Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

clement ci

wrong day. lol. should be here:

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


Finding a way CI

11.05 am Wednesday 11th

Thanks for the great starter, Lucky.

I am not doing too well at all and not sure why. Kind of depressed, feeling stuck, not getting my work done. Seem to have lost faith in myself.

I will look at my lists and maybe try the chat room.

Thank you all for being here.

Vic 1/10/12

Show up (done) Basics (done) look at calender (done)

One of those days where I was working , contacted business issues, but does not "seem" like I did anything. Need to write what I "did do" and use chat room as well as lighten up.

grateful to be here and share feelings.

katia 1.10

I finished Lab 6 last night! yay! 3 to go.

Things to do today
-Half of Lab 2
-Practice guitar
-Make oatmeal cookies
-Put mementos in memory box
-see about math/physics textbooks -> I asked a friend if she had them, she does not :(

wrkinprogrss: 01/10/12

Hi and good wishes to all and thanks to Lucky for the thread-starting macro--it made me laugh! Laughing

My list for today is as follows:


Did on Tuesday, 01/10/12:
get something to eat
shower, etc
load dishwasher (good enough for now)
do 15 minutes Qi Gong
email check-in buddy
use balancer
listen to SFI podcast

Made Progress on Tuesday, 01/10/12:
check in and bookend at P.A.
do at least 8 15-or-more-minute bursts of job work (real bursts, today, not longer burst-equivalents) (did 2 bursts, but then binged on fiction)

Did Not Do on Tuesday, 01/10/12:
water/weed toward planting tulips?
cook spinach (rice bars)!
make 10 minutes of progress on creating Tai Chi movements spreadsheet and/or updating voice memo prompts?

List of Great Things About Reality:
photo-processing software!
color computer monitors and HTML codes for using them!
old New Orleans jazz and Pandora radio to play it for me!
affordable color printers, too!

pssssssst, Max ....

re: yesterday's thread,
See my note to Lucky at the bottom of today's thread.

kromer 1:40 CI

Went to lab mtg this morning, had lunch, asked about funding, did a little work organizing slides, but basically today I've been having a lot of trouble with focus.

So, I'm going to start with a very short list of tasks:
*Announce girls group, plan/pray and shop (will do this soon)
*W8 orders and email
*Check expts and c.f
*Email about YG
*Get probes
*Look at slides
*Sort out p15 slides
*Look through 500 entries for B6 correct age
*Submit for hist

OK, that's a reasonable start. I can do that. Starting by email about YG, announcing girls group, getting probes, sorting out p15 slides, and looking through first 100 entries

Innertruth Tuesday check-in

Up at a recent time today, despite having to work until 11 and arriving home after midnight. Worked on some personal stuff for an hour or so and then got to work at my desk.

To do:

10:30 am to 12:30 - read business plan stuff, call Michelle

12:30 - 1:15 - PIC stuff, lunch

1:15- get on Skype

1:15 - 2:30 - meeting

2:30 - 4 - bus plan

4 - 5 - run

5 - 6 - bus plan

6 - 7 - leave for meeting

7 - 9 - meeting

9 - 10:30 - 2 jobs

10:30 - 11 - wash blouse, dishes, get ready for Wednesday 



clement ci month fun...december ;)

lol i cant believe it. i didnt even notice til steppin said something.

today AND yesterday, both. that's just so funny.

I just dont know WHY they say that attention DEFECIT disorder is common among chronic procrastinators!!!! ;)



check email. deal with emerge only
admin stuff
make schedule.


just 20 min into it and i'm having trouble following my schedule. i think i need a prayer.


i used chat, and had to write my prayers, but i think it worked. this quote from brother lawrence the practice of the presence of god put me on the right track:

"give me the grace to do my job well today"

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


clement ci 2

journey, funny, isn't it.


i did all the things on my first list. Now to MIT for 1hr til mtg.


the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


re: December!

I never noticed!


Be confident.  Stay focused.   One thing at a time.

Steppin check in

Thanks to Lucky for starting the thread. December sure is early this year;)

I'll write a thing, do it and cross it off, to see if that works better:
Take cat nap, 20 min. max! Overslept some, but I'm feeling very rested and ready to get stuff done.


Concert piece

Touch up om E's audition songs


This strategy worked pretty well!

Journey 9:30

Happy Tuesday!  I am working from home today.  I've been quite productive for the past couple of days so let's see if we can continue that with the added distractions when working from home.

I have read my email, reviewed my calendar, exercised (including 2nd Shiva Nata lesson! Thanks  Lucky) (Shiva Nata is weird stuff. . . it's quite a mental workout).

Now I'll have some breakfast, get dressed, and make my todo list for the rest of the day.  I am the duty pager person this week so I know I have some work orders to take care of, then I'll get back to work on RH project. 



Be confident.  Stay focused.   One thing at a time.

Recycler CI Jan 10 8:45am EST


Thanks, Lucky, for the cute thread-starter! :)

6:30am up, walk puppy, feed puppy, eat breakfast, check email & Internet

7:30am box up pkg of items to mail someone; msg them to ask mailing address

8:30am turned on music to see if it will help me move around. need to get ready to go at 9:15 to therapist appt


Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Max Barraclough

1. Morning routine
2. Evening routine
3. Return all communication w/in 12 hours
4. Read WSJ/blogs


add weekly excel budget match

bank: fraud, laptop
deposit check

get credit score


order brace
sort Amazon on Mint

Lucky CI

To work on 7.46 train 
Post cards
Bank - £50, reorder card
After work - buy milk, eggs, kitchen paper, plunger?, travelcard
Take 1 more step in getting debt info together
Ocado - inc ziploc bags
Deal w/plunger & hoover outside
Submit meter reads
Check date of library visit, put in tasklist & calendar
Plan cleaning tasks for rest of week
Prayer time 
Shiva Nata
Tomorrow's list
Phone downstairs
Bed by midnight

pssssst, Lucky .....

it's January!  :)

Well, yesterday's thread was titled December, so you were just following in sequence.

To edit the thread title, just click on the "edit tab" at the top of the thread-starter.  Change the thread title, and then click the "submit" button at the bottom of the edit screen.

You can always edit a thread-starter, even if it's been replied to.

(but you cannot edit any posts inside the thread if they've been replied to.)

AHAHA! Sorry...

...I was having a VERY vague morning! Thanks for the heads-up!

To work on 7.46 train :)
Post cards :)
Bank - £50, reorder card :)
After work - buy milk, eggs, kitchen paper, plunger?, travelcard :)
Take 1 more step in getting debt info together
Hoover Can't tonight, not my fault
Ocado - inc ziploc bags
Deal w/plunger & hoover outside
Submit meter reads
Check date of library visit, put in tasklist & calendar
Plan cleaning tasks for rest of week
Prayer time 
Shiva Nata
Tomorrow's list
Phone downstairs

Bed by midnight