Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday 5th September

Life only demands from you the strength you possess.

Only one feat is possible -

                            not to have run away.

Dag Hammarskjöld 

Kodos 6:25 checkin

Did pretty well all the way up to 5:00, but the last hour and a half...not so much. But I'm going to get back on track!


6:40-7:40 papers, call ATT, Ray

7:40-8:15 prep for next day, clean

8:15-9 dinner

9-Call Mags, Mel

9:20-9:50 lang

9:50- read

 And start fresh tomorrow! 




elvira's evening

I'm trying to get regular exercise built into my day, but when I get home I just feel like sagging into a chair.

So today being a nice day, I stopped off for a walk round the lake before I got home and felt quite invigorated!Smile

However, I've faffed about a bit since then, so must do some housework.


  • Exercise
  • Eat 
  • write, address and stamp the 2 cards I keep meaning to send
  • tidy hall at staircase end
  • make sure I've got clothes ready for tomorrow
  • in bed by 11 hmmm this could be a bit ambitious ... taking serious step towards going now, only 45 min late :grin:


tiptree CI

goal: clock 40 hrs of work by 1 pm next Wednesday
-- if I achieve this early, I can take a 1/2 day on Tuesday

- work 6 hours on main project
-- impl fixes from mtg
-- work on doc changes
-- edit reqs

- work 2 hrs on bugfixes
-- diagnose customer issue
-- review open issues

- 1/2 hr of tech. reading
- clean office
- give dog a bath
- exercise/go for a walk
- read 5-7 articles
- meditate

InnerTruth's check-in

  1. Call pharmacy
  2. Answer important emails
  3. Email PD re projector
  4. Finish newsletter
  5. Review email prospecting  (1:00 to 3 pm)
  6. Go for run at 3 pm
  7. Investigate ESL courses (4 to 5:30 pm)
  8. Early dinner and get ready for work (5:30 pm)
  9. Leave for work at 5:30 pm
  10. Take meds at 9 pm
  11. Home at 1:00
  12. Listen to meditation music when I get home
  13. Bed at 1:30 pm 

tila - Wed

Well, DD is puffed up, sleepy, in bad mood and has a light fever - allergies to meds? Seeing dr once again. Completely at a loss now. DOES SHE HAVE TO BE HOSPITALIZED?

DD has pneumonia, no need to hospitalize. Is allergic to meds.  

Nothing got done today, spent most of the day driving around to deal with DD's illness. DH was not available to help as well. Don't want to involve in-laws since the cause of pneumonia wasn't identified yet.

Thinking about postponing the most important exam once again, even though that would mean wasting the whole year. I've spent 6 months on prep already, really want this chapter to be over with.  

Transferred to Thursday --> Plan for today:

  • Finish up LR 33.
  • Do RC 46, 47.
  • LR 34 - really try to complete it today so that tomorrow is not overloaded.
  • Review everything. 
  • library/bank/coffee
  • vaccum really well/clean vents/change furnace filter 

Hypatia's check-in

turning up mid afternoon, as had workmen in this morning and then an appointment.  In what's ;eft I will

  • write O's letter
  • today's report
  • urgent letter 
  • in-tray
  • check e-mails


  • weed border
  • throw out printer box
  • cook and eat dinner
  • finish revision notes for unit 3
  • watch paralympics - I just love wheelchair rugby/murderball!


Hypatia's mailboxes

I've just looked at my e-mails as moving-along said s/he'd sent me one. (Many thanks, I've found it and really appreciated it - will respond soon).

But I also had a major freakout.  I'm pretty good at reading work e-mails, but I've been putting off reading the home ones: there's a mixture of reasons I won't go into why I find it  rather stressful.  But I hadn't realised the last date I read any was the middle of July!  There were 1936 e-mails (including some spam) in my main mail-box, and about 1500 in my secondary mailbox.  Another thing to go on the long long list of things I "ought" to do.




brd's Wednesday checkin

YEsterday went well.  I started with easy stuff, but still things I have been putting off.


  1. 15 mins reconciling Amex
  2. Balance bank statements
  3. August financial reports
  4. payroll journal entries


  1. 15 minutes of weeding/gardening
  2. balance credit card/bank statements
  3. Call insurance company 
  4. call brokerage
  5. 20 minutes of work on motorcycle


Salamander's check in - Weds 5 Sep 12

Yesterday was a difficult and unproductive day. I kept trying to impose my Will onto it but it wouldn't play ball. Then as the evening proceeded, I realised this was Someone's way of reminding me that I am actually not doing that any more, I've handed it over to my HP.

