Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday December 1, 2011


Have a great proactive day!


Smile Laughing Wink Kiss

clement ci

good day. now gone very bad. tracy-la's post shone a crack of ligh into my soul. That got me to read clement's bookmarks especially "when all else fails". it all might drag me out of my pit. we'll see.

also testing new sig. this is try 2.


it amazes me how the bible is equally well-suited to those at the top of their game (eg, tim tebow) and those facing the deepest dispair (eg, me).

In my case, i just read this:

"grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me" (ps 51:12)

That is exactly what i need as a compulsive procrastinator. Blows me away.


Well reading clement's bookmarks worked. Or, started to work. Recovery has begun. It is the beginning of the end (of this dark period for me).

I have a modicum of strength and motivation, just enuf to start using the tools.

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

clement's bookmarks

My Day Today

Things I have done today

1. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

2. Took shower

3. Get dressed

4. Paid rent

5. Went to group therapy at 9:15 a.m.

6. Went to individual therapy at 10:15 a.m.

7. Ate brunch

8. Went to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

9. Went to the 3 p.m. telephone NA meeting

Things I will do today

1. Cook and eat dinner

2. Clear chair

3. Clear table near the couch

4. Clear table near the computer

5. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

6. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

7. Write a list for tomorrow

Thanks for letting me share

My second day here

Mind, Body, Spirit
- Meditate for 20 minutes
- Stretch
- 100 pushups
- 50 pullups
- 10 pistols
- 2 pitchers of protein shake
- Vitamins
- Brush twice

- Get apartment set up for party

School / Work
- Get exam for BIL and review it
- Get exam for NNA and review it
- Review last six weeks of CONE material for CONE exam
- Review one week of material for MCNABB exam

Journey's MITs

My last post was so long I figured I'd start a new one for my list

  • RH project - reading and check out vendor's website started
  • PO doc - review requirements
  • OS Cert - work on design doc for an hour
  • TM spreadsheet
  • catch up email
  • Quiet time
  • refile the stupid FSA
  • goals review
  • continue C. list at home tonight
  • pay some bills
  • check IRA
  • gym
  • planning
  • added:  Call the IRS on the way home tonight about IRA

Yep, I did much better when I posted my list on here!  Thanks PA!



Be confident.  Stay focused.   One thing at a time.

kromer 10:30 CI

OK, I'm getting a really late start today. And my focus has been pretty terrible for the week and so I'm seriously behind. Yikes

I need to:
*Coverslip, Do counts for 1 sample
*Work on this clustering thing (it's proven way harder than I'd thought)
*Report on RA prod. enzymes for TE
*Look at my R10 slides
*Check on expts 2x
*R10 RA reg stuff

Starting with a little bit on clustering. Then I will check on expts and coverslip. Then I will do ANOVA (which should be quick, I've just been putting it off stubbornly.)


Journey 9:30

Yesterday sucked.   Obviously I still need the accountability of posting my MITs here.   I understand why I don't want to work on my new project - I don't know this technology and I'm afraid of looking like an idiot and being late/behind on the project and having the brilliant intimidating coworker show me up and take over the tasks that I should be doing.  You'd think this would be a reason to stay focused and keep working at it, but no.  I am quite annoyed with myself because I have been doing much better at staying focused on my work for the entire work day.   But yesterday after team meeting at 1:30, my team lead asked me to call him and I was nervous that he was going to yell at me, but no he actually gave me two additional tasks that need to be done this month.   Not big stuff, but the long phone call and the additional tasks threw off my afternoon AND my goals for the month.   I got very little done after that phone call, although I was brave enough to call the BIC (brilliant intimidating coworker) and ask her some questions about the new project.    I'm bad at asking for help when I need it, and she doesn't mind helping me, as a matter of fact she seems to enjoy working with me and is very patient even though she is much smarter and more knowledgeable than me.   I think she might . . . like me.   She has no idea how terrified I am of her lol.    

Anyway, it's the first day of a new month and time to put yesterday behind me.   I will drink a bottle of water while I make my todo list for the day, come back here to post my MITs, and get busy. 

I read this article yesterday (yes, I procrastinate by reading productivity websites, bless my lilttle peapickin heart) and found it quite inspiring.  I don't often post websites here because I know that many of us get very distracted by the internet, but this is a good article to read - NOT NOW!  STOP THAT!   - when you have a planned break.

The entire article is good, and I like Steve's web site although he is getting way too weird for me lol.   This is the part of the article that really hit home for me:

If it’s convenient for you, jot down a quick list of your top mental priorities. Maybe you’ll come up with something like this:

  1. Making more money
  2. Improving my overall health and fitness
  3. Spending time with my significant other
  4. Being more focused and productive at work
  5. Learning new skills

But if you were to actually look at your actions as an objective observer might do, you may see that you’ve been prioritizing your day very differently in practice:

  1. Communication (email, texting, phone calls)
  2. Social networking
  3. Consuming information (blogs, news, videos, etc)
  4. Doing urgent work
  5. Being entertained

<facepalm> OUCH. 

