Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday October 4, 2012
Tool #2 of PA:
Visualization: Plan what to do, then imagine yourself doing it. The more specific and vivid your visualization, the better. See yourself doing the task, and doing it well.
Have a great proactive day!
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clement ci
bad, bad day. not just procrastination. emotionally, too.
but not totally bad, cuz the Lord led me here, where i became more encouraged, not from my own doing. I was not able to pick myself up by my own boostraps, but rather got input from god thru others which helped.
And i read my bible and was so encouraged by these i had to write them down :
2 thes 3:3 "but the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one."
2 thes 3:5 "may the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ."
It is so comforting to know that even tho i waver, even a lot and often, that Christ is steadfast!
LOL. next topic in 2 Thessalonians is
"Warning Against Idleness"
One thing i love about the bible is that for all its forgiveness and comfort--and those are in abundance--it does not shy away from the moral standard:
2 thes 3:10 "If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat"
these pierce my heart as a procrastinator
2 thes 3:12 "Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living"
2 thes 3:13 "Do not grow weary in doing good"
2 thes 3:14-14 "If anyone does not not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a bother."
such good stuff
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
thank you fellowship
this fellowship of recover-ers helped me turn my night around. it was going to be miserable. And it was just bad. That may still sound like a loss but i compare it to what it could have been and it was an improvement.
Thank you.
And Thank God.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Lavida CI Thurs. 10/4
thanks lennon for starting this thread and for the reminder of Tool 2.
I am already way off track with work for a 2nd day in a row. Having trouble focusing, even though I'm in library today. I have internet radio on, but it gives me comfort even though I know I should turn it off.
Maybe I need to visualize or think through each article step. How I will approace it first, what I will research for, etc. I need to get a clear focus and break it down further.
tila - Thur
A busy day. Plan for today:
Start staining the fence - inside(did outside as well, 10% left - finish up on Friday)tart decorating the outsideKitchen, dinner,WagsSteppin ci
Tonights tasks:
Learn choir piece ( have had to postpone it beacuse I didn'thave the score)
Do the dishes :)
Fold laundry :)
Tidy livingroom :)
Vacuum :)
Unpack bag :)
'The best way to get something done is to begin.'
double posting
There seems to be a double post of today's daily check-in that threw me a bit this morning when I went to look for my entry and it wasn't in thread I was looking at even though I swore I'd done this the night before! In case anyone else has this issue, the other thread for today is here:
(The daily check-in thread guidelines are here:
Have a great day!
(repost) taking turns starting daily check-in threads?
(posted on both double threads)
Just thought I'd throw it out there ... anyone
have any solutions that would allow everyone who wants to start these
threads to have a chance at it? It seems only a few people do them every
day when I think others would like to also. Perhaps a sign-up thread
like we do for meeting hosts? Or if you do one day, wait a few days
before doing it again? Personally I enjoy seeing what each person comes
up with for daily starters because we all have a different take on
things and I'd like to see it mixed up. Opinions?
when there is more than one thought for the day ...
I've responded to your kind suggestion on the other thread here:
But in essence, I suggest if more than one person has a burning thought for the day, then the one who isn't the daily thread starter could post theirs as a separate new comment for that day, as clement has generously done above!
When we've 2 sameday check-in threads, we embrace imperfection!
The check-in thread directions that you linked to say:
"Every day someone (whoever gets to the forum first) starts a thread for the day."
However, it doesn't say HOW to tell if you are the first.
In the past, people have been accustomed to looking
at upper right corner of screen for
"Active Forum Topics", to see if there is a thread running
for the day you wish to start.
But THAT doesn't work effectively anymore --
because we often have or 8 active forum topics going at once --
and the current active topics don't all fit in that box.
BEST WAY to tell if there is a thread already started for today:
First go the the Check-in FORUM.
Find that by clicking the forum button at top center of your screen.
That will take you to menu of all forums.
Then scroll partway down and click on
"Daily Check-ins".
The "Daily Check-ins" forum will list ALL the daily threads.
