Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday December 10, 2012


Sign Two of PA:
We have enormous difficulty getting started on new projects, or transitioning from one project to another.

Have a great proactive day!


Smile Laughing Smile Laughing

clement ci - day 33 attempting abstinence

[ woops posted this in "Tuesday" thread all day yesterday :P ]

8:08pm : It's been, i dont know, 15 min, say, since i last went off plan. Thank you god for infinite new beginnings. Didn't post yesterday so there's no "day 32". Didnt do my retrospective yet. Sat & Sun & Mon were heavily scheduled and i had little free time. but i was NOT ON PLAN. Ie it is clear to me that the external structure WEAKENED my ability to stay on plan. Fancy that! Never would have guessed that. But it's kind of like if you are drive around on a motorized scooter, then your own muscles will atrophy. My on-plan-ness, which is a definite, different mindset ( for me ) weakened cuz it was not exercised on Sat and Sun and Mon. At my last appt today ( mon ) i promised myself, over and over again, that i would check-in when i got home. And when i got home i had an OVERWHELMING desire to not check in. To jump impulsively into tasks. To work without a plan. That's what i did in my free time Sat and Sun, so i'm sure, if hadn't promised myself again and again, that's what i would have done today, too. So what i like about my subject is "attempting" cuz i can fail, and i still get to count up days, cuz i attempted. That's important to my state of mind. And after expressing my thots here, i am ready to plan again. "Ready" is a strong word. More like "resigned".

:) ci
:) quiet time
:) task v
:) task pj
:) 9pm pa chat mtg
sort tasks
:) do tasks?
:) football ( there's a big game on tonight that i'm interested in more than most )

8:21pm : it's been 1 min since i last went off plan. I caught my self after about 1 sec, but it's important to acknowledge i had the urge, and i did not resist, but i did catch myself after giving in for just a sec.

8:38pm : "Therefore let us not pass judgement on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. ... For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. ... So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding." - Romans 14:13,17,19

I love the community and love of and service to others in those verses. It reminds me all of what we do in this fellowship!

8:45pm : it's now been 25 min since i last went off plan. God has brought me back! He did for me what i could not do for myself.

9:41am Tue : It's been about 9.5hrs since i last went off plan. But that includes 8 hours of sleep. I went off task watching commentary at the end of the game. i did do the 2 tasks i wanted to during the game. But i missed an important email yesterday. I think that happened cuz i didnt sort my tasks.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


Que Sera's Monday 12/10

Starting fresh. Right now, I think the best thing for me is to post every day at the end, listing all that went well, even if I have to report it was a bad day and I didn't get much done. In that way, though I am not quite ready for realistic to-do lists, I can still focus on recovery by documenting and trying to increase the positive, and I can still participate in the support network of this group.

Today I:
*Filed papers I've been carying around
*Went to the library to work
*Drafted a large report
*Worked on a section of a paper
*Drafted short report A
*Drafted short report B

In all, I spent about 5 productive hours at the library today, despite the fact that the second I was free, I wanted to bolt for home to eat (always my go-to excuse), even though I realized I wasn't really hungry. So, though I did not get everything done I had hoped, today was a victory.

elvira's evening

  • fill and run dishwasher
  • empty dishwasher
  • send card to Jet
  • send Sandy's invitation

Hamlet's checkin

for the next 3 days, I will be traveling and attending a business meeting.  I don't have anything else planned during this time, but want to check in just to cultivate a good habit and consistency, the importance of which PA has taught me.

riddled's evening ToDoList

Within the next 2.5 hours, I want to

  • do 1 machineful of laundry
  • check new GK
  • continue application form + related documents for T. (as far as I get)
  • eat supper & get ready for bed


Vic 12/10/12

Show up (done), bl, exer.

BB pg 68

We reviewed our fears thoroughly. We put them on paper, even though we had no resentment in connection with them. We asked ourselves why we had them. Wasn't it because self-reliance failed us? Self-reliance was good as far as it went, but it didn't go far enough.

Finished a letter that caused so much anxiety, I could hardly breath. did it with help of book end buddies. My procrastination fears show me how deluded I really am with my belifs of how much I really am trusting and relying on my HP.Praying for willingness to be willing.

wake up/clean up  prep

wake up/clean up 
prep food
drive to work
punch in
pa check in
ask B about I
Make changes and route I
send Gs into A

Begin making changes to BC

kromer 11 CI

OK, I'm having a hard time getting started today, but I know that I can do something useful.

