Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
There seems to be a double post of today's daily check-in that threw me a bit this morning when I went to look for my entry and it wasn't in thread I was looking at even though I swore I'd done this the night before! In case anyone else has this issue, the other thread for today is here:
Just thought I'd throw it out there ... anyone have any solutions that would allow everyone who wants to start these threads to have a chance at it? It seems only a few people do them every day when I think others would like to also. Perhaps a sign-up thread like we do for meeting hosts? Or if you do one day, wait a few days before doing it again? Personally I enjoy seeing what each person comes up with for daily starters because we all have a different take on things and I'd like to see it mixed up. Opinions?
I think this is an interesting suggestion, and it's great to read an anticrastinating suggestion with a desire to proactively contribute with starting daily check-in threads.
In the guidelines it say that whoever gets to the check-in forum first starts a thread for the day. As a practicality, it seems that there's a sense of agreement on this site that if someone wishes to start a check-in thread the day "before", either due to different timezones, or to log their tasks for the next day to clear their head before going to bed, then this seems to be fine.
It's such a beast recovering from procrastination that putting in another system that needs someone to own and monitor on an ongoing basis could become one more chore to worry about and weigh one down. So I'd say that if one comes to a day and the thread is already started, then I'd suggest that if someone else wishes to post their own thought for the day they either include this with their daily check-in or to add their response as an additional new comment for that day.
I guess the core purpose for the check-in is to help us in our recovery from a procrastination addiction and compulsive task avoidance, so as long as one of us is able to get going and start a daily check-in thread, and others are able to then join and actively use this, then let's keep celebrating this!
The check-in thread directions that you linked to say:
"Every day someone (whoever gets to the forum first) starts a thread for the day."
However, it doesn't say HOW to tell if you are the first.
In the past, people have been accustomed to looking
at upper right corner of screen for
"Active Forum Topics", to see if there is a thread running
for the day you wish to start. But THAT doesn't work effectively anymore --
because we often have or 8 active forum topics going at once -- and the current active topics don't all fit in that box.
BEST WAY to tell if there is a thread already started for today:
First go the the Check-in FORUM.
Find that by clicking the forum button at top center of your screen.
That will take you to menu of all forums.
Then scroll partway down and click on
"Daily Check-ins". The "Daily Check-ins" forum will list ALL the daily threads.
You will be EASILY able to see there ...
if there is a thread already started for the day you are seeking.
You have to go to the Daily Check-ins Forum ANYHOW to start a thread,
so before you click on "Add new forum topic"
please look at the dates of the threads already in existence.
What to do if there are two daily check-in threads for the same day:
Occasionally, some of us will enthusiastically jump in to start thread, while being unaware of this procedure of looking first at the list of AlreadyExistingThreads in the "Daily Check-ins Forum" ... and thus be unaware that there is already a thread for the date. Or they will look but simply not SEE it.
Occasionally, some of us will FOLLOW this procedure of looking the daily check-in forum, and correctly see there is nothing for the day, and then begin composing a threadstarter for that date. Meanwhile, another person is doing the same thing for the same day -- so that both people are in the middle of composing the start to a thread at the same time, and neither is aware of the other because it hasn't been posted yet.
These things happen occasionally.
What to do if this happens? Not worry about it!
Instead of worrying, just smile.
Part of our recovery is ACTION, and Avoiding Perfectionism.
Thanks to Mole for the starter and to everyone here who is with me in this struggle.
My list today
1. FH project - 10 mins (best at start of list)
2. Office papers - 10 mins
3. Complete GIB job
4. Ex bike - 20 mins
5. Menu planning
6. Food shopping
7. Sandwiches for lunch
8. Housework
9. U3A meeting
10. Reply to V.
11. Card to AF
It seems to be either the night before or not until lunch-time for checking in with me - so here's an attempt at the night before again AND getting to bed on time. I'm sure they don't really have to be mutually exclusive.
7.30 cafe, journal and D? J not donE
9-12.30 writing with freedom and pomodoro. Complete scene in rough.
healthy lunch
declutter 1 pom
pay gate account
register S's certificate and get essentials from PO
elvira's evening
Masses to do tonight, so must keep track
Packmake id badgeswash hairmake fascinatoremail barbKodos
Not a great start to the day. Tired and feeling lazy. Going to have to muscle through:
8-8:45 write
8:45-9:10 get ready
9:10-5:15 commute, work
5:15-10 follow evening routine EXACTLY
double posting
There seems to be a double post of today's daily check-in that threw me a bit this morning when I went to look for my entry and it wasn't in thread I was looking at even though I swore I'd done this the night before! In case anyone else has this issue, the other thread for today is here:
(The daily check-in thread guidelines are here:
Have a great day!
taking turns starting daily check-in threads?
