Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, 11 October 2006

It's so quiet here this AM. I'll have to tiptoe around the forums so I don't wake anyone up.

slider's 9:30 pm CI

Council meeting went well, though took a little longer than usual.

Ta Da:
--made sure DD was awake at 6 am, reminded her to feed kitty
--got myself up at 7:15, loo
--breakfast and coffee
--checked on dental appts
--checked in
--looked outside when weatherbug chirped
--groom, and dress
--reviewed notes and voice messages from my aunt
--made an information sheet that listed all the various people and agencies she has mentioned to me, phone numbers, addresses, dates, etc.
--go over to church by 9:30 [was actually 9:45]
--call church member in Houston hospital
--select hymns, put copy of lesson insert in planner
--consider announcements for bulletin
--check church email
--rsvp re: Sat dinner
--took phone call from aunt while at church; talked 40 minutes
--healthy lunch
--met dmil and took stepping stones out to patio, rearranging them until she was satisfied, took one spare one to flower bed out front
--chatted with dmil and volunteers while 3 of us ate lunch (didn't take any extra time but it DID take more energy and niceness!!!!!)
--finish review after lunch
--called APS officer, no answer
--called MHMR repeatedly because I kept getting shuffled off to voice mail, finally left message for Doctor because no case worker was available
--pick up DD at 3:45
--assign her chores and supervise her (interrupted by DS wanting to be picked up early)
--pick up DS at 5:30 (changed to 4:30)
--assign chores
--type pastor's report for tonight & make copies
--reviewed video from national church & decided to show it at Council
--rearranged tables and chairs to facilitate viewing video
--set up tv/dvd player
--Council meeting at 7 pm
--get tickets at meeting if possible
--asked treasurer what she thought about dmil's stepping stones (she was ok with it--good, because she donated the court yard they are in)
--made scrumptious roll-ups for supper (kids had pizza, DH is still out)
--listened to aunt's voice mails again, thoroughly, and recorded a few more phone numbers
--kids start bedtime routine at 9 [was actually 9:37), DD take benadryl

Blew Off:
--AM shower
--start load of laundry for myself
--straighten desk in church study
--review, plan, and prep as much as possible before lunch
--walk at 3:00 (get most comfortable shoes possible, use inserts if needed)(I hope park isn't being used for school activities!)

I still want to:
--schedule any follow up to Council meeting in planner, Outlook, and phone calendar as well as family wall calendar [Oops--am close to blowing this off! That would be a mistake, because I wouldn't like the possible problems!] I WILL DO THIS NEXT!
--tell DS to put up his clothes in dryer
--kids to bed at 10
--relax [I think I will do this by taking a shower]
--start load of laundry?
--me to bed by 10:30 [see if I feel need to read; if so, ok for 20 minutes]
--set alarm for 6 am
--reboot laundry in morning

Roll over to tomorrow:
--review household needs and make a plan to best utilize storage and make things nice for visit from Mama in 2 weeks


That is a long tada list. You should feel good about getting all that done!


I did, rather! 8)

good night

Sorry I haven't been encouraging others much today. I just feel so bad. I'm going to go to bed now. I didn't take my last dose of pills, but I just can't be bothered with it.

Tomorrow is another day - hopefully I'll turn the corner with this bronchitis. I can't keep feeling this lousy, day after day.

Good night, everyone.


I'm feeling desperate enough now to try snorting salt water. I want so badly to sleep tonight. Thanks for the suggestion - hope it works!

on snorting salt water

it hurts a lot less if you don't get air mixed in. I use a coffee mug as a delivery device. in theory you're supposed to inhale in through one nostril and let it come out the other, though I've not managed that bit (it goes through my sinuses and then I spit it out).

until you get a feel for it, err on the side of cool water. hot water in nostrils - very unpleasant.

hope it helps.

I did it and... wasn't very pleasant and it also didn't help. Maybe I didn't do it right. It didn't come out after it went in - not through the other nostril or from any other orifice. It just sort of went up there and stayed up there. Or maybe went down my throat - I'm not sure.

I'm not very congested right now. I seem to only get congested at night, for some reason. I bought some nasal spray when I was at the pharmacy today.

I also bought some cough drops with menthol.

1Focus 9:49

Proudly Accomplished:
• Went to day two of seminar
Evening Routine
• Help in kitchen
• Dinner and hang with family
• Farm chores (include kids)
• Clean up kitchen
• Office chores
• Scoop catbox

Blew off:
• 30 minutes in garage
• Yoga

I want to do:
Evening Routine
• Early to bed (lights out 11:00pm)

One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Build shelves and hangers
• Get stuff out of garage floor

pro's CI - 8:35pm

Finally took "midday" pills. Kind of late.

pro's CI - 6:40pm (evening misery)

I haven't taken midday pills yet - need to do that.