I need to:
Write 2 sections of the results (working on this now)
Read paper (will do this soon)
Go to journal club
Go to research progress update
Do a couple final edits of outline (will do this soon)
Email about committee
Go to bday party
Microburst discussion

kromer 2:45 CI

I am having a *terrible* time today. But, thanks to PA, I know that I am allowed to start my day over at any point. Right now, I am going to do such a re-start, and focus on just ONE task (finishing one results section).


movingalong's monday

My focus today will be to use the
"Prioritization-Serenity Prayer"

gotmusikk's Monday

I'm beginning to incorporate some ideas from fellow procrastinators, and have made ground rules for my progress.  I'm trying out what I'm calling "Stage One" today.

Check-in @ P.A.
Process my inbox completely

meditate 15 mins.  - YAYYY! first time in 2 weeks! I showed up.

Complete 1 cycle of 15 minutes each of:
-- dishes
-- clean
-- back exercise/practice
-- massage

anytime - Weekly Review
4:00 RD

7:00 Cook
8:00 Run

If there’s time after I complete what’s listed above, I will select 2 activities and cycle them in 15 minute bursts.

3 things I did well today:
1) I kept on going through the whole morning, and didn't allow myself to become deterred.  As a result, I completed all of my morning routines for the first time in... a loooong time.
2) Hmm... reflected on the things that didn't go well, and learned from them instead of beating up on myself.
3) Completed my last task on rotation before cooking dinner. RAH!

3 things I can improve on:
1) I let eating (and reading web pages meanwhile) derail me from my plan for 90 minutes.  Potential solutions?  Don't eat in front of the computer, set a timer?
2)  Even though I did MUCH better today of doing the things listed over things that "came up", I still let a lot sneak through.  Tomorrow I will strive to do the 15 minutes of each activity in a cycle, with no breaks other than to reflect and ask HP what I can do to help myself.
3)  Try to understand that A. (my boyfriend) is trying to help me, and not turn it into another thing to 'demand-resist'.

3 things I’m grateful for:
1) A.  He is wonderful, and I'm so glad that I can talk to him about all this and anything else.
2) The ability to start over.
3)  Learning how to be kind to myself, instead of listening to Negativity all the time.


"Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?"

-- Pema Chodron

Journey 9:45

Happy Monday!   I was sickly all weekend and finally starting to feel better today.  This virus or whatever lasted a full 7 days, but I am getting back to normal. 

I will provide some info that vendor requested on Major Project and do the agenda for the noon meeting.   My speaker canceled at the last minute so I gotta regroup.

Update 11:15.   I'm ready for the meeting and I've sent the information.  I have a rough todo list and I will now prioritize it and plan the rest of the day.   I'm still fighting a slight headache and nausea from my illness last week but trying not to take any medication since I figure I took so much stuff last week maybe i just need to get all the drugs out of my system!

Update 1:15 noon meeting over and I am going to have a quick lunch



Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler

Jack's check-in for the day

Thanks lennon for the threadstarter!

My tasks for today:

1.finish S1

2. email D

3. read S2

4. ORx2

5. call at 3pm

6. email replies 

7. 10 mins FT  

8. prep CCCN for dinner & eat

9. leave for SL by  6:15pm

10. home, in bed by 11pm 


My day today

Still taking things one day at a time in fighting my habit/addiction. So far it's going we'll. but I'm taking things a day at a time, and facing the day as it comes.  My day today.


1. Call labor for follow up

2. Straighten up apartment.

3. Go to electronics store

4. Order new computier

5. Send out work emails

6. Make doctors appointment for a physical

7. Go to electronics store.

8. Cool dinner 

EleanorBE's Monday List

Thanks Lennon! This Sign always makes me laugh as it's one of the only two signs of procrastination that don't apply to me. New projects? I'm addicted to them. Transitioning from one project to anogher...well, if you count putting off one unfinished project so I can start an exciting new one then I'm great at it! But I expect this isn't quite what successful Transitioning is all about! I'm addicted to new starts then either lose interest and start procrastinating, or realize I've taken on too much and start burying my head in the sand and procrastinating. The other Sign that I don't have issues with is the lateness one. I'm always early. Always early, without half of the stuff I need. Always early, because running to the next new thing is always more exciting than finishing off the thing I'm putting off. BUT having said all this, I have managed to keep up these check ups pretty consistently since coming to PA so I'm pleased that this wasn't a new start that dwindled away.

Here's today

- Come home from G's mum

- on train - transfer la chapter notes to bibliog

- get home and check email

- write quick answers where poss

- get diary and put email things on

- write to K re. D issue

- write to CM for her contribution to DT report

- try to get through all of Lo. chapter notes. 

- order books from lo chapter for next mon

- write list of things to do first thing tomorrow, starting with: Sid. notes, Nee.notes, Cor. Notes.