May you move through this day with grace and joy. 



Be confident.  Stay focused.   One thing at a time.

tracy-la check in 12-1


Emotional Distress

In the past, we may have translated emotional distress into avoidance behavior. Avoiding tasks (whether difficult or sometimes easy) and procrastinating things to be done in our lives was something we could deal with when emotional pain was too much for us. The reason our procrastination continued and was not satisfied by any number of our distractions or avoidance behavior was that the procrastination was driven in whole or in part by distressed emotion.

If as children we were unable to recognize and express our distress, we buried it. As adults, we may still have ignored painful feelings and tried to make them go away with procrastination. Eventually, we became so dishonest with ourselves that we did not know what it was we really felt. We may have pretended for so long that everything was fine that we believed it. The telltale sign that all was not fine was our compulsive procrastination.

When we abstain, we sometimes fear that we will be overwhelmed with the emotional pain that is no longer buried with procrastination and facing "difficult" tasks. By turning this distress over to our Higher Power, we are able to survive it and learn from it.

I give You the pain that I cannot handle.

Adapted From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations 


And it isn't the thing you do, dear,
It's the thing you leave undone
Which gives you a bit of a heartache
At the setting of the sun.
  —Margaret Sangster

A quality we all share, a very human quality, is to expect perfection from ourselves, to expect the impossible in all tasks done. We must rejoice for the good we do. Each time we pat ourselves on the back for a job well done, our confidence grows a little bit more. Recovery is best measured by our emotional and spiritual health, expressed in our apparent confidence and trust in "the process." 

We need to recognize and celebrate our strong points, and they'll gain even more strength. Likewise, we need to practice prayer and listening to guidance first to develop our ties to God, but more importantly to be able to acknowledge when help is at hand. We can do all we need to do with God's help.

Having goals but keeping them realistic, for the day or the year, is a sign of emotional health. Not dwelling on those that can't be accomplished, at the moment, is another sign. A change of attitude is all most of us need to move from where we are to a better place emotionally.

There's never a better time than right now for rejoicing over what I've done.

From Each Day a New Beginning:  



re:emotional distress

"In the past, we may have translated emotional distress into avoidance behavior."

That really hits home today, in my case the past was YESTERDAY !

Thanks Tracy



My schedule:

9:30: Arrive to Daycare


10-12: Post ads on craigslist


12:00: Elevate and massage my left leg that has poor circulation


12:05: Eat, post on my business fb page


1-3: Organize my thrift shop


3-4: Take photos of new merchandise


 4-6: Email, update website


I Thank my Higherpower for this support group.

Peace and Love

Rexroth Check In

Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails and posts
Taken out rubbish
Washed up
Finished end of month assets and liablities calcualtion

Finish cleaning kitchen floor
Sort out bank cards and records of bank cards
Check food delivery when it comes and put food away
Write shopping list for food suppies up to midwinter
Deal with post when/if it comes
Work on psychological issues
Rest as much but only as much as I need

Thanks for being here Friends

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out 01.05

Oh dear it is very late

Prayed and reflected


Night Everyone Rexroth

fudoshin: things I need to make sure happen during the morning

Please do not leave advice or feedback.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 


* call the EDD to reschedule court date, if possible.

* call back the interviewer at Madtech

* copy notes from functional (Tuesday morning)

* look over problems from topology midterm, and work on those (the goal is to finish them by tomorrow.)

Innertruth's Thursday

Track time on Thursday 

8:30 - 9 - call city, store 

9 am - make phone calls

11:15 am - get ready for interview

11:30 - leave for interview

1:30 - finish interview, go to bank, get produce

2 - 5 - prospect mails for contract work

5 - leave for networking event

6 - networking event

10 - arrive home

10 - 11 - relax, dishes, recycling, take out garbage  

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

3. Eat brunch

4. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.

5. Go to individual therapy at 10:15 a.m.

6. Go to the grocery store

7. Put groceries away

8. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting

9. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

10. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone NA meeting

11. Scan computer

12. Take out garbage

13. Take out recycling

14. Clear chair

15. Wash dishes

16. Clear table near the couch

17. Clear table near the computer

18. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

19. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

20. Do numbers

21. Pay rent

22. Pay 7th Tradition for PA, CLA, and DA

Thanks for letting me share


  1. prepare the class
  2. make homework
  3. enter the new numbers
  4. edit the letter
  5. make dinner
  6. shower
  7. keep good time for exercise and reading 
  8. stay thankful