Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday 5th June 2013

 A line is a dot that has gone for a walk........

Paul Klee

May all your dots turn into lines. 

fudoshin: checkin: 6:20pm

Please do not leave advice or feedback.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 



How I'm going to get healthy:

*no sugar until after fever passes

*rest with ice

*take shower at night

*b/t, floss, use listerine, periodontic brush at night.

*no sitting unless working

*thirty minutes of swift walking or exercise

*drink kombucha.

*NO SUGAR NO SUGAR NO SUGAR (it gives me headaches immediately.)

Vic 6/5/13

show up )done), exer, plan

trust and rely and thank

Hamlet's checkin

This is a day for task.  Will try to intersperse with research 

1. FoY exercise

2. E-mail AND(done)

3. e-mail Irene & Jessica(done)

4. Call Sue(done)

5. Send Itinerary for Monday(done)

6. CFDA blog


8. Green claim blog

9. shop for bread(done)

10. qigong

11. News(done)

marcelor CI at 7:47

Feeling overwhelmed today. Have an important call at 8 and will check back here later.

Call postponed for a couple of hours and now I am just stalling. I would like to spend the time doing something useful.

Whatever happens: I can handle it.

OK, phone call done (went well!) and now I can start the day! How can I make today a good day? Do some cleanup, 3 pomos of work and then reading for pleasure.


wednesday 5 june 2013

people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily

zig ziglar

today is concentrate on living room day, it's in chaos

i will work in 3x10 min poms then break

i will use the method of black bagging and putting in spare room things i can't deal with now

1 clear away washed clothes/hang & put in right places

2 clear away ebay things to spare room ( make some space in there 1st)

clear desk

clear hall shelf


it must be done by then as i have to go bank ect, earlier would be better

this eve kitchen & cook






KF quick CI Weds 5th June

today I will:

  • Put some washing in
  • Work for P (at least 8 poms) done 7/8
  • Clear washing up
  • Do washing up
  • Put DW on
  • Do strength workout (just squats and lunges is fine)
  • Walk to high street with dry cleaning and coins for post office
  • spend a little time in the garden
  • leave at 5pm

Hypatia's check-in

Didn't get very far with yesterday's list - too many meetings!

  • verification and give apologies for meeting
  • contact SW re panel report
  • check Z
  • report for panel
  • report for morning meeting
  • meeting
  • ring BHF
  • text L
  • C's letter
  • appointment
  • today's report
  • Monday's reports



Wednesday check-in Blue-eyes

Thank you, Mole.  

1. Work for client - start with 15 minutes. (Big block but I can do it! I'm going to start right now.)

2. Lesson plan.

3. Anything else.

Maak er iets moois van!

I DID IT!! Well done!!!

fudoshin: 56 days of exercise: day 53

Please do not leave advice or feedback.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome.

The commitment is thirty minutes of exercise before midnight of any of
the following format: running, jogging, a combination of
running-walking-jogging, swimming, walking, attending a fitness class
(something that requires me to leave the house), stationary biking,
biking, dance class, aerobic class, yoga, karate (or other martial
arts).  I am not requiring myself to wear the running clothes, but on
days I have running in my schedule I would like to remind myself that by
doing the running, I am moving forward, and that it is the only way to
move forward in my schedule.  Also, everything is easier after I've
already acclimated my body to do it once or n times.  I am doing
this because:

  1. My main reason for continuing is that I want to move forward with my
    running/jogging plan.  I made some progress last week of running 2
    minutes, walking2 minutes, repeating that seven times, but I want to
    finish that week within a timely period and move on to running 2 minutes
    and walking 1 minute (times 10).  The ultimate goal is to be able to
    run/jog for 30 minutes.  I want to run a marathon at the end of this
    year or January of next.  (I have always wanted to run the Honolulu
    Marathon; I don't even know if this is something I can do, but I want to
    do it.)  I have year after year pledging to do a second marathon and
    have not, b/c I did not make headway on my running plan.
  2. I feel that running or exercise will force me to own up to other
    commitments in my life, because challenges in the running sphere force
    me to have other commitments in my life met so that I can exercise
    unimpeded and feel good that my investment in myself is going somewhere.
  3. I want to feel good about myself when I go outside, and
  4. I don't trust myself to exercise at the end of the day or at some point
    before midnight unless I make the commitment here to do it.  
  5. Being accountable to others by making a commitment here, helps me to be accountable to myself.
  6. The objective is to stick to the running plan by doing at least one
    training unit per day of the 28-week running plan I came up with, which
    is a slower version of the eight-week Rodale run/walk plan.  
  7. practicicing being on time with this commitment, will assist me in being on time in other areas.
  8. It will also help me to practice willpower for other activities that require energy.
  9. Exercise helps me to feel comfortable in what I am doing, b/c I am not
    constantly fidgeting at my desk or feeling like I SHOULD be
    running/swimming/walking or getting out in the sun or that I SHOULD have
    done those things last night.
  10. Exericse helps me to avoid feelings of not  being adequate, because I
    have confidence in myself as a person interacting with others.
  11. I want to build trust in myself by committing to something small that
    positively affects my whole life.  Since I'm making a promise here to do
    it, that's going to help me to keep my promise to myself so that I have
    faith in myself that at some point during the day I will exericse,
    instead of feeling like crap because I don't even trust myself to get to
    the gym or go on a walk.
  12. Exercise makes everything tighter, which makes me feel more comfortable
    with myself and helps me to be able to live with myself.
  13. I want to be able to wear the clothes in my closet, and throw out the ones that are not useful to me.



Walked forty-three minutes.

InnerTruth's check-in

Shower, eat breakfast and be at my desk by 9 am.

