Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 23 May 2010

Welcome to Sunday everyone, use the weekend wisely!

Wrote. Went kinda slowly

Wrote. Went kinda slowly today, a lot of writer's block, but still got some done so I'm happy. :)

I journaled! Heading off

I journaled! :D

Heading off to write for the next 2 hours (till 7:30).


Congrats LoiP


Finished the book last

Finished the book last night, but never got to journaling. :( My little brother took the computer and I strangely blanked on the fact that I could've used my notebook. O.o

Then later when I had a chance I'd already totally forgotten and wasted my time watching King of the Hill. :/

Anyways, I plan to journal for an hour (till 3:20).


Kitty CI 2:17 pm

Late check-in, but had great morning CI phone call to get me on track.  I am learning that weekends are dangerous, and I think having both online and phone is incredibly helpful.  It keeps the weekend from being a long stretch of undefined vagueness.

  • Morning meditation done!
  • Exercise and PT done!
  • Store done!
  • Shower and lunch done!
  • 11:30 CT Phone CI done!
  • PA Weekly Meeting 2:30 done (and fantastic)!
  • Laundry done!
  • Pick up at W done!
  • Phone call done!
  • Clean kitchen/bathroom/vacuum done!
  • Evening PT
  • Evening meditation - work on improving focus
  • Gratitude journal

Thanks for the

Thanks for the comment.

Congrats to you too. Looks like you're having a productive day. Smile

kromer 2:10 CI

So far I've done grocery shopping and been to church + potluck

I have a fair amount to do today. I've been having a tough time concentrating, so I want to break stuff down into small chunks. And I want to make sure that I go to the PA mtg today. (I sometimes hate that I need this program and want to say that the meeting is a waste of time...but i know that I need it to stay on track! So, will turn my life over to HP and go to the dang meeting ;) )

**step-by step breakdown**
1a)Do purification
1b)Measure concentration
1c)Set up PCRs
1d)Pour gel

1e)Run gel

2)Finish EA's project (not sure I'll get this all done today, but I'll do my best)
**step-by-step breakdown**
2a)Clean up what I've done so far for SSCs
2b)Clean up what I've done so far for sorted germ cells (will do this quite soon)
2c)Clean up what I've done so far for timecourse
2d)Look at OrderedList/graphs for sorted germ cells
2e)Code for computing what contributes most to correlations
2f)Compute what contributes most to correlations and write up
2g)Proofread and send!

3)Preregister for classes/summer research (easy, one-step)


Other tasks:
4)Make schedule for the week
4a)List everything I'd like to get done this week
4b)Assign priorities
4c)Estimate how long each task will take, how much concentration it requires and what other tasks it logically belongs with
4d)Make schedule

5)Start organizing stuff in lab
5a)Put JL's stuff into a box
5b)Clean up my drawer and gym bag
5c)Figure out what supplies I need and where I can buy them
5d)Go through 40 or so papers and sort

6)Call IA
7)Call home

OK, going to start by getting the DNA purification going, then I'll work on EA's project. 



Weekly online PA 12-step meeting in "meeting chatbox"

Procrastinators Anonymous weekly 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox".

(Meeting is Sunday 7:30 PM GMT/UTC -
STANDARD time year round -- click on links in RED below)
Meeting is held:

  • Sunday morning/midday in Hawaii/Alaska and Pacific Time
  • Sunday afternoon in the Americas
  • Later Sunday evening in Europe/Africa
  • Very early Monday morning in Asia/Australia/NZ

> Click here to find your timezone equivalent for today's meeting.

> Click here to find your timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.

It works when we "work it". Let's do whatever it takes to find recovery. All are welcome.

No obligation to attend. No need to "report in". No attendance taken.

Come when you feel called to come!

All are welcome!

Meeting follows traditional anonymous 12-step format.

"Meetings Chatbox" can be found after fully entering regular check-in chatbox ... and then clicking on the "meetings" tab at the top of the chatbox.

If you have trouble entering Meeting Chatbox, or if you can see us there but are unable to communicate with us, see this post:

correcting typo on next week's online PA mtg

Correcting my above typo
on next week's online PA 12step meeting.

It will be Sunday May 30

or very very early Monday May 31
(Australia/New Zealand/ eastern Asia)

> Click here to find CORRECTED timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.

Check In

How do you be connected and go into the check-in and meeting chatbox?  I teried to get into the chatbox and I was not able to get in.


to Lennon ...


I replied to you here:

Hope you can get it working soon!

Scribbler May 23 11:15 a.m Central US

I've been posting to my booze-hound and gaming addict forums (yes, I am a remarkable screwup)

and reading the paper so just getting around to this.  Today I'm going to:

go for a long run or cut the grass; I doubt I'll have energy for both. (ran, didn't cut grass)

attend my son's soccer team end of season party (didn't go because son didn't attend)

help my sister move some furniture (she was otherwise occupied, so postponed)

complete a project for CIO (done)

do a microburst of, say, 20 minutes for my next ACFC letter (actually did a lot more,

but didn't make much progress on the actual project)

possibly play an open mic this evening if I hear of a