I also did some reading on the forum, which was helpful. Today I am choosing specific goals I would like to achieve but beyond placing my intentions there, I'm going to see if I can step forward in a new kind of way, without trying so desperately hard to control things. And also, setting goals three at a time.

Starting at 1532:

  • Take rubbish out
  • Hoover upstairs
  • Paperwork at desk

1616: So much resistance! I have no clue where it is all coming from. I think the only thing I can do is acknowledge it and then calmly go on and do what needs doing anyway. Like in meditations at the end of a yoga class where they say to acknowledge your inner chatter and simply to observe as it floats away... Onwards.

2020: Have made progress, but not enough to cross anything off. I haven't procrastinated, have been busy all afternoon after my previous note. The paperwork I have to do is more complex than the general "Paperwork" would suggest. 

2144: So now I have completed another step towards my big September goal of getting my taxes up to date! Additionally, a piece of paperwork (again, dealing with figures, my bugbear) has now been completed. Despite not completing the trio of items on my list above, I've actually completed two things I'd been majorly procrastinating on, which were more important than my vague list.

2220: Now I'm done. I have done three things on which I'd been procrastinating badly and so I don't feel bad about the list above continuing on into tomorrow... funny how things can turn out.


"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)

Vic 9/5/12

Showup (done), calender, swim

"There is aways a time for gratitude and  new beginnings." J.R.Moskin

Way to go Vic!!

Always great to see you check in :) and I LOVE the quote. tracy-la


Thanks and likewise. V

spoonfulofdirt check in

Slept in, go to work soon, too late for morn rout. Will focus on taking one small step forward with establishing good Tool #9 habits. To that end...
Day's Intentions: Do eve rout (10th step, meditation, declutter, etc), 20 min music prac. Gratitude and support to all.

RedRose's Wednesday

Aim to: 

- email T

- new b.l.t's

- do a load of washing

- tapes


Thank you to everyone on PA for the connection and community with you all.

So 2 out of 4 isn't bad.  Allowed myself to be distracted by computer, need to engage automatic shut-down timer tomorrow.

Lavida CI Wed. 9/5


Here's what I want to do today:


  • Write 10 daily (I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me)
  • SLEEP: 11PM-5AM
  • Morning routine: 1 hour 5AM-6AM - Bfast, Exercises, Bible/Pray, Shower
  • Writing routine: 6AM-11AM
  • Lunch/Moving routine: 11AM-2PM - Boxes, Movers, Packing, Selling, Apt Search
  • Writing routine: 2PM-6PM
  • Dinner/Moving routine: 6-8PM - PACK!
  • Writing routine: 8PM-10PM + *8:30 UA Mtg
  • Evening routine: 1 hour 10PM-11PM - Wash/brush, Exercises, Bible/Pray

Call: Comcast / Human Services / Dentist / Clinic / SM

Call to get free boxes and start packing NOW!

Call to find a mover

Call to find low-income housing

Get bubble wrap and tape and start wrapping



  • Continue taking more of my supplements and water
  • Continue eating more fruits/vegs with each meal
  • Light candle/incense, play music, read graf of romance novel



  • Set myself up with agencies online and look for jobs on their sites
  • Look for jobs on LinkedIn via groups and agencies 
  • Apply to jobs I find: Emphasis on REAL, PERMANENT JOBS
  • Start getting online portfolio together now that agency wants it


"If you feel you're about to drown, remember Tool 1 and Break .. It .. Down"

finding a way CI

Thanks for the inspiring starter Mole!

Really in a deadline run up now - eeek! Stayed up late which was fairly productive, but inevitable late start this morning. Pomodoro bursts of 25 mins worked well for me yesterday, so will try for that again. Need to avoid spending too much time on any one section, or getting involved with domestic/personal stuff that can wait a couple of days.

Thank you all for being here!

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank mole for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting

3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

4. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

5. Take shower

6. Get dressed

7. Cook and eat breakfast

8. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

9. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in

10. Go to part of the 9:30 a.m. telephone BDA meeting

11. Go to the end of the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line

12. Go to the 10:30 a.m. telephone 12-Step meeting

13. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

14. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone OA meeting

15. Cook and eat lunch

16. Fix dinner

17. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

18. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

19. Eat dinner

20. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

Thanks for letting me share

hazyjane check in wed 5th

Thanks Mole for starting the thread :)

Lots to do, need to be sensible though!