Spend no more than 5 minutes on email and don't spend anytime on the Internet, except for research for my ESL job search.

9 to 11 am - Finish and email observation journal

12:30 to 1 - lunch

1 to 2 - photocopy and mail documents

2:00 pm - Transit

2:45 - meeting with JLP

3:15 to 5:45 - research at library

5:45 pm to 9:00 - PIC meeting

9:00 to 10:00 - transit and walk

10 pm on - wash dishes 

riddled's Wednesday ToDos

Mole, I like that Paul Klee quote! Thanks!

get up 04:30
write birthday mail for A.
put trousers in backpack
take glass to bottle bank
take earlier train
repair bicycle no. 2 at train station

take trousers to non-profit 2nd hand store

bring bycicle no. 1 to bicycle repair shop (made appointment to bring it again tomorrow)
clean & restack boxes in cellar
clean built-in cabinet under cellar stairs
inventory non-clothing (tent, deckchair, ...) in cellar
if possible, start tools inventor

Don't know how much of that I'll manage - just came home from bicycle repair shop, it took a while there.
Checkout edit: I didn't get any of the rest done. I ate something, then did something mildly useful but unimportant and relaxing, then fell asleep. :(

Things I'm thankful for:
Today was the first time I figured out correctly how to buy & use the right ticket for a bicycle transported in a train before 09:00 a.m. And today I got controlled - and not before! 

clement ci - day 207 attempting abstinence, 127 from self

Abstinence from unplanned time.

  • The one thing, the only thing, i can do impulsively is write something on my todo list.
  • The one thing, the only thing, i can do off plan is recovery, something to maintain my sobriety, when tempted. I have come to believe that it is more important to maintain sobriety than to get things done.

Abstinence from relying on self. AA Big Book says to rely on God. Quoted in my bookmarks : scroll down to "AA Big Book on fears : relying on God not self-reliance:"

:) ci
:) start Instant Boss
:) v task
:) cl
:) time log
:) quiet time
:) r task
:) s task
:) t task
:-( 11am pa phone mtg
:) sort tasks
*capture all * tasks here
j task
:) *g wrk - bill, 45 min
bill client ku - 30min
*pud raid - 4 hrs
pud av i - 5 hours
:) 3:30 w c mtg
:) s.z mtg
client bos ask
:) wko d rb
client hrc jun 30
pud df 6/14

brk: print smpl slv
brk: p job, call wed
brk: fam ph
:) *brk: *unemp pend
*brk: *dom card
brk: trm r
brk: log c.s.l & j
:) brk: sw
brk: *kal fafsa w2
brk: crit art
brk: clr flsh
blog legalnotice
client o
wko tr
*lc sign form

*tx - 4hrs
*nativ - 20 min
pu wrk - iDev - 2hrs
kuf wrk - recontact - 15 min
later: ht task
:) put away clothes
:) reflection
:) pre-plan tmrw

9:02am :
[not tracking <15 min]
It's been 00days 11hrs 39min since i last went on an off-plan bender >15min (2hrs 15min, 19:08-21:23 6/5 did a different blog entry than i planned)
It's been 00days 11hrs 39min since i last went on an off-plan bender >1hr (2hrs 15min, 19:08-21:23 6/5 did a different blog entry than i planned; abs his: 13,1,1,5,6,6,3 old-new)
It's been 00days 11hrs 39min since i last went on an off-plan bender >2hrs (2hrs 15min, 19:08-21:23 6/5 did a different blog entry than i planned; abs his: 5,14,8,6,12)
It's been 26days 06hrs 18min since i last went on an off-plan bender >3hrs (3hrs 14min, 11:30pm-02:44am 5/8-9 raid work binge, abs his: 25,14; corrected 5/24).
It's been 71 days since i last went on an off-plan bender >4hrs (6hrs on 3/25).
It's been >71 days since i last went on an off-plan bender >6hrs (6hrs on 3/25).
It's been 207 days since i last went on an off-plan bender >1day
It's been ~307 days since i last went on an off-plan bender >1week
It's been 46days 10hrs 51min since i last relied on self. (abs his: 14)


In the middle of my morning tasks, i got way off plan for 2 hours. Emotionally couldnt focus. H.A.L.T. but more just being emotionally upset makes resistance and motivation low.
I got off plan several times today. But they werent as obsessive as usual. And i calculated the time of each one. So it is in the light.
I flubbed this automated phone call twice. Well once was them, i think.

THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR (everything i "did well" comes from god, either thru gifts he's given me or the way he's transformed me)

Got another fun, little part time job. (Tx God!)
Had fun in my meetings.
Dinner was yummy.
I managed my schedule well around my appts.
I tried the important phone call twice.
I got a important, long-overdue task done today.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


Wednesday early morning

Thanks Mole!Cool

  • list
  • accounts
  • email ot
  • r chpt edit start
  • check if room avail
  • cal hosp re r
  • decide if staying 
  • if staying
  • aug r 
  • sept r
  • oct r
  • nov r
  • dec r
  • r chpt edit continue
  • send n gs docs to print
  • meet n for dinner
  • get docs
  • do g int q
  • finish r edit if possible
  • email f
  • email g


Mole's check in

7.30 cafe prep S

9-12.30 write with poms

Prep and eat healthy lunch - prep enough for tomorrow night.

2.00 walk to town ( or bus 2.10)

3.00 -4 appt S 

4.15 bus

4.30 - 6 walk w  C

eat healthy meal 

walk to NH

7.30 choir

check  in

bed by 11


moved out of my comfort zone,  managing to get on track in spite of late start. Making and eating really healthy meal


been a bit clearer about what I wanted to have done with S. 


feeling well, working with C, S's creative support,  insights about structure, that I can remember dreams