Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday 4th January 2013
Friday 4th January 2013
(thank-you to Rising and to LV, for the idea for this thread-starter)
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tila - Fri
Had a busy day already. Plan for the evening:
Study - 4-5 hours (depending on progress)
LizzieT's Friday
One too-bad thing about not making a to do list in the morning, is that you don't get to scratch stuff off! Today has been really pretty productive, and I'm happy about that. There's a bit more to do (isn't there always), so
Put stuff away in office (timed intervals?)
Put away boxes from delivery
Paying work
Play with dog? (Only if kid won't)
Figure out dinner
Plan tomorrow and this evening
clement ci - day 57 attempting abstinence
3:04pm : it's been 5 min since i last went off plan. I have been doing things on my list, imp things i need to do, but not in order, not planned, not selected. God help me. I feel i have little strength today.
:) 11am ph mtg
:) ci
:) quiet time
:) r task
:) mem card
:) mtg mon
:) send links to emails...
:) pj task
3:29pm : it's been 30 min since i last went off plan. finally! seems good to be back. Wasnt sure it was ever going to happen. Tx god!
4:55pm : it's been 1 min since i last went off plan. Read something low-prio in email. Sigh. New beginning. I'm sad about my failures to stay on plan today.
1:53pm sat : the day ended very poorly.
"You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13
That promise seems very far from me, but i know that it is true.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
tidyreadingsj1Rising Up To-Do Checkin 1/4
Specific Actions Today:
for each one, use timer on phone, pray to God to give me the strength
to do the next right thing, keep track of actual time frames it took to complete.
-Start compiling lists: employment agencies, jobs in my current field, jobs in new field
-Start writing small actions to take with each of those lists
"I admit that I am powerless over others, my family, what a family member did to me as a child, and that my life has become unmanageable"
"I came to believe that a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity."
"I made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understand him."
@Sleepy re: "anybody home"
The 7:30am phone meeting and the 11:00am phone meeting happened today.
I arrived late at the 8:30am phone meeting and heard the "hold music" so I hung up. Sorry I missed you. I don't know if there was a scheduled leader for today's 8:30 meeting or not.
Good for you for checking here on the forum to get the support you need.
Often, there are 6-10 people on the 8:30am call, so today must've been unusual.
Different people have different schedules each day, so sometimes attendance is heavy or light.
NOTE: there *will* be an 11:00am phone meeting on Saturday.
RisingUp checkin Jan. 4
Thank you MovingAlong and LV for that starter, it is very encouraging.
Despite numerous phone meetings for another group, a face to face meeting for another new group, I am still floundering. Significant other is on the fence with me at the moment. My problems are proving to be too large for me to fix on my own. All it seems I can do right now is pray to God and take the next right action.
I must rise up or I will fall apart. I've already been through the worst, and now this week I finally realized that I was sexually abused as a young child. It explains basically every one of the many problems/issues I've had for a lifetime. I fit at least one-third to one-half of the symptoms lists I've been researching.
I believe the abuse that happened to me that I can't consciously remember but know happened is responsible for my hermetic way of life, avoiding and procrastinating. I must rise out of this. Now that I have AWARENESS of the CAUSE, I trust that my Higher Power will lead me to the healing I've chased for so long. I don't have to wonder why I'm such a mess anymore.
Today, I need to work. I also need to apply for a job. I need to do this while I have a roof over my head, again.
Thank you for being here, PA.
Will post my to-do list in another post.
Any body home?
Hi All,
It has been some lonesome on the phone line today. No one at the 8:30 meeting... just a couple of checker-inners since then. Is there some international conspiracy that I have not been told about?
On my list today.
Step 1 work
1/2 hour writing (done)
Chiropractor (done)
Movies with Ma and Step Pa
1/2 hour creative work
1/2 hour email cleanup
step 10 check in
Bathe (done)
stretching (done)
make dinner
evening of collecting family history
readings with partner
noon call with member
“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the
don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to
the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be!"
Shel Silverstein
No conspiracy
It has been very quiet. I think alot of people are on vacation this time of year and/or have a hard time restarting AFTER vacation
Do It Now
progres not prefection
I replied to you further up the page.
Since your list has now been replied to, you won't be able to edit it. But you can reply to yourself with an updated list, which is an imperfect solution but "good enough" :)
No conspiracy
It has been very quiet. I think alot of people are on vacation this time of year and/or have a hard time restarting AFTER vacation
Do It Now
progres not prefection
Do It Now CI MA - Love it!!
MA - Love it!!
Misc 1Fi 2ui tried 3check to MS
4PM5Chart Q21230 minch
1 hisb
2 Misc
430 sh
Missed from earlier in week
org schedule
M's chart
GMEWGO dlrs Zipper
talk to Y
face your fears
progres not prefection
AOTP Friday January 4
1. make breakfast/lunch
2. clean dishes
3. load of laundry
4. shower and dressed
5. out of the house!
