Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday, 9 December 2012
All right everyone, here comes another week. Best to all of you, let's do it well together!
Stay cool.
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Findingaway late check in
Tuesday 11.35 am
Thanks for the starter, max.
Really not doing well at all so far today, have wasted 2+ hours this morning. Resisted posting or starting earlier and instead played games and shopped online :(.
Trying to recover the day without beating myself up. I think I am having difficulty with some work decisions and trying to avoid that. I will pray for guidance, then make a schedule from my lists.
wrkinprogrss: 01/09/12
Hi, All, and good wishes for your day! Angus, I like your idea of putting Breathe in your to-do list!
My list for today is as follows:
(After: I reminded myself of this, several times, but I didn't really commit to living out the choice, and quite a bit of my attention did go toward fiction--not so good.)
Done on Monday, 01/09/12:
get something to eat
check if Rx is ready (nope), nudge MD to approve renewal if not
email check-in buddy
shower, etc
run dishwasher
do at least 7 bursts of job work incl submit timecard (equivalent of 7 15-minute bursts done, including timecard--actually 4 longer work segments)
make drugstore shopping list
re-check if Rx is ready
get p-rom and claritin and Rx
15 minutes Qi Gong
take bedtime Rx
Made Some Progress on Monday, 01/09/12:
check in and bookend at P.A. (intermittantly)
use balancer (used once, briefly, before bed)
Did Not Do on Monday, 01/09/12:
water/weed toward planting tulips?
cook spinach (rice bars)?
continue creating Tai Chi movements spreadsheet and/or updating voice memo prompts
clement ci
late start, but it was deliberate, not distracted. May not have been the right choice, but i think i can live with the consequences.
but i am called on at work, so i have to get to that. A bit of a daunting task, but once i get into it i believe i will be able to do it.
Speaking of "believe"... Go Tim Tebow!
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
katia 1.9
Doing pretty good! Better than usual, though starting to get worried.
Things to do today
-Finish lab 6WOOHOO!-Start one of the other labs
-Find memento box for all connor's baby stuff-Organize closet-Crunches
-clean out backpack-reorganize changing table-email Brooke-Practice guitar
AND! I shopped for school supplies :)
wb agnus!!!
i'm quoting people on here left and right, but that's just because what they say is so apt to my experience:
yeah, me too.
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Wb clement
Me too. It's really not helping my situation. Suddenly hours are wasted!
fascinating, steppin
this has happened to me. i didnt know there was a term for it:
in fact, my recent more consistent posting here i think is due to the clearing of said pink cloud. I believe i'm settling in to my recovery, not thinking as much that i can do it nor that i'm "cured".
fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb
Journey 10:30
Had an excellent day yesterday and completed all the items on my list including a family function.
Today, I've been to the gym, read email, made my todo list, and conferred with the Brilliant Intimidating Coworker about Project RH. I was stuck on Friday so she is going to figure out what to do about the issue I had, and then turn it back over to me *whew*. She is awesome.
Now make agenda for noon meeting. I'll check back if I get stuck, otherwise have a productive and enjoyable day everyone.
Be confident. Stay focused. One thing at a time.
kromer 9:50 CI
Last week was actually pretty good...looking at my list of tasks for the week, the large marjority got done, which is pretty cool.
And I had a nice refreshing weekend, with lots of time with friends
Let's see if I can make this week as good!
I need to:
Make a schedule for the week*Look at slides, do expt. corrections, email about cell boundary marker stuff and come up with plan going forward (will do this soon)
Help with square dancing demo*Read JC paper and one other paper (working on this now)
Email about visiting and about gym*Look into D1
and bug student(working on this now)*Finish W18 plan, email Wash State people, email MP,
go over I form, do orders*
Email about costume supplies for MH*Clean bench, desk and fridge (working on this now)
*Check on expts 2x (did one check)
Mail verizon bill*plan girls group
*Cook for the week, do dishes
OK, that's a lot but I can do it. Starting w/ 3 emails, then schedule for the week and one expt check, then cleaning, then reading.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank maxbarraclogh for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Eat brunch
2. Take shower
3. Get dressed
4. Wash dishes
5. Clear table
6. Clear couch
7. Clean bathroom
8. Wipe stove
9. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting10. Go to the 12 noontelephone ACA meeting11. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
12. Eat dinner
13. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
Thanks for letting me share
Innertruth's fresh start
Up before 9 am to start work!
Have client work this week, my part-time job, two evening meetings, one social event and a self-imposed deadline for a newsletter.
Because I have so much going on, it's important for me to be organized as I can't put something off until I feel like doing it.
9 - 9:30 - Check PIC meeting, email Donna & pat, call Salina
9:30 - 11 - Review IS & TPTC websites
11 - 11:15 - break
11:15 - 1:00 - Review TPTC, gov. grants
1 - revise schedule pending work from IS, post to PA
evening - apply STH, SMH jobs
Agnus ci
Good morning, world! Apparently, ignoring my need to be here all these months has caught up with me again, and my life is once again quite unmanageable. My old all-nighter trick won't work anymore (I fall asleep against my will these days) so I will have to face consequences. ugh! Going to eat breakfast and make a plan for the day.
Back at 9:00am and stuff is already hitting the fan - two managers are asking for stuff due last Friday and I am scrambling. Man, I hate this disease. God please help me prioritize my panic!
Project C timeline for fpart, review docs, revise as neededProject W pa reportProject W c report
Check in on to-do list for any other pending crises
Address any pending crises
Project R kc report
Project B work on bd mtng
Schedule tasks in Inbox
Schedule for tomorrow: Proj C mo report, Proj R fl report, Proj W webinar
5:30 start pm routine: walk tj, dinner, meeting, step 10, bed
"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land." Psalm 16
Vic 1/9/12
Show up (done) Basics Look at calender (done)
Edit: Was feeling down because of i failed music lesson, and chose to take a little nap. That nap lasted 3 hours, omg! That means I'll have to edit my to do list:
Daily practice:
Hymns! (1. Priority!)
Do the dishes
Special tasks:
Not log on to T website.
Go to bed before midnight.
Yesterday I had a good experience with piano practice, as I worked through my resistance, actually got quite motivated at last and made some fine progress. But then I got too cocky at home and thought that I could easily turn on my computer, because 'I could handle it'. Well, you can guess the rest. I guess I reached the ' pink cloud' in my addiction process, where stay off your addiction for a short while, and the new experience makes you feel like a world champion. It's makes it easy to over estimate ones ability to stay off.
Lucky CI
Bank - nope, missed it and now I'm regretting it
Buy light bulb & eggs :)
Empty dishwasher
@Lucky re: Shiva Nata
I was curious about this Shiva Nata you had on your list so I googled and was quite intrigued. I've incorporated that into my weekly yoga practice . . .I can FEEL my brain working lol
Be confident. Stay focused. One thing at a time.
Fantastic! Isn't it
Fantastic! Isn't it great??
Bank - nope, missed it and now I'm regretting it
Buy light bulb & eggs
Change light bulb
Empty dishwasher
Bed by midnight
Max Barraclough
1. Morning routine
2. Evening routine
3. Return all communication w/in 12 hours
4. Read WSJ/blogs
bank: fraud, laptop, cc stuck, mystery charges
? buy piano
Buy flights
Cancel weekend trip
Follow up with HS
Invite profs