Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday 31 December 2012
Monday 31 December 2012
I feel paralyzed if I consider a year.
But for one day, or one hour, or one minute, I can ask Higher Power to guide me to recovery.
Come, let's share our hopes and dreams.
Come, let's share our struggles.
Come, let's share encouragement for serene recovery.
Release the past, and find hope for the future!
Together, we recover -- one moment at a time.
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movingalong Monday afternoon check-in
I've been doing anything and everything but what I need to be doing.
Crucial deadline.
Praying to align myself with higherpower's will.
movingalong's Monday update
Checking in, to ground myself.
Hoping and praying.
andyb checkin 12/31
back at work after a week off for holidays.\
i'm too lazy to do a proper check in so this will have to do.
been struggling but i think a tiny amount of progress has been made
i got a small amount of work done today
tiptree CI
to be done:
- shave/shower
- fix js timing issue
- commit edit ssl modifications
- figure out how to add module to cat.
- 1-2 hrs work on tracking
- exercise
Chatbx 12step mtg: Mon-Thu9pmNewYork; Tue-Fri2amUK; Tue-Fri3pmNZ
A brief 12step meeting
inside the separate "meeting tab" of the PA chatbox,
Total meeting time: approx. 15-30 minutes.
Monday through Thursday
at 9:00pm Eastern USA Standard Time (New York).
or Tuesday through Friday
at 2:00am GMT (London UK)
or Tuesday through Friday
at 1:00pm Eastern Australia Daylight Time (Sydney)
or Tuesday through Friday
at 3:00pm New Zealand Daylight Time
in YOUR timezone:
Do It Now CI DONE or copied
TO DO for the week
MKBmake a schedule B
study A
call bank
check on bills
do research DONE
History paper DONE done DONE
series 7
calls Zipper PM
call WGO dealers
Goals for today (Tuesday) write and read Pretty Good DONE
MAKE A mistake everyday
progress not prefection
face my fears
Hamlet's checkin
Movingalong, many thanks for your new year's sentiment. It is well spoken and i share it deeply.
1. finish FS tracker
2. make lunch
3. declutter living room and entry
4. workout
5. make dinner
kromer 10:45 CI
Today I need to:
Do some planning stuff, specifically:
1)Update calendar
2)Finish lists of action steps for projects
I need to work on lab chores:
3)D1 c.m (will do this soon)
4)PCR for R8 (will do this soon)
5)Check on expts (will do this soon)
And I want to do some small tasks on a variety of projects, so that I can help get myself back into gear.
6)For SMF: deal w/ blocks, move data off microscopes, make more reagents
7)For paper: update refs in endnote, figure out appropriate length of a cell article, email Mu about methods (working on this now)
8 ) For committee: Read about S's work
9) For collection: order Win18, look for fasted/fed expr data on GEO
10) For OS project: microburst using galaxy
kromer 2 pm update
OK, a lot of these tasks are much harder than expected, so I am not going to get them all done
I'm going to scale down my goals to:
Do the paper tasks
check on expts
kromer CO
Not as successful as I would have liked, but I did one of the paper tasks (emailing Mu) and made a little progress on the references thing, and I did the PCR, and checked on expts.
Also I had a great time on NYE with friends
Happy New Year's, everybody!
Thanks movingalong. So good to read that. It is so much easier to see myself doing 'this' for a 24 hour period than a whole year. all we have got is the day. Im grumpy today and so need to d othe next right thing FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS
STOP being grumpyreadingstidywritecoffeelunchcall sponsortext and call tcall m and dsend textsdinnerAOTP Dec 31 2012
shower, br. teeth, contacts, meds
game for kiddo
review plan with H for NYE
check in PA
**Additional notes: future projects that unconsciously get added to the list; consider if and where they belong...
-closet issues (lighting, consistent homes for things)
-laundry bottleneck
-actually taking things to charity that are bagged up
clement ci - day 54 attempting abstinence
10:08am : It's been 7hrs 38min since i last went off plan. That is, from when i went to bed til i just woke up a few min ago. I had fun talking with friends, but i planned to go to bed so i could get up contact businesses today during business hours. That plan will still work. It would have been 25h 48min if i hadnt spent too much time talking. Of course that period had a lot of football and early new years party. I am glad i am here checking in and i do have some tasks today.
:) ci
:) quiet time
:) 11am pa phone mtg
:) r task
:) bfast
:) sort tasks ( several time-sensitive ones )
:) do tasks
12:35pm : it's been 10h 05min since i last went off plan. God must be with me today. Transforming me.
2:09am 1/1/2013 : it's tomorrow, new years day, and it's been 23h 39min since i last went off plan. I got all the tasks i needed to get done today and had the rest of the day to visit and play games. I give all the glory to God for he gave me the strength and transformation to accomplish it.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Vic 12/31/12
Show up (done), cal, exer
chat box
jay's monday 31st december 2012
thank you moving along, your introduction is inspiring
what i must do today
finish washing up
watch pilates discs
do a bit of pilates
put washed clothes away
pause tv
keep washing sheets and dry
air bedroom
go for a 10 min walk
food for tomorrow
make a plan for this year
reply to ebay message
phone mum
phone m
phone r
gp through phone and send texts
Journey 7:30
I've enjoyed the holiday season but I am considering today the beginning of my New Year. January is shaping up to be very, very busy at work so I will stay very focused but not get overwhelmed, taking one day at a time.
Right now I am going to make my todo list, exercise, and have a healthy breakfast. I'll be back with todo list in a couple of hours and I will post it here as I'm working from home today.
Update 10:45 Here's the list:
emailexerciseplanask sh about 6.2Quiet TimeReview 6.2Project M - 12thProject M - procCheck RFCsReview and write goalsdinner - startedwater plants5 minutes filingtake vitaminsfold one load of clothes - startedOK, a very doable list. NO meetings today yay. Now, quiet time then back to the next item on the list.
Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler
Knitfisher's CI Mon 31st Dec 09:00
Thanks to Movingalong for the thread starter. Every day is just one foot in front of the other.
Working with a collegue today so more work than anything else. But hoping to get in some tidying for the opening of the new year.
Already done:
To do today:
Knitfisher's Re-done CI Mon 31st Dec 11:30
Got derailed earlier, and this is my recovery
Already done:
To do today:
A good lunch (30 mins)WHB (1 hr)Call hospital re S&L, Fri.Rexroth Check In 08.34
Up prayed reflected
Checked emails and posts
Sorted washing
x Tidy a few bits in kitchen before maintenance come this afternoon
x Photograph kitchen before they come and after they leave - the guy is a good worker but could not do much of a job because the whole sink needs to come out and be replaced
x Phone to ask them for key to switch of external light - they are not answering the phone
x When they come see that they do - they couldn't get the key
x Study French
Finish the letter which I haven't finished - it might not be perfect but I so much want to do it before the years end
x Shower and wash hair - well it was a relaxing bath
Prayers and reflection at the ending of the year
Regards Rexroth
x update at 11.19
I've done a lot of cleaning and clearing and two loads of washing and soaked the sink and surrounds in bleach. I have thought and prayed about the past year and don't feel in a good space about it. I have thought and prayed about the coming year and feel much better about it.
So now for sleep.
Night Rexroth 22.37