Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday February 20, 2012
Have a great proactive day!
For those in the States, Happy President's Day!
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i love seeing all the done-smilies
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Yes, yes, yes, Clement. We're all the same and things can change for good
Fear is only a thought and as a thought you can ignore it.
Thanks, clement!
Thanks, clement!
Metaphor Mouse! Because playlists are better than tasklists.
Journey 6pm . . .ahem . . .
I've been MIA getting ready for a family party yesterday. It was a successful party but I'm beat!
Today was a work holiday and I spent the afternoon working on my taxes. My 2011 taxes. I would like to report, rather smugly, that my taxes are DONE, e-filed (because last year I got my social security info all straightened out!), and the check written for the money that I owe. I even had the money saved up that I anticipated having to pay. I have also finally increased my tax withholding so maybe I won't have to pay next year.
Sometimes this recovery thing can feel pretty good.
Be confident. Stay focused. One thing at a time.
thanks for all the tax congrats!
no one else would understand
Thanks for being here you guys!
Be confident. Stay focused. One thing at a time.
Very Happy for you, Jo! :)
Congratulations on your Great Progress!!! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Go Journey! Well done!!
Metaphor Mouse! Because playlists are better than tasklists.
yea journey tax victory!
an inspiration.
*cough* i havent started on mine.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
holy cow jo!
TOTALLY, you give me hope!
"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16
Finding a way CI
Tuesday 10.00 am
Ok, posting here has at least got me reviewing my list instead of aimless web surfing. Still lots to do on my work project, still very resistant.
Will pray for strength and use chat box.
I am grateful for this site. Thank you all.
In 21 days, I will do these
In 21 days, I will do these major tasks
* get a 95%^ on my Test 2 and 3 for math class
want to take Test 2 on Wednesday so I have to clock in 20 hours to get
that grade. If I don't take it then I will be finish studying for it on
Friday, and working on Test 3 studying. The lastest I can do this test
is Wednesday next week.
4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 homework is left
Test (5.1-5.7) I will allow myself 1 day per chapter. I will start
this studying on the 29th, and end on March 3rd Wednesday... review days
will be the next 4 days after that, then I'll take the 3rd test.
-----economics-------- (I'm so behind)
* 6:30-8:30 p.m. finish 4.5
* 8:35 - 10:00 finish economics unit 3
* 10:10 -12:10 start on 4.6 math
* 12:10 -2:10 reread unit 4, flashcards
* 2:10 - 4:10 A.M - sleep
* 4:30 - 6: 00 complete 4.6 (knowing I couldn't do it)
* 6:00 - 6: 30 review economics
* 7:30 - 8:30 start 4.7 math, briefly look at it.
* 8:30 - 9:30 review, and if ready take economics test. (test 2-4)
* 9:30 -10:30 study economics Unit 5.(if not taking the test; forget the eco for the rest of the day, if taking test)
* 10:30 - 2:30 continue on 4.7
* 2:30 -4:00 sleep
* 4:00 - 6:00 do 4.8
review everything math-wise tomorrow after 6:00
go to sleep at 10:00
* if everything went as plan reward myself with Copper Peptides (this was something I really wanted, but haven't bought myself yet)
"Yesterday is a cancelled cheque. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is the only cash you have, so spend it wisely."
Monday feb 20, 2:50 pm, AllOfTheAbove.
Good, Monday and still a lot of day.
I've been at _ and I fell in one of those "zones" in which I can't help but think on failures. Leads to disaster like these thoughts.
Fortunately /_/ gave me a reminder on why all this was happening. I grabbed money and went for medicine.
So I'm here in the middle of a tomato.
I have to:
- Make appointment for V.
- Cut contract.
Light for everyone.
Fear is only a thought and as a thought you can ignore it.
End of day, AllOfTheAbove, 20 feb 2012.
Yeep, yeep, 7x25 pomodoros! 4 went to study Pd and 3 for my project, muahahhahahaha.
I love you all. Thank you for understand. I understand you too.
Fear is only a thought and as a thought you can ignore it.