My sinuses are very congested now. Why do they only get congested in the evening? That happened yesterday, too. My nose is like a drippy faucet, suddenly.

I'm bored, tired, frustrated, and uncomfortable.:(

I can't even amuse myself by taking my temperature anymore because I can't breathe through my nose.

I'm checking in because I need to take my pills and checking in motivates me to do it.

tea and humidity

Tea and humidity definitely help. I'll just spend the next week drinking tea in a steam bath.

I still haven't taken my pills.

another possibility....

Or maybe because the humidity is down in here. For much of the day I was boiling water on the hotplate. I stopped doing that when it started to get hot in here. Maybe I'm stuffed up from the lower humidity (and no more tea).

I turned the hotplate back on, and tea is brewing.

I'M MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I'm a huge baby, aren't I?)


(I'm a huge baby, aren't I?)


well.... makes me feel infintessimally better to whine and moan. ;)

I'm totally congested, ears hurt, blah blah. Tomorrow I need to get cough medicine, decongestant, etc. If I don't feel well enough to go out, I'll find a drug store that delivers.

I need sleep badly, and I know I'm not going to sleep well tonight when I'm this stuffed up. I'll be lucky if I sleep an hour at a time.


Maybe it's because I stopped drinking liquid? In the beginning of the day I had a pot of coffee and then a pot of tea. Then I stopped drinking liquid. Maybe that's why I'm all blocked up now. I'll make another pot of tea - see if pouring tea down me unblocks my sinuses.

I'm REALLY sick of being sick. It's getting VERY old. :(

1Focus 6:36

Proudly Accomplished:
• Went to day two of seminar
Evening Routine
• Help in kitchen
• Dinner and hang with family
• Farm chores (include kids)
• Clean up kitchen
• Office chores

Evening Routine
• 30 minutes in garage
• Scoop catbox
• Yoga
• Early to bed (lights out 11:00pm)
One big focus:
Garage storage project
• Build shelves and hangers
• Get stuff out of garage floor

slider's 5 pm CI

I didn't stick to my intentions very well. Forgot to include phone calls I wanted to make regarding my aunt, so I was 15 minutes late going over to church, and I only managed that by skipping the shower (today was a casual day). Then I kept just chatting with the volunteers instead of doing what I planned. Then my dmil called the church and wanted to donate stepping stones, so we agreed to wait around till 1 pm to meet her and bring in the stepping stones for the inner courtyard (fortunately there were only 4). That meant that the volunteers and I ate lunch together while we worked on the stuff we had planned to do in the morning but didn't do because we were shooting the breeze. I never even went to my study today. On the other hand, I was feeling bummed about how much I have gotten done lately until I started writing out my report. Ye gads--I can't believe I did all that! It was a busy month even before I started dealing with my aunt! Then dmil called the church with the airplane news. She was all fearful about terrorism and I had to calm her down. When I checked it out online, nobody else was talking terrorism, so I was a little irked with her. Now I'll be getting ready for Council meeting--gotta type and copy. Also find a devotion.
Ta Da:
--made sure DD was awake at 6 am, reminded her to feed kitty
--got myself up at 7:15, loo
--breakfast and coffee
--checked on dental appts in a panic--but it's ok (a few weeks away, got it on calendar now, duh)
--checked in (will avoid further cuop as a form of procrastination at the moment)
--looked outside when weatherbug chirped--dense fog (yesterday it was tornadoes!)
--groom, and dress
--reviewed notes and voice messages from my aunt
--made an information sheet that listed all the various people and agencies she has mentioned to me, phone numbers, addresses, dates, etc.
--go over to church by 9:30 [was actually 9:45]
--call church member in Houston hospital (where is number???)
--select hymns, put copy of lesson insert in planner
--consider announcements for bulletin
--check church email (discovered secretary hasn't been)
--rsvp re: Sat dinner (I replied yes, yesterday, then remembered the wedding this morning)
--took phone call from aunt while at church; talked 40 minutes
--healthy lunch
--met dmil and took stepping stones out to patio, rearranging them until she was satisfied, took one spare one to flower bed out front
--chatted with dmil and volunteers while 3 of us ate lunch (didn't take any extra time but it DID take more energy and niceness!!!!!)
--finish review after lunch
--called APS officer, no answer
--called MHMR repeatedly because I kept getting shuffled off to voice mail, finally left message for Doctor because no case worker was available
--pick up DD at 3:45
--assign her chores and supervise her (interrupted by DS wanting to be picked up early)
--pick up DS at 5:30 (changed to 4:30)
--assign chores

--get fundraiser tickets to take to nursing home

Blew Off:
--start load of laundry for myself
--straighten desk in church study
--review, plan, and prep as much as possible before lunch
--walk at 3:00 (get most comfortable shoes possible, use inserts if needed)(I hope park isn't being used for school activities!)