  • HP 
  • Stretches etc
  • Breakfast
  • Walk dogs
  • Cancel van insurance
  •  get to meeting
  •  Meet friend for lunch
  • Finish reading play 
  • Arrange to see filmed version of play
  • Find and watch friend's DVD before I give it back
  • Healthy dinner
  • Early night

It's so vitally important that I get my act together this year, hopefully I'll use the chat box and check-ins effectively. 

I have been a bit less than focussed today, but I enjoyed the sunshine and went to two meetings, and now I'm going to load the dishwasher and make a healthy juice.


It's an inside job...

EleanorBE's Wednesday list

Have decided to start editing and crossing out as I go rather than reposting at the end of the day. 

Before Breakfast - read S's recommendation- can't do this as his email has disappeared. How weird. I'm hopeless at deleting emails - and why would I have deleted it? 

Reply to S
well, asked him for the last email again, at any rate. 

Check work email and respond to anything that can be done quickly

Decide exatly what you need to write to TA/Cs so you can send it as soon as you get addresses

Email M re training pay

Email  J re training rooms and his tech session

Check to see if addresses have been sent

Check again later!

Send message at some point today Aaargh I still don't have the email addresses I need to do this!

If time (if wake up early) write some R. Notes. 

Have breakfast 

Get train

On train - start/continue R. Notes/Writing

Read E's outline in preparation for meeting. 

Meet with E. 

Get wrapping paper

Go home and - collect veg

Clear up home office

Fold out sofa bed

Wrap J's present.


Have J's Birthday!

Look at diary to see when you can look at B application and P's additions

Interestingly, working on this this morning, I've added some tasks that I ended up doing as a result of another task. This is worth watching out for when planning. I also think that if I'm checking work mail for something I'm /bound/ to read other emails - I just can't help it. So I might as well build that into planning. It's amazing how I'm always asking myself 'how come that took so long?' over so many work admin things. Now it's becoming clear to me why it does!

 End of the day: Did pretty well. Meeting at midday has generaated a bit more work but not too much. 

Yoh - Wednesday 04/09

Checked out of Tuesday, checking in on Wednesday (it is so offically here too since 23 minutes now ;) ).

On wednesday only one important thing: my exam. No way I can procrastinate myself out of that, so no problem.

After that, rest of the day is for what I can come up with at the moment. (probably catching up some sleep at least :D) Been going to work and finishing 5 exams for the last month. 1 day to rest afterwards is allowed! 

Easy day

So the one thing I HAD to do today is done. For the rest, I am allowed to postpone whatever I want or like a non-procrastinator would say: choose what I want to do for the rest of the day!

But lots of luck/power to all of you who are working hard on those todo lists! 

Susiesue's daily check in wednesday

  • try on weekend outfit
  • ring P
  • ring C
  • shopping
  • wash sheets

movingalong: Wonderful Wednesday -- a "good enough" Wednesday

Putting out there now that my plan for Wednesday will be to alternate bursts of action with bursts of joy.

Intention to have a mediocre "good enough" day -- which would be way more wonderful than some of my perfectionistic procrastinatory days.

Nice one, Movingalong!


movingalong's Wednesday morning update

Well, I posted the above on Tuesday in my timezone, in hopes for a decent Wednesday.

It is now Wednesday morning in my timezone.

Now I'm glad that I made that post, because I got distracted this morning, and coming back to see my "hopes for the day" -- was much needed.

"Alternating bursts of action with bursts of joy."

That will help me get through any "less-than-joyful" tasks.

Okay. I've had my coffee. First burst of action starts now!

Mole checking in

7.30 cafe 

  Review material for S

8.30 - 12.30 writing.


1.30 walk to town, shop on way.

3 appointment with S

5.45 meet G for evening 

Mole coming up for Air at Midday

Zippadeedooda Zippadeeday!  After a day of total unproductivity yesterday , I have just had a delicious three hours completely absorbed in writing - words oozing from my fingertips.

And I am not going to continue until my body and mind grind to a halt. I shall now go onto my afternoon tasks. I  would like this to be my own self- discipline, but it is really that I have timed appointments. 

Welcome All to Wednesday check-in .... and Thanks to Mole!

Laughing Thanks to Mole for starting this Wednesday check-in thread!


Welcome to all newcomers!
By the way, there are some tips and guidelines on how to post on the Daily Check-in thread.
See this post:

Remember: You don't have to post a list!
Alternative ideas are here:

My pleasure Movingalong
