) s task
:) t task
:) 11am pa phone mtg
:) sort tasks
j task
:) do tasks
:) put away clothes
:) abstinence day counts
:) reflection
:) pre-plan tmrw
When we retire at night, we constructively review our day (BB).
--- yes, yes, no, yes. Lord heal me of these character defects.
--- no mostly because my emotional affect was down most of the day.
--- John 6 really re-focused me on heavenly things. Thank you God for bringing that to me. But I wish i had been there sooner and for most of the day, ideally.
--- yes, almost all day.
THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR (everything i "did well" comes from god, either thru gifts he's given me or the way he's transformed me)
I kept to recovery.
I resisted being impulsive.
I did 1 hour of good work.
I reconnected with God thru John 6.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Declutter Tuesday
Stack of papers on chair
Work letter w scheduling info
Email secretary: change of course date, RSVP for meeting
Find cleaning service
Pile of admin paper
Pay NF SD bill
Send package to sister
Mend baby clothesBuy colored thread
Pick up dry cleaning
Stack of papers on piano
jays tuesday 13 aug
people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily
zig ziglar
2 hrs paperwork
go for shower
put wash on
phone calls
follow paper list
email sol
Hypatia's check-in
not much free time today, so need to make good use of what I've got
clear deskappraisal formin-tray foldersH
Vic 8/13/13
show up (done, plan, exer, follow through
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Mole for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Eat breakfast
3. Go to the Brown Cancer Center to get my mammogram4. Go to the pharmacy to get my perscriptions filled
5. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
6. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
7. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
8. Go to the store
9. Go to my mom's apartment
10. Eat dinner
11. Do ACA work
12. Go to the 6 p.m. telephone OA meeting
13. Go to the taped CLA meeting
14. Go to the 8:30 p.m. telephone ACA meeting
15. Read the EA reflection for today
16. Share my 11th Step with my OA sponsor
Thanks for letting me share
Thanks Mole - heres to voicing lovely wishes!
readingstidypack rehab bagcall ajcall btlaundryshcall an make appt htemail physiocall demail b re weekendrubbish ooutwrite card oget 4 sc & writeemail nskype ggroceriesdrop in form svring ccccall db sec re lettersdecide thurs e apttext l and amake dinner mgroceries awaydiarylaundrybook lgmeet with Mnotes int odoc continuerehab excercisesHIOMole's check in
7.30 cafe with C and G
letter re electrics
focus, plan or free write how to organise this writing morning.
9-12 write according to a plan and only deviate if it is a conscious and better decision.
1-2.30 prov w project
3 appt w E
buy food for tonight
Tower business- rd minutes for A, wrk on Capt report
Weed tower files and toss excess
20 min cleanup
20 min on plan
cook and eat
wash up
check in
bed by 11
did the washing, hung it out and PUT IT AWAY
Put away the clothes on my chair
bought food PUT IT AWAY and cooked healthy food for several days
i don't seem to be able to get a grip on my writing, where to start with it.
coffee this morning with C and G - tales of MFF, dreams,