Just thought I'd throw it out there ... anyone have any solutions that would allow everyone who wants to start these threads to have a chance at it? It seems only a few people do them every day when I think others would like to also. Perhaps a sign-up thread like we do for meeting hosts? Or if you do one day, wait a few days before doing it again? Personally I enjoy seeing what each person comes up with for daily starters because we all have a different take on things and I'd like to see it mixed up. Opinions?
starting check-in threads & more than one thought for the day
I think this is an interesting suggestion, and it's great to read an anticrastinating suggestion with a desire to proactively contribute with starting daily check-in threads.
In the guidelines it say that whoever gets to the check-in forum first starts a thread for the day. As a practicality, it seems that there's a sense of agreement on this site that if someone wishes to start a check-in thread the day "before", either due to different timezones, or to log their tasks for the next day to clear their head before going to bed, then this seems to be fine.
It's such a beast recovering from procrastination that putting in another system that needs someone to own and monitor on an ongoing basis could become one more chore to worry about and weigh one down. So I'd say that if one comes to a day and the thread is already started, then I'd suggest that if someone else wishes to post their own thought for the day they either include this with their daily check-in or to add their response as an additional new comment for that day.
I guess the core purpose for the check-in is to help us in our recovery from a procrastination addiction and compulsive task avoidance, so as long as one of us is able to get going and start a daily check-in thread, and others are able to then join and actively use this, then let's keep celebrating this!
When we've 2 sameday check-in threads, we embrace imperfection!
The check-in thread directions that you linked to say:
"Every day someone (whoever gets to the forum first) starts a thread for the day."
However, it doesn't say HOW to tell if you are the first.
In the past, people have been accustomed to looking
at upper right corner of screen for
"Active Forum Topics", to see if there is a thread running
for the day you wish to start.
But THAT doesn't work effectively anymore --
because we often have or 8 active forum topics going at once --
and the current active topics don't all fit in that box.
BEST WAY to tell if there is a thread already started for today:
First go the the Check-in FORUM.
Find that by clicking the forum button at top center of your screen.
That will take you to menu of all forums.
Then scroll partway down and click on
"Daily Check-ins".
The "Daily Check-ins" forum will list ALL the daily threads.
You will be EASILY able to see there ...
if there is a thread already started for the day you are seeking.
You have to go to the Daily Check-ins Forum ANYHOW to start a thread,
so before you click on "Add new forum topic"
please look at the dates of the threads already in existence.
What to do if there are two daily check-in threads for the same day:
These things happen occasionally.
What to do if this happens? Not worry about it!
Instead of worrying, just smile.
Part of our recovery is ACTION, and Avoiding Perfectionism.
Celebrate that people are taking ACTION!
Maximo's check-in Thu 4 Oct 7:05 am
Thanks to Mole for the starter and to everyone here who is with me in this struggle.
My list today
1. FH project - 10 mins (best at start of list)
2. Office papers - 10 mins
3. Complete GIB job
4. Ex bike - 20 mins
5. Menu planning
6. Food shopping
7. Sandwiches for lunch
8. Housework
9. U3A meeting
10. Reply to V.
11. Card to AF
Best wishes to everyone for a good day today.
10. Card to AF
Spanish Vchap/Pchap/Gchap e1
Hamlet's checkin
1. FoY Eercise
2. eat 3 healthy snacks
3. declutter dinning room and living room in 2 bursts
4. work on Moldova project
5. Talk to Any B
6. list to gene's v-mail and respond
7. meditate
ms thursday.
8.00 up and breakfast11.00 work on introductions. nearly there, the key is logical coherancy.1.00 lunch.shower and get dressed for meetings. think about remake possibilities.2.45 leave to meet gcall call go for a drink.go to s/cAmal's check-in
Alarm set 8:00am
Pro check-in
make juice
send in attendance
driving lessonlog calories (diet)
walk (1 hour)
next day's list + Pro check-out
Mole's Check-in
It seems to be either the night before or not until lunch-time for checking in with me - so here's an attempt at the night before again AND getting to bed on time. I'm sure they don't really have to be mutually exclusive.
7.30 cafe, journal and D? J not donE
9-12.30 writing with freedom and pomodoro. Complete scene in rough.
healthy lunch
declutter 1 pom
pay gate account
register S's certificate and get essentials from PO
3.30- 6.30 LTLW
load photos for one more room
thread and plan
9.30 bath
11 bed
Mole's Check-in