I still want to:
--type pastor's report for tonight & make copies
--Council meeting at 7 pm
--get tickets at meeting if possible
--schedule any follow up to Council meeting in planner, Outlook, and phone calendar as well as family wall calendar
--kids start bedtime routine at 9, DD take benadryl
--kids to bed at 10
--me to bed by 10:30
--set alarm for 6 am

If I have time and feel like it, I will also still:
--review household needs and make a plan to best utilize storage and make things nice for visit from Mama in 2 weeks

scarlett CI 5:51 pm

Woo hoo! Presentation is DONE! Boss approves of it, it has gone out for review. 8)

And that's all I'm getting done today.

You goooooooo girrrrrrrrrl!!!!



So glad to have it done.


Watching the airplane news. Any impact on you in your neighborhood? Hope it doesn't afect utilities or cable or whatnot. I don't know enough about NY to know whether this is close to you, but I thought you once said you were on Manhattan. Wishing you a peaceful day so you can rest and heal.

airplane crash into building

I turned on the news and see the mayor giving a press conference. Sounds like the plane crashed into a building on East 72nd Street, if I heard that right. I'm in the West Village (in Manhattan), a couple miles southwest.

There are some pretty dramatic pictures on

The Yankees aren't having a very good year.


Glad you're okay. I head that a few people have died - I hope it's no worse than that.

crash deaths

Only the two people on the plane died - the Yankees guy, and whoever was with him.

airplane news?

I've been watching recorded movies. Maybe I should turn on the news?

airplane news

I live in brooklyn, but the that building is across the street from the hospital that did my spinal surgery. That building holds the hospitals cafeteria and i used to eat there tuesday and thurdays when i had physical therapy.

todayfirst 3:30PM EST

Busy day so far... I'm a bit wound up.

Things I've done so far today:
- Usual morning startup stuff
- Test hardware one more time
- Call vendor
- Review programming tasks
- Program - a couple hours
- Prep for training someone
- Training
- Work with hardware vendor

Things I'd still like to do:
- program (another hour or so if possible)
- Weekly review

Grumble grumble

I am procrastinating on this presentation, not sure why. I like making powerpoints, I like speaking in public.

I think the topic is just not quite in focus, but I think that the focus will come with paring the presentation down.


Part of the problem is that my supvr. is busy on another project and so I can't bounce ideas off of her. I really do best in a collaborative work environment, and she doesn't always have the time/energy to provide that.

I need to suck it up and do this - I have just over 3 hrs to get it done, and it HAS to be done today.

Okay - going to go fix some tea just to stretch my legs and then I'll get back to work.

Hi scarlett

Nice to meet you!

supvr not available play the movie game. Close your eyes relax and see a movie screen. Watch the movie, you and your supervisor in a mad brainstorming session you giving your ideas and he/she responding. Your subconsious will play along, you'd be surprised? Give it a try.

great idea.

I'll try that next time.


nothing to see here! :)

you can do it!


Coming along slowly, hasn't quite gelled yet.


i seem to have a lot of excess nervous energy right now that's making it hard to focus. i'm listening to music to help channel some of it - may have to go for a walk if that doesn't work.

pro's CI - 12:40pm

I don't know why I'm checking in when all I'm doing is eating meals and taking medication. Habit, I guess.

I'm hungry and have nothing to eat here. I'll order something in. I hope I don't run out of money before my fever breaks.

Sorry you are still sick

You are right about this:
I looked up acute bronchitis on the internet, and it says that asthma inhalers can help. I noticed that. I'm going to keep using it.

I have chronic bronchitis and have used my asthma inhaler. My doctor said use it 2 puffs 3 times a day. But if it is a bronchial infection and I believe it is you also need an antibiotic. You need to go to the doctor if you don't have any in the house.(I keep Z-paks on hand)

If you call out for something call a grocery store that delivers that way you can ge food over the counter meds and what ever else you need. I had a spinal condition and was unable to walk until mid august and my neighbor hood grocery store and gas station was very helpful. I would call the grocery store and they would deliver what I needed and my gas station daily brought me the paper and money orders which I completed and they mailed for me.

Also, for your sinises if you have a ziplock bag fill it with ice and water cover your face with a wash cloth and put the ziplock on top of your sinis this will offer you some relief.

