Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday 8th October
...there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
- William Shakespeare, Hamlet.
Ok, so I know that's not quite true. Some things that happen to us really are bad. But I've found that since I've been on this site, I've stopped thinking about tasks as Bad and just done them. And they've stopped being Bad.
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wrkinprogrss: 10/08/12
Hi and good wishes to all.
Today, I want to track the constructive things I do, here. So far:
tila - Mon
Catch-up day. Plan for today:
4/1.Instead of completing 3, started 4/2 - making good progress.laundry,kitchen, dinner.Sfwy, RdbxDraft e-mail Dr P, PDMHjf2bme check-in 10/8/12
I am back laptop died and ingot an iPad which is different to operate...think I might need another laptop..or get some serious intruction on this!
Today, I called I sick...too stressed from anoverbookedschedule...must simplify my life! There is so much I want to do and so little time...
just for today, I will work on:
12gather all paper clutter together
1215 separate out garbage and bills
130 take care of bills
300look for a job!
330 fridge/plan meals/
400 laundry
430 make apple something
530 ddinner ok, ready or not, here I go!
clement ci
first log into work and ck email.
only do quick or urgent.
woops, i was researching for an email request.
i was undisciplined.
But god is doing new things again in my life. He has brought me back into focus, so now i'm thinking that i can start anew from this moment and try again
After i posted that on chat, movingalong posted:
i would like to live a life where my outlook was entirely about who and how much i could serve. I just get really caught up in other self-centered things all the time. God save me.
3:52. that took 10 min.
1:16am ( very late night, into next morning )
i did 2.5 hrs work that was necessary. after watching monday night football.
now it's time to have god help me not procrastinate bedtime.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
kromer 9:15 CI
Today I'm taking as a half-holiday.
*Check on garden*Paint trim on 2.5 walls (did 1.5)
*Get dressed up, fix hair*Come up with revised outline and email
*Make a schedule for the week
*1 hr work on coll. plan*Check on expts, set up
*Emails, call*Re-suspend (working on this now)
*ice cream w/ friend
My daily check in
1. Go to work
2. Set up excel spread sheets for inventory
3. Develop new plan of attack for inventory procedures
4. Sync phone to my company email adress
5. Send out work related emails
6. Go home
7. Call parents
8.cook dinner
9. Read work related literature
10. Rest and relax
Jack's check-in for the day
My check-in for today. (I prefer not to receive replies so can can keep editing and updating this list, but any kind thoughts, prayers or wishes are more than welcome.)
1. pack & leave for home
2. weekly planning
3. work on FT for 30 mins
4. email M book RL
5. email FT MLC & GRO
6. summary email to flatmates + emergency contacts
7. email Critics, Tues Eq workshop & GAL new friends (optional)
8. email RC & RL
9. book RD?
10. research tax credits
11. email friends, social events, W-Y, StH, LUM, BrY, ANJ (optional)
12. read UNER (optional)
13. check glasses lost property HK (optional)
14. room tidy 10 mins, unpack from weekend trip
15. dinner at 5:45pm
16. leave for CD by 6:20pm and attend CD
17. to gently work through any unpleasant withdrawal symptoms from any increased productivity today Monday as I move to recovery from my debilitating addiction to procrastination & compulsive task avoidance to alacrity and task perseverance.
SUCCESS!18. start getting ready for bed at 11pm to wind down and develop bedtime anticrastination to be asleep by midnight.
Maximo's check-in Mon 8 Oct 7:25 am
Thanks to Eleanor for this thread starter and God Bless everyone here.
My list for today
1. FH project - 10 mins
2. Office papers - 10 mins
3. Gib job
4. E. newsletter - complete
5. Car insurance
6. Ring F. for address
7. Ex bike 20 mins
8. inc/exp spreadsheet - 10 mins
9. Quiz night
10. Card for J's birthday
ms monday.
finish writing two proposal.upload other files.take watch to be fixed. tried!gymtext b.clean work area.Hamlet's checkin
3-days straight of procrastination. Time to make a new start and keep to bookending tasks and do chores (as opposed to "fun" stuff) in bursts.
1. FoY Exercise(Done)
2. meditation
3. eat 3 healthy snacks
4. pick up stuff in the Study (2 bursts)(Done 1 burst)
5. e-mail Phil/ABA(DONE)
6. Moldova
7. Do dishes (2 bursts)
8. Target mail
9. water plants
10. listen to gene's e-mail
Mole's lunch-time check-in
Thank you, Eleanor, for the great thread starter.
This is my third week of using the pomodoro technique for my writing and it has been fantastic. It feels this is now one area in my life where I am not procrastinating. It is what I want to do most and yet have also procrastinated most about. One reason for its success I think is that I it has given me a much more realistic idea about the time it takes me to achieve things, which in turn means I am not so disappointed in myself all the time.
plan for this afternoon:
healthy lunch if I don' t feel too sick.
pay gate account REALLY
3 sort box.
plan week and month.
blue line.
Eat healthy meal
7 ringing if I am better.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Eleanor for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting4. Eat breakfast5. Go to the nurse's appointment at 10 a.m.6. Go to the pharmacy and get medicine7. Cook and eat lunch8. Call the give a work order to spray the closets for bedbugs.
9. Clear out my closets
10. Wash dishes11. Take shower12. Get dressed
13. Prayer and meditation
14. Read the meditations
15. Do my Sixth Step
16. Cook and eat dinner17. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting
18. Go to the 7:30 p.m. face to face NA meeting
19. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting
20. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
Amal's check-in
Alarm set 8:00am
Pro check-in
send in attendance (dont forget deadline!!!) drafts done, sent!write - finish section 2, start quotes for section 3 (started section 2, had to attend to reports)
arrange for laundry
log calories (diet)
walk (1 hour)
+next day's list
Pro check-out
Finding a way
Thanks for the starter, EleanorBE!
Just showing up for now, as I haven't sorted my lists. But must ring at least one person re work.
Salamander's check in - Mon 8 Oct '12
Loving the thread starter, EleanorBE - thank you for that!
I'd prefer people not to offer comments here so that I can continue to edit the day as I go through my list. But if anyone has constructive feedback or encouragement to offer, please feel free to get in touch by private message.
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
EleanorBE's Monday List
So, that's the first time I started a check-in thread! Feel a bit breathless!
Here's my Monday list.
Reply to GList tss agenda itemsConsult with M, N and J re aboveAsk M and J for CRsAsk N re peer reviewMake lunch to take to library
Go through Sat's list and transfer to this one the things you couldn't do because work email was down.
Write to Z again if she hasn't written
Go through ta emails
Reply to DB
Go to library
Cut relevant chunk of L chapter
Go through new books
Well I'm crossing this off as I did 'try' as the task says! But I still haven't finished the *!?*!! thing!TRY TO FINISH L CHAPTER AT LAST
Break for emails before lunch and tea breaks (not between writing bursts)
yay! no cake today!eat only fruit for snacks
Ring MW if he hasn't written by tea time.
Write to S re new TaT date