You will be EASILY able to see there ...
if there is a thread already started for the day you are seeking.
You have to go to the Daily Check-ins Forum ANYHOW to start a thread,
so before you click on "Add new forum topic"
please look at the dates of the threads already in existence.
What to do if there are two daily check-in threads for the same day:
These things happen occasionally.
What to do if this happens? Not worry about it!
Part of our recovery is ACTION, and Avoiding Perfectionism.
Celebrate that people are taking ACTION!
Brilliant post,
Brilliant post, movingalong!
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Take shower4. Get dressed5. Fix and eat breakfast6. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.7. Go to individual therapy at 10:15 a.m.8. Go to the grocery store
9. Go to the bank and transfer bills and quarters10. Go to the post office and purchase stamps11. Do numbers12. Eat snack13. Eat dinner14. Wash dishes15. Clear tables16. Get bags ready17. Clear floor
18. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
thanks lennon!
up earlytidyreadingsring sponsorgo to hospgo to unigo to appt afternoonpooldinnerrehab excercicesSalamander's check in - Thurs 4 Oct '12
Thank you, lennon, for starting the thread.
I'd prefer people not to offer comments here so that I can continue to edit the day as I go through my list. But if anyone has constructive feedback or encouragement to offer, please feel free to get in touch by private message.
BreakfastShower and dressEmpty waste paper binsLater
Cat meds @ 1200Then
Put out rubbish for binmenFriday
Sort out pile of clothes on chair in bedroom"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
EleanorBE's Thursday List
Where is this week going??
Here's the list
Get up 6am
Go to work super early
Finish planning class
Teach class
Set UP work
Reply to S.S.
IR has sent you new d's email, email her
Look through S't papers if time - may not even be able to go to meeting. if not -
Send apologies
Finish PA
See if Room Bookings have replied. If not -
ing them
Ditto M.W (may have to be Friday)
Go to N's play
Print L chapter (today or friday)
Jack's check-in for the day
1. breakfast,
reschedule4. cup of tea with WY
5. work on SCP for 2.5 hours
6. lunch
x16. early dinner
17. leave for SL by 5:30pm
thursday 4 th oct
thank you for the intro- i will visulise my self having a good day
7.30 alarm
8,00 leave for gym
done but much later
eat banana and nuts after gym
buy b'day card and post
post parcel
put money in bank
food shopping
HOME make smoothie
make notes on seeds of change while drinking smoothie
contact sales about soup maker
2.00 30 mins cleaning kitchen
3.00 30 mins living room ( bag bb's out of way)
4.00 30 mins cleaning bedroom and hoover
5.00 20 mins cleaning and organising bathroom
6.00 EAT
7.00 reading and 30 day plan
8.00 start bedtime routine
bed before 10
19.45 update, i slept in late today so am very behind shedule, i'm still happy that i have got something done. the last few weeks have been croniclly bad for procrastinating and i've been smoking a lot.
i am now going to tidy the bedroom and bathroom and leave the living room for tomorrow when it's light
i need to set a new bedtime, since a sleeplesss night last week my routine has been so out of whack at least i went to the gym today which made me feel better,
also i need to eat again before bed, i don't eat enough and i can't eat in the mornings because of the gym.
so here i am trying to delay my bedtime again...i think i'll set it for 11.30 which is more than 3 hours away, i just don't want to waste that time or stay up late..offf to do the bedroom
22.45 update
i made a good start today. out of the depths of despair, i didn't do all on my list or at the alloted times
i want to thank all of you because posting my list really did help me, it encouraged me to go to the gym, sometimes i can be stuck inside for days, weeks, for me it's a good way to make myself go out. i've struggled with social anxiety always, so the gym is good for that reason alone
also i'd like to thank whoever posted a piece saying to do something, the motivation will follow, i read it somewhere on here. the depression get's hold of me sometimes and a back catalogue of things to do and mess build up
today i havn't wasted endless hours waiting for the day to be over and i look forward to having an even better day tomorrow