Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday 14th November 2012

Spazz Ma Tazz

14 November Anno Domini MMXII - Wednesday
Today I am grateful to God for my working furnace.

[ JOY -       Jesus, Others, Yourself ]
Jesus:      Counted & tracking the chapters in all the books of the Old Testament.
Others:     Made dinner for Mom.
Yourself:   Do, Doing, Done.


-     Laundry
-     Find paperwork for job hunting.
-     Integrate check register into envelope system.

o     Cooking

*     PomoBurst 1.
*     PomoBurst 2.
*     PomoBurst 3.
*     PomoBurst 4.
*     Frustratingly learned tiny bit of HTML to do my Pro Anon check-in. :O
*     Took garbage out to the dumpster.
*     Went for a bike ride.
*     Went to the post office & overnighted a payment.
*     Went to the bank.
*     Went to the dollar store for household items.
*     Got $5 off coupon from dollar store.
*     Updated private, daily SimpleNote check-in.
[ Habit Loop - Cue, Usualness, Reward, Encouragement, Scaffolding ]

If not now, when?

tila - Wed

Have been sick since Monday, really bad. This thing can last as much as 2 weeks, painful.

Plan for tonight: 

  • mail, trash, dishwasher
  • planner - plan for the rest of the week
  • LR - review mistakes, scan/print out 52  

ANNOUNCEMENT 9e 6p chat meeting.

starting now in the chatbox.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


Hamlet's checkin

a late start checkin in; did FoY exercise already.  I will break up the rest of the day thus:

1. 45 minutes of e-mail and news headlines(DONE)

2. soak dry goods for cooking later (DONE)

3. work on gardening blog

4. pick up in kitchen

5. shop for grocery, bird food and containers

6. call nancy and kathleen

7. cook

8. resume gardening blog, if not too late

9. Bed by 1 AM, qigong before bed.  


Salamander's check in - Weds 14 Nov 2012

Thank you, O Mole, for starting the thread. ;-)

I would appreciate it if anyone who feels moved to comment on my post here would write to me privately rather than post in reply to this post - so I can still edit this post here. Thank you!

  • Breakfast
  • Follow Morning Routine
  • Buy cat litter - NO
  • Tidy up inside car/bring in rubbish NO


  • Spot clean dining room carpet
  • Rearrange throw on sofa in living room
  • Hoover downstairs
  • Put back furniture in dining area
  • Open out dining table
  • Admin at table (30 mins) inc bus pass & update diary


  • Scrub kitchen floor (30 mins)
  • Make nutritious dinner
  • vision2learn unit 1, segment 4
  • Follow Bedtime Routine

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)

clement ci - day 7 attempting abstinence

9:42am :

i've been up for 42 min. i have not been distracted. but i have not had a plan so i can't say i was on plan.

so tonight i should create a plan for tmrw. ok i put that on the todo list.

1. quiet time.
2. gather sort tasks
3. do MITs in order. abstinence from going off plan. dedicate each task to god.

9:55am :

woops chased an idea not on plan. But i caught myself sooner than usual.

It's been 1 min since i last went off plan.

10:02 :

it's been 8 min since i last went off plan.

In my reading of Romans 4 this morning Paul was using the example of Abraham. Abraham heard the voice of God saying leave Ur ( his hometown ) and go to The Promised Land ( Israel ). God promised it would be a land of plenty. Abraham believed that voice, and that promise, and the nation of Israel was born.

Much later, when he was 99 years old, and childless, God promised that he would be the father of many nations. Abraham did not doubt, considering his and his wife's age. And he did bear a son Issac, who then fathered Jacob who then fathered the progenitors of the 12 tribes of Israel.

But Paul makes the point that Abraham is not only the father of the Jewish nation, but since he *believed* God, he is the father of all people who believe. His belief is said in the Torah to be "credited to him as righteousness." Paul's theology of the work of Jesus on the cross is the exact same, for those who belief, their belief is credited to them as righteousness.

On judgement day, god will look at that belief, not at our sins.

Andy Stanly did a series on faith in which he stated that biblical faith is not trying to have faith. It's simply being convinced that God is who he said he was and will do what he said he's do. More an intellectual conclusion, than a spiritual effort.

I am convinced that God loves me deeply and has my life planned out--like MapQuest and i am at one dot on that journey. Good times and bad times are to come. Ups and Downs. And God has arranged for all them to work for my good, and the good of my family. Tho they may be trials when going thru them.

And in the end i will be with him in paradise. Perfect Joy, Peace and Power.

But what about today? What about my struggle with addiction right now? I believe God can triumph over that. I believe simultaneously to recovery from addiction he is calling me to be closer to him.

Staying on plan can be synonymous with surrendering each moment to God. Make it so!

11:54 am :

wow. Is God very, very good? i just wrote "I am convinced that God loves me deeply and has my life planned out." And now what i would consider my dream job just got posted. I'm leaving my previous company, so this is fortuitous.

12:03 pm :

It's been 2h 9m since i last went off plan.

But now the plan is changing drastically based on a new job opportunity and some deadlines i forgot about. No biggie. just re-plan with this new reality.

9:37pm :

it's been 11h 43m since i was last off plan. But that's due to having one really big task to absorb me.

when i said 'no biggie' above that was just foolish. It was HUGE to me. What i meant was that even tho it seemed overwhelming, the solution was simply make tasks, prioritize them, and do them. Same as always.