Other to-do's for today:
outdoor family activity
-some sort of clean up in house (christmas stuff, presents, goodwill trip- please give me courage to actually give stuff away!)
-resolution course homework
Salamander's check in - Fri 4 Jan 2013
Good day, everyone, and thanks to LV and movingalong for starting the thread.
Follow morning routineJobsearch - 1 hourFollow evening routine
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
Vic 1/4/13
Show up (done), cal, exer
Thanks for starter moving.coming here helps me with those. One "to do" item I need to add is "ask for help" I spent 2 days trying to straighten out cell phone my son messed up and I just messed it up more. Need to go to store and ask for help. as well as bookend help, chat box help, cla help, etc. etc. thanks for being here.
kromer 10:05 CI
*Update easy refs (working on this now)
*Finish ref rough section 1 (working on this now)*Scrape out jug and refill with warm water
*Make a plan for updating next rough section of refs (will do this soon)
*take notes from mtg*Finish supp figure legends (will do this soon)
*Order primers, org. papers, freeze samples
*Do sequencing (messed this up, need to reapeat tomorrow)
*Make organized lists of next action steps
*Start dosing
*Do mending
Journey 10:15
Happy Friday! Yesterday was a really good day, but I'm off to a slow start today. I have been to the gym, read email and checked calendar, but now I'm just kinda sitting around drinking coffee. I will make my todo list now! I'm in the office so I won't post it here, but I'll check back if I get stuck.
Have an enjoyable and productive day everyone!
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler
ms friday
whishing a happy and productive day to all.
shampooemail studentsnew credit cardgotmusikk's Friday
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone!
and thank you movingalong for the threadstarter :-)
It's been a while. A vacation, and then a stomach virus, and then caring for my BF while he had the stomach virus... yes. So now I think there might be JUST ENOUGH semblance of space today to try my routines again. I've missed the companionship of this forum while I've been gone, and find it so motivating to be back!
Progress, not perfection.
Consistency over emergencies.
Do the thing that feels healthy, not "shouldy" or escapist.
Check-in @ P.A.
Process my inbox completely
journalmeditate 15 mins.shower/dressComplete 1 cycle of 15 minutes each of:
-- dishes-- clean
-- back exercise/practice-- massageIf there’s time after I complete what’s listed above, I will select 2 activities and cycle them in 15 minute bursts.
Things I did well today:
-- I noticed the urge to procrastinate (twice so far) and also noticed that it happened so that I could avoid bad feelings. A major WIN.
-- I can see that I don't "improve myself" through slapping on concentration through force, through FIXING; if I instead let go of the layers that I've acquired which are not useful, my inherent nature is still and spacious. If I let myself come out, I am enough. I've known this intellectually but in the past week or so I've felt its truth resonate through my personal experience.
Things I can improve on:
-- Processing my inbox. What can I say... still tired from being sick and then caring for a sick one. I'm cutting myself some slack.
-- I habitually assume that I influence events and people for the worse. As my BF asked today, "Isn't thinking like that tiring?" Yes, it is.
3 things I’m grateful for:
1) Being hungry again.
3) Meditation.
4) Sunlight on tables in coffee shops.
5) Baking.
"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"
-- Pema Chodron
Hypatia's check-in
Finished morning clinic. An office afternoon ahead of me - this is always my stumbling block especially when it's a Friday afternoon.
lunche-mailstoday's reportsring finance deptorganise LAC reportsH.
Knitfisher's CI Fri 4th Jan 2013 07:20
Not got long before I have to leave today. Me and DH spent yesterday eve on Skype and phone to people so we're a bit behind to leave for our break this weekend.
Today I will (as much as possible before I leave this morning):
ShowerWashing onPack meLeave for hospital at 9.45Collect package from POMole's check-in
That was very nearly a double act, moving along! Thank you.
still trying to gather the bits of myself together as the temperature continues to rise 110F.. I thank this group for helping me over my procrastination about having awnings installed a couple of months ago.
There is no point in trying to be energetic, so I am off the hook in terms of housework or walks or shopping or cooking and I am using the time to reflect and have decided to spend more time than I would normally on reflection/review and planning. I have achieved much more using this site and the check-in than I could otherwise have done in the 6 months I have been a member. Thank you pro. I realise that if I don,t check in I unravel pretty fast no matter how well I think I am doing.
today: my first review and planning day I downloaded and worked through this gentle work-book:
now I shall do some more specific guidelines for myself.
today I would like to also
do memory test
write to J
respond to Cc
.Eat healthy salad
Don't wash up
water plants
decide about sleep over
drink lots of water