- end of day - write up DT report

- post DT report

Hypatia's check-in

I feel I've seriously relapsed.  My office is a disaster area,  I'm miles behind with my reports again, and home is in a real mess. I'm going to start small and see where i can get to.

  • today's reports
  • any previous reports
  • meeting


I-want-to-write check-in 10.30am

Hello everyone,

Lennon, thank you for this thread.

Already achieved today:

- washed, dried and put away two lots of laundry

- tidied the kitchen, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher and tidied two bedrooms and one bathroom

- checked mails and messages

- made breakfast and cleaned up afterwards

- prepared packet for the post 

Child-free plans:

- finish reading and summarise book A

- finish reading and summarise book B

- buy book C

- cook dinner 

My bigger aim for the day is to learn to set relatively small goals and achieve them in good time. As the saying goes, the only way to eat the largest of elephants is bit by bit ::smile::. I will use the focus booster to help me keep track of my time.

Wishing best of luck to everyone! 

Blue-eyes Monday morning

Hi everyone,

Thanks for starting, lennon.

I'm having trouble getting focussed this morning. I've straightened up the house to avoid sitting down at the desk. First I need to clean up the desk and organize the to-do list for today. If I can finish some tasks that have to be done before the end of the month (all work-related), I can turn my attention to Christmas preparations. It would be so nice to enjoy the season's activities (shopping, decorations, baking, annual letter) rather than feel rushed and pressured and constantly behind.

So, my list for today:

1. Organize desk and to-do list

2. Update website. This is my block. The procrastination monster has control of this right now. I'll fight it with a micro-burst. I will be so happy and relieved when I cross this off!

Then I'll see...

Good luck everyone! 

I did it! I got organized just enough to get to work and I worked until I finished. I didn't hesitate. Now it's lunch time and I'm starving. I don't feel as much as sense of accomplishment as I'd expected. But the benefit will come in the form of less stress and that knot in my stomach in the coming days.

Thanks so much PA! Six months of therapy couldn't figure out what I figured out myself thanks to you! 

Rexroth Check In 07.22

Woke early and tired but wide awake.

Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails and posts

x Be in for electrical inspection of house this morning - unsure of how long it will take or what will be needed from me or of what I can do while they are here - done and it was more disruptive than I could have imagined
x Email landlords re water heater - spoke to landlords and plumber is coming this afternoon - plumber has been and it is fixed
x Sort through papers and mail
Work on book
x Email church
Rest and take it easy
and what else? It is difficult with workpeople about

Next flat person is ill, plumber is ill, I am ill and am going back to bed. The wireless conection on my laptop is not working so I can't take the laptop to bed with me so I will have to rest.

Rexroth 13.55

Did various bits of admin this afternoon and later friend came round and stayed too long and I am very tired

I've written my journal


Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Night Rexroth 23.04

Tiptree CI

- script to generate zips
- install mrc app and test script
- implement pdf feature
- work on timing feature
- fix bug w/ email
- investigate slow queries
- clean office
- clear 10 instances
- take one required training course
- exercise

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Take shower

3. Get dressed

4. Cook and eat breakfast

5. Go to see the nurse at 9 a,m.

6. Go to the pharmacy to get medicine

7. Warn up and eat lunch

8. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

9. Go to see the foot doctor at 3:15 p.m.

10. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

11. Fix and eat dinner

Thanks for letting me share

ms monday

  • call ac 1st thing
  • collate all tuts for tuesday
  • email r with support
  • write up filming
  • then start storyboarding 1,2,3,4
  • get email ad for 1-5 car
  • downloading 1
  • downloading 2
  • gym
  • cancel wednesday
  • post f's gift!!!
  • time with k&c in evening
  • eat mindfully
  • be careful with money
  • no napping

jay's monday december 10

foot app in diary power

finances- sort bill

l'woods returns


cook lentil strw

tidy bedroom

look at fridays list to check

phone r

phone mum

wash up

Mole's check-in

Thank you lennon for starting the thread. Have to start not a new project but a new way of tackling it today - so will take heart.

9-12.30 new chapter using  dragon and poms 

healthy lunch

tidy 1 pom living rroom

letter to Z 

tidy 1 pom kitchen 

card to Sh 

tidy 1 pom bedroom  


5.30 C's b'day tea 

8.30 walk to town for farewell to visitors

11 bed 

Mole's check-in

Thank you lennon for starting the thread. Have to start not a new project but a new way of tackling it today - so will take heart.

9-12.30 new chapter using  dragon and poms 

healthy lunch

tidy 1 pom living rroom

letter to Z 

tidy 1 pom kitchen 

card to Sh 

tidy 1 pom bedroom  

 Don't forget washing!


5.30 C's b'day tea 

8.30 walk to town for farewell to visitors

11 bed