Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Step One in PA:
We admitted we were powerless over compulsive procrastination, that our lives had become unmanageable.
Have a great proactive day!
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katia 5.31
well I wanted to get that old homework done over the week but I only got 4 out of 16 problems done. I'm glad about what I did do, but I need to spend more time on it.
Things that are done
-Playdate for Connor
-Call P
-Something else I can't remember
Things that need to be done
-ExerciseYAY!-Study section 13.2
-4 more math problems
-post re tutor
-talk to parents re course
-plan for tomorrowbut it rained, so plans didn't pan out-read about posting business listing-email TammySry I posted this in the Wednesday thread.
Vic 5/30/12
Show up (done)
Gratefu; for pa. one more day.
clement ci
shaky start to day. Not sure if it's my fault or inevitable.
Have to own up--planned to read my bible yesterday, felt resistance, did other things, and never got back to it. That'll happen again today. God help me do this here.
I have come to believe that God might be able to help me more directly with working the program.
I have scheduled phone bookend times of 1:30, 3:30, 5:30. God please help me make those. I think they will help keep me on track. I am thinking those are there to help me, and if i miss one, i'm not going to feel guilty.
I have made a schedule. I have to now update it and make more specific work plans. I can sense that i will have real trouble getting started with it / transitioning to it. Let me make sure, step 0.01 that i'm logged in.
from bible reading : gal 3:3 : are you so foolish? after beginning with the spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?
I pray that the answer for me is "no". that i will still depend on and turn to god.
i actually went for a bike ride. I almost dont believe it. I attribute it to God being with me and guiding me and giving me strength, guidance and focus. Thank you God!
i didnt ask him for help or depend on him. I committed to doing that today. I am sorry, and i will try again.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Well, yesterday went closer to the old script than the new one I am trying to follow. On the plus side, completed most of what I wanted to work on. On the minus side, left work about 9:30 PM; better than 11 PM, but not the 7:30 PM I was aiming for. As a result, exercise and computer work at home didn't happen. Did have some unstructured personal time, and did make it to bed by midnight, both better than usual.
Today a bit swamped because of the Monday holiday, so need to focus and hunker down. Did something difficult today: said "no" to an unscheduled meeting with a client this afternoon. The meeting itself has been scheduled for some time. It's my last minute addition that was out of the blue. I think it's the right decision for me, but still feel a little guilty and that I am letting people down. However, if I don't attack the work on my desk, I will be letting other people down and setting myself up for more criticism of my turn around time, which I am intently trying to repair so it can't be used as an excuse to bounce me from here. My inability to say "no" is a perennial weak spot for me. Expressed my regrets, and expressed my willingness to meet with the client at another time, if desired. Now need (to try) to put it behind me and concentrate my efforts.
Goal 1: 2 hours, 30 minutes per case 11:30 - 1:30
Goal 2: Lunch, 30 minutes; 1:30 - 2
Goal 3: 2 hours, 30 minutes per case, 2 - 4
Goal 4: 15 minute break
Goal 5: 2 hours, 30 minutes per case, 4:15 to 6:15
Goal 6: 15 minute break
Goal 7: 1.5 hours, 30 minutes per case, 6:30 to 8
Goal 8: Leave at 8 PM
Goal 9: Exercise about 45 minutes, about 8:30 to 9:15
Goal 10: Unstructured time, 1 hour
Goal 11: Computer work at home, 1 hour
Goal 12: To bed by 11:30 PM
Back to report.
Positive thoughts Agnus
Glad to hear you are taking strong steps towards caring for yourself. Sorry to hear things are worrisome and the workup complex. Hang in there.
Sorry to hear you are having helath problems of your own. Please do put yourself first (and of course if you don't look after yourself you won't be in a fit state to care for anyone else)
Love and hugs
Positive thoughts from me too - take care of yourself!
Embrace the suck!
tila - Wed
Woke up at 7:40 am today - very late! Luckily DD cooperated, which really isn't what 3 -y. olds usually do.
LR - 25 15 questions left, will finish up on ThursdayLG - 4 gamesSafeway - milk, cat foodCompleted today:
Ag ci
Good morning, thanks for the starter, lennon. I have had sponsor/sponsee calls, breakfast, did a little cleaning and booked a vet appointment. Today I need to do some personal healthcare scheduling that I've been procrastinating - finally admitted it to my sponsor this morning and now have direct orders to make this MIT#1.