I'm happy to report that i have applied for the job. Took hours. Had to read "how to write a cover letter" i got from a friend who got it from a recruitment agency and then research the job area to write it. It is a very exciting opportunity for me. But, i have already given it to God. God's will, not mine, be done. He knows best; i'm only guessing. ;^)

so now, 15 more min of relaxation / fun.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


Innertruth's check-in

  1. Research companies for 3 hours
  2. Buy 649
  3. Go to grocery store to map aisles
  4. Run
  5. Make phone calls for JC
  6. Call Sheryl
  7. Practise phonics
  8. Work on script for 2 hours
  9. Wash dishes
  10. Handwash clothes

Mollie's Check-in

Next actions:

-write up how to frame sw appt
-listen to AL voice mail
-call AL
-listen to SK voice mail
-call nh re: DS tomorrow
-download & read AL fax
-email Dr. S
-find DS med list
-get info re: each med

Last week's

Last week's timesheet

Print docs

Review w A

make updates


b. VT

c. CGD

d. MMA

e. BoE

f. AGH



b. VT

c. CGD

d. MMA

e. BoE

f. AGH 

Get routing forms ready

email docs to As


work email

m gmail

 At home tonight


Write 8th step list

Meet with sponsor 

Had a good day today! 

kromer 10:30 CI

I am going to start with a relatively short list of tasks, and then if I get through all of those I can add more.

*Locate slide (working on this now)
*Email about church potluck
*Email mom, bf (working on this now)
*Text ER
*Send out more invitations, email people back about gifts, email YG, text Tim (working on this now)
*Email re: comm. member
*Order book, snowsuit, nursing cover
*genotype (working on this now)

Rexroth Check In 14.14

Well I am mystified because I checked in earlier but obviously pressed the wrong button so did not post.

Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails, posts and post
Washed up and cleared up
Looked at post
Emailed friend
Been out for exercise walk

x Phone friend
x Put on washing machine - and hung up washing to dry afterwards
x File and check post - almost I still need to check something
x Read UA material
x Write journal
x Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

All done Night Rexroth 22.03

Jack's check-in for the day

Thanks Mole for starting the thread.

My tasks today:

1. create pomo log

2. weekly planning

3. identify Thur main tasks 

4. check email and reply - x1 pomo

5. phone chat CA

6. Q for BL

7. call SB 

8. lunch

9. FT - x2 pomo for conclusion rewrite, pivot, activity report

10. FT - emails to set up meetings, x1 pomo

11. 15 min tidy then vacuum at 3:45pm 

12. go for a run and shower 

13. early dinner snack at 4:45pm

14. leave for SL by 5:10pm, attend meeting

15. finish q13 on substitution

16. in bed by 11pm ready for an early start on Thu 

Tongue out  

Journey 6:30 am

Working from home today, last day before short vacation.   I'm cutting out early today to put my car in the shop for routine maintenance while I'm away, and I need to pack tonight.   I also need to lay out my clothes for the morning and make sure everything is ready to go, as I'm leaving at 6 am tomorrow

Yesterday was ok, I worked on my MIT most of the work day, which was fine, but didn't focus as well as I wanted to.   Today I will do first a couple of items that are lower priority but need to be done before I leave.   Once I get those out of the way I will spend the rest of the work day on my MIT and be sure to be ready in time to take the car in.

Now I will make todo list, then exercise for 30 minutes and have breakfast.  Have a productive and enjoyable day everyone!


Let your purpose rule your day - Steve Chandler

jays wednesday

make plan

do reports

print off

get r to sign sar

do not get distracted


EleanorBE's Wednesday list

What a great starter, thanks Mole. The second half - or rather the second three fifths! - of my week is much more hectic than Monday and Tuesday so it's hard not to start off Wed morning really tensely. But I will start it gently tomorrow.

Here's my day 

Write to M


Finish photocopying for ps workshos

Finishihg touches to play for ps workshops

Plan Thursday's class

See M re training etc 

Find materials for  Thursday eve's training

Email J re stuff for H and A

Decide what you're going to do re S article

Write to P depending on what you decide


Observe TW teaching

Write up observation

Do schedule for IP

Send schedule for IP

Have lunch


Plan Thursday training

If time, write up CP meeting paper, or do this Friday

3 - Meet C

Have a break

4-6 PS workshops

Go home 

Collect veg

Sort out S section of An chapter

Cook dinner

ms wednesday

thanks for the starter mole Smile

the specifics

  • a walk
  • 1hr on proposal.
  • do washing for weekend away
  • speak to a re project and tickets

the constants

  • eat with mindfullness and kindness.
  • no napping.
  • be careful with money.

hazyjane check in wed

Thanks for the starter Mole :)

Have to be up early and focused tomorrow, here's my list of 'things I want to get done':

  • HP, brush teeth, breakfast
  • walk dogs
  • get to meeting (I'm standing in as sec)
  • quick lunch
  • get to other meeting
  • don't forget to fill in food diary
  • try and make contact with estate manager
  • update tumblr blog (college work)
  • do that mood board for thursday
  • walk dogs again...
  • tidy up...
  • work out WHEN I can get to a yoga or tai chi class in the week and put it in diary
  • watch the dvd that's overdue
  • have an early night

It's an inside job...

My Day Today

I want to thank my HIgher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank Mole for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

4. Cook and eat breakfast

5. Prayer and meditation

6. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

7. Go to print copies of check stubs and bank statements

8. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

9. Go to part of the 1 p.m. telephone OA meeting

10. Cook and eat lunch

11. Fix dinner

12. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

13. Take shower

14. Get dressed

15. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

Thanks for letting me share

Mole's check-in

These last couple of days have been so full on procrastination got pushed out. Now I have to be careful that tiredness doesn't lead to putting things off. Early night coming up. So tomorrow:

 7.30 cafe, plan next chapter

 9-12.30 write with pom

12.30 healthy lunch

1 prepare back for awning installation

email J re walk and DS

make eye appointment

1 pom back rroom 

CC review and plan. 

email MM re docs

transf birthday  to S

Walk wih C?

Eat healthy meal


bed at