Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Friday 5th October 2012
Life never presents us with anything
which may not be looked upon
as a fresh starting point . . .
Andre Gide
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Hamlet's checkin
much belated check in after two and half days of procrastination. Going to conduct myself for what remains of the day in the spirit of the quote posted by Mole (Thanks, Mole).
For the next 5 hours, I will do, alternately, i hour stretch on the Moldova project, interspersed by 20-minute bursts on food prep for Ling.
InnerTruth's check-in
Having a very unproductive week!
Sister came to town and I had to clean up my pigpen of an apartment. It's not very organized. I have stuff in bags and boxes stored all over the place.
I need to go through the clutter to catch up on my income taxes for the past 5 years. Yikes!
I know that overall I get money back. I'm going to develop a schedule to do my taxes plus do my filing, recycling, shredding and reading for professional development from now to Xmas.
I have no idea how long it's going to take. I work part-time, go to school for 8 to 10 hours a week and am trying to develop a few contacts for my floundering business.
My employer will give me my schedule for next week tonight. Tomorrow I will develop a schedule for next week that gives me time to finish my volunteer newsletter, catch up on my reading for school (and possibly get ahead), prospect for new business and organize my files, closets, etc.
Work for rest of day:
tila - Fri
Pulled the arm muscle, in a lot of pain now, hard to type.
Plan for today:
Laundry –r (also done b, bl and mats),steam 2 loads (Sat morning)Kitchen,dinnerEleanorBE's Friday list
Hi everyone!
Didn't have time to make a Friday list last night as I just fell into bed after a 14 hour today - the list has been really been
Prepare classTeachFinish Horrible Admin TaskFinish things off Thursday listAnd the the H.A.T is done!! Hurray!!
Chattydo - Daily Check In
I have really lost my way this week. Today, I plan my list and work my plan.
clement ci
:) catch up here
:) ck wk email
:) plan / sched
:) 8:30 am p.a. phone mtg
:) quiet time
:) 9:30am meeting
:) MIT wk 1 e
:) MIT wk 1 a
:) MIT wk 1b
:) MIT j 1
:) 11 am p.a. phone mtg
God was with me today.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
readingstidylandlordgo to meetinglunchgympool /rehabms friday
finish all printing.meeting 1meeting 2tut.Maximo's check-in Fri 5 Oct 8:10 am
Thanks to Mole for the thought-provoking starter. Today, I'm going to make a fresh start with the FH project - step back, look at it differently and make a new start with it.
My list for today
1. FH project new start
2. Office papers - 10 mins
3. Complete Gib job Done already
4. Chiropodist
5. Exercise bike 20 mins 25 mins
6. Start E newsletter
7. Reply to V - need to do this today as have procrastinated!!
8. Ring F for T&A address
9. Car insurance
Good wishes to everyone for a happy and productive day today
For the past couple of days and for the next two weeks, I have been and will probably be in a circumstantial funk. I know this isn't real depression, mostly just anxiety and frustration over an event coming up in two weeks.
My first instinct for most of my life has been to try to pick myself up, buck up little camper, etc., etc. It was my husband who taught me a couple of years ago that sometimes you just need to sit in the emotion and feel it. So for the past day or so, I've been allowing myself the space not to smile and pretend I'm fine, the permission to plod through the items on my to-do list with only the minimum energy and enthusiasm needed to complete the task, and the freedom not to be perfect.
And I think it's actually working. I don't feel any better, but allowing myself to feel the funk has at least not paralyzed me for the next couple of weeks.
So here is what I'm going to accomplish tomorrow, slowly, grudgingly, and with lots of sighing:
6:30-8:45 write (breaks for breakfast, laundry, dw)
8:45-9:10 get ready
9:10-9:30 commute
9:30-4:45 work (breaks for lunch, email, to-dos at end of day)
4:45-6:15 run
6:15-10 evening routine
Thanks, Mole, for the starter. I am looking out for the fresh start, which I think will be coming very soon.
findingaway CI
Thanks for the starter, Mole. Certainly appropriate for me at the moment.
Feeling adrift with no ongoing work. Of course there are still plenty of things to do. Have dealt with bills, have sent invoices, clothes washing is on. Back to lists, back to tasks. Even if I cherry pick today rather than prioritise at least some things will get done.
Amal's check-in
Alarm set 9:00am
Pro check-in
make juice
send in attendance (moving this to sundays list) dont forget!!
still at it :)write/edit
cooklog calories (diet)
walk (1 hour)
next day's list + Pro check-out
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Mole for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone CLA meeting3. Cook and eat breakfast4. Prayer and meditation
5. Read meditations
6. Read the EA reflection for today and probably share.
7. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
8. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line9. Cook and eat lunch10. Take shower11. Get dressed12. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone OA meeting13. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.14. Go to the 10 p.m. telephone DA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
Jack's check-in for the day
1. breakfast
3. prep & meet LR at 9:30am
4. check email
jay's friday 5th oct
8.30 alarm
9.00 leave for gym (bring boots to return
HOME smoothie
check on line while drinking smoothie
book tickets/decide
housing ass
1.00 45 mins living room
box all bb's/nake decisions/clear desk/ top draw paperwork/ hoover
2.30 45 mins clear downstairs hall, collect all tools and diy and store in cupbord
3.45 45 mins clear upstairs hallway in to spare room in am organised fashion
home exercise??
write down 30 day pan
check finances
bed 11
Salamander's check in - Fri 5 Oct '12
Thank you, O Mole, for starting the thread for us!
I'd prefer people not to offer comments here so that I can continue to edit the day as I go through my list. But if anyone has constructive feedback or encouragement to offer, please feel free to get in touch by private message.
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
Mole's check-in
7.30 cafe, journal
9-12.30 writing with freedom and pomodoro. Finish scene
Send scene to K
healthy lunch
2-3 continue with houseclearing plan and next steps
3-3.30 declutter back room
4 walk
go through cuttings for A and J
work on admin plan and ttimetabling
eat healthy meal
bed by 11