Vic 2/20/12
Show up (done), basics calender
12:00 Ear training 1:00
12:00 Ear training
1:00 Start on essay
2:00 continue doing essay
3:00 shower
4: begin practicing bass
6:30 stop practicing
7:00 go get book bag
Vask 20th Feb
Job search
2) Volunteer position search
Pet care
4) Organise financial records
5) Parse office materials for relevant materials
6) Pick up vitamin
7) Research biz cards
Tomorrow: mail CC bill
- "A procrastinator's work is never done."
Agnus checking in
Thanks for the threadstarter and PresDay greeting, lennon. Today is a work holiday for me but I still have a few overdue things I could/should do to be ready for work on Tuesday.
MIT1: book travel for B and me for March trip - delayed but not procrastinated; found out fares might be better if I book tomorrow - they were sure high today! Almost 30% higher than when I looked last week 
MIT2: outreach to the 2 W projects Nope
MIT3: Proj R reports Nope
Spend at least 20 minutes outdoors in the lovely sun; maybe sweep porch and patio - sun yes, sweeping no
Pay bills and log receipts Nope
Enjoy today's big sales to buy an Ipad cover, and do some furniture shopping. Nope. On the up side, look at all the money I saved by NOT saving 30% on anything! lol
Hope everyone has a great "procr-abstinent" day!
"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16
kromer 10:30 CI
OK, in the last few days I've been pushing/breaking some lab rules in order to protect myself from the consequences of my procrastination. Yesterday I realized that this is totally stupid, as well as unethical (duh! but I was panicked and not thinking clearly). Luckily, it's not too late to set things right,
so I'll do that today(done! yay for me!). It will delay my expts by a couple weeks, but as procrastination consequences go, that's not too bad.Other than that I need to:
*Finish cleaning bench (working on this now)
*Check on expts (will do this soon)
*Do geno. (more than half-way done with this)
*Small group
*Schedule for the week (will do this soon)
*Score 1 (wt) (working on this now)
*Look into reporter cells, plan for opt. fixation, finish W18 plan
Go to libraryOK, starting with 20-30 min cleaning, then I will start geno.
kromer sets things right
You go girl!
Be confident. Stay focused. One thing at a time.
Lucky's playlist
S website

Check out broker website
Post request on facebook
Contact estate agent
Start sorting stuff to sell
FP prep
Court prep
Prayer time
Sort out Toodledo
Catch up on email
Tomorrow's list
Metaphor Mouse! Because playlists are better than tasklists.
Recycler CI Feb 20 6:30am EST
Thanks, Lennon, for the threadstarter :)
Went to bed Early last night, so got up early this morning.
5am Up, take puppy for a walk, feed puppy, eat breakfast. Do doll photography, send email to international friend, check email and internet.
Goals for later this morning: 9am or earlier: shower. 10am go to 11am appt.
Have a great day! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Max Barraclough
Big 4
Stay in touch
call M
call N
dinner res
buy ticket
dinner planning
Rexroth Check In 07.43
Woke early and I have a lot to do this week.
Thanks for the start lennon.
Up prayer and reflection
Got file out and letters for friend to sign
Checked emails and posts
x Check other letter and email print letter and send email with attachments
x When friend has signed letter out to post office to send it by special delivery
x File everything neatly away
x Study French
xx Work on step one - not only worked on but finished together with some associated writing and all printed and stored securely until I can find someone to share it with
Writing at least 1000 words - a little as what I have written so far is a confused mess
x Bath and wash hair
x/xx Rest and take it easy as I am still not completely better
xxx Write journal
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
x is at 11.30ish and I am now having a rest so far so good
xx ar 14.20ish and another rest and enjoy feeling good on completion
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out 22.11
Done above and todo
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
Night Rexroth
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Test my blood sugar three times
2. Eat breakfast3. Take shower4. Get dressed5. Go to my appointment at 9 a,m.6. Go to the grocery store
7. Go to a place to donate my plastic bags
8. Go to get my monthly pass
9. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting10. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting11. Eat lunch12. Eat dinner13. Sweep floor
14. Make bed
15. Wash dishes
16. Unpack things out of storage boxes
17. Go to the 7:30 p.m. face to face NA meeting18. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meetingThanks for letting me share