I suspect that postponing self-care is part my addiction and part caregiver syndrome - but in any case it has to stop. Some of my symptoms are becoming alarming even to me, which is why I finally went to the doctor. Now there are so many tests and tasks he wants me to do, that it feels truly overwhelming, I will go to Chat to break this one down.
But first I will take 20 minutes for Step 11 on the back porch with a hot drink, and make my list for the day...then back here to commit my plans, with God's help.
"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16
Ag follow-up
If it weren't for Chat, I'd have had no recovery today at all. I ended up drafting my day-plan in a private Chat and then chatting through some parts of it with others who were doing their things there too. That worked well for my healthcare scheduling MITs ... until I had an Ala-looney attack and decided that J must be in crisis. Went way off my plan, pretty much bonkers rushing around trying to force solutions to a couple of his problems. Pathetic and futile. Blew my workday and any hope for serenity. Didn't eat "lunch" until 8 pm. Sigh.
So now I am editing documents and trying to catch up so I can do the fasting bloodwork and 4-hour glucose tolerance test tomorrow, which could wipe me out for the rest of the day ... and J still needs labs and an x-ray tomorrow too, and can't go alone in present condition. Don't know how this is going to work! God will provide a way, I'm sure. Meanwhile I have 6 more docs to edit tonight, and dinner to eat before midnight. I pray God will help me do better tomorrow. Thank God for this program, always a fresh beginning every 24 hours, and the 24 hours can start any time!
"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16
kromer 10:10 CI
Going to keep going with the one-or-two-tasks at a time plan.
Overall task for the day is to get the R8 data analyzed in a threshold-dependent manner.
First baby step is to look at MK's circling decisions and see if they are sensible.Done 11:15 amNext step is to make z-cropping decisionsDone 11:30 amDone 3:45 pmNext step is to threshold, recording various R8 options in a spreadsheet, and circle cells
Done 2pmUpdate 1--need to take a break to do RA injection trial.
Next steps are:
Try 2 more thresholds(tried )
Do lesson prep for girls' groupOnce I get home I'll:
Figure out in situ probes (I figured out which ones have been used but still haven't figured out where to order)
Journey 9:30 & updates
Back to work after a short vacation! I eased back into work a bit yesterday so it's not so bad. I was saved a trip to the bank this morning - the fraudulent or mistaken charge on my account is gone. It never went from pending to posted - so either I canceled the card in time to prevent it, or it was just a mistake. Anyway I'm $150 richer this morning. I'm using that for an excuse to be a bit lazy this morning :) but time to get busy. I have exercised and checked email and calendar. Now I will have a healthy breakfast and be back in an hour-ish with tdl for today. L8trs
Update 11:30 wow I'm slow today! It took me a long time (too long!) to prioritize because I just have so much to do at work, and I'm in overwhelm mode. Got a handle on it now, so I just need to push through the tasks I have assigned myself for today and don't let the stress cause me to shut down. I can only do one day's work today, and the confluence of big projects is not my fault. Of course, I could have gotten more done this morning if I hadn't been floundering and thrashing but it is what it is. I just sent my (temporary) manager a panicky email about one of the projects so I hope I've transferred some of my stress onto her shoulders lol. Here goes, MITs in red.
ExercisePlanEmailRFC - an easy paperwork thing to get me going - not so easy after all!Quiet timeMem upgrade planningClone planningProject O batch jobsevernotefeed birds/water plants/prep for tomorrow/take vitamins/nailsOK, seeing the number of items in red laid out makes me feel a bit better. I'll do the RFC now to get me started, although it's not an MIT.
Update 6 pm: I did ok today once I really got started. Now for dinner. and laundry. why do they want to eat dinner EVERY SINGLE NIGHT?
Embrace the suck!
InnerTruth - 9 am check-in
Earliest I've been at my desk in ages!
To do list for today
Leave for work at 1 pm
Update PA before work and bed
Hypatia's check-in
Good morning
in-trayphone callse-mailsreportTAC meetingPlan afternoon workring AOT's letterlist LAC reportswork out urgent list for next weekh.
My daily check in
Empty Inbox
Check Activable
Check Waiting For
Conf Call about G for CI
Conf Call about MT for CI
Memo for AV
Completing web site for MD
Reviewing doc of meeting with Andrea
Waiting For
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to meetings2. Eat my meals3. Take shower4. Get dressed5. Put away clothes
6. Wash dishes7. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.8. Do numbersThanks for letting me share