Feel better.


I read that most bronchitis is viral rather than bacterial and will resolve on its own in a week. If I still have a fever in a week, or if the stuff I'm coughing up turns green, I need to see a doctor.

>I have chronic bronchitis...

Are you a smoker? I quit 9.5 years ago. It was very difficult to do, but I'm very glad I did.

I've been ordering in food. I don't feel I need anything else right now. I'll be out of cash soon, though. Some restaurants take credit cards over the phone. Maybe the grocery store and drug store does, too. One good thing about being sick in New York is you can get anything delivered.

Your doctor gives you prescriptions for z-packs just to keep around? Mine wouldn't do that.

If mucus is yellow it could

If mucus is yellow it could be bacterial.

You are so right New york is great. Most of my family has left but I stay for that very reason and the subway system.

I used to smoke from the age of 22-27 I stopped because of the bronchitis and allergy induced asthma. Wasn't hard I only smoked when studying and writing papers.

No my doc won't give me z-paks. Last year he was on vacation I went to emergeny they gave a prescription but my 2 drug stores were out and it was a holiday weekend so the hospital drugs store was closed. I went online and found a place in england that said they could get it to me in 2 days so I brought 8 paks and some 20mg prednisone. I have 4 left, I used 1, give 2 paks to dad and 1 to my brother.

viral or bacterial

I'm hoping it's viral. Yellow doesn't necessarily mean bacterial. Green definitely does. Viral is much more common. If I still have a fever after a week, then I need to see a doctor.

Do you have the URL in England (just in case)? I don't have a doctor in NYC, and my doctor in NE doesn't like prescribing antibiotics without seeing me.

here it

here it is:

but if you are low on funds my email address is I am in brooklyn tell me where and I will mail you a pak. I have the 5 day
ones where you take 2 the first day one for the next 4 days. The one pak bothers my stomach but they sell it.

thank you, HR...

I'll check the URL tomorrow - I'm feeling too crummy tonight. Thanks very much for offering to send me one. That's very kind of you. I'm still hoping it's viral and will go away on its own. I guess I'll know in a few days.


My fever is up - higher than ever. I'm frustrated. I want to get better. Maybe I'll take a nap.

acute bronchitis

I looked up acute bronchitis on the internet, and it says that asthma inhalers can help. I noticed that. I'm going to keep using it.

I've been boiling water on the hotplate for so long that my windows are steamed up. But it does help me to breathe.

This is really tedious. I can't do anything until this fever goes away, plus I'm uncomfortable. :(

scarlett CI 11:25 am

Oy. Woke up late, got into work, had a great idea for my Halloween costume and have spent the last hour and a half time-bingeing on research.

Before I go to lunch I will:
Find old slides for presentation OR just brainstorm from notes

Last night: bedtime 10:45 (target 10:15)
This morning: wakeup 8:15 (target 7:00)

Already done:
Eat breakfast

update start/finish grid
rolloff pickup times
review weight tix

To Do:
fill out survey
slate from – what happened?
process emails (15 min)
Wilson – windows? Call K.
frog - possibly not necessary

dance workshop
scoop pan (get roomie to feed cats)
bedtime 10:30

pro's CI - 10:50am

I hate taking my pills even in the best of times. When my throat is sore and swollen, it's even more odious. But I did it.

my diagnosis

I have acute bronchitis. Hopefully it will go away in a week on its own. If it doesn't, then it's become bacterial and I'll need antibiotics. I don't want this because I don't have a doctor in NYC.

I had this once before, last spring. I didn't like it much then, either. I'm trying to take good care of myself so it goes away on its own.

pro's CI - 10:15am

I still haven't laid out today's pills or taken my morning dose. I'll do that right now, then check in after.

My internet connection is back, happily.

I'm not feeling at all well - want to go back to bed.

Rexroth 14.42 BST

Todo today

Up prayer
put on washing machine
sort stuff for going out
out at 9.00 am shopping for bed, mattress, safa etc.
12.40 back from above - yes it did take a long time.

above done - and no mattress yet it was a big store and I got a bit confused both over what I wanted and their delivery arrangements. I also needed somne time to sort out exactly what I do want as I'm really not sure about everything and its effectively one delivery price so I want to get all the stuff at once.

sort mail and pay bills in mail
really whatever else I feel like as I still feel rough and am back to bed (futon on floor).

Regards Rexroth

mattress shopping

Is soooo confusing. Definitely take your time and get something comfy!

yay, Rexroth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great to hear that you went mattress shopping. I'm grateful every moment for my comfy new mattress since I've spent most of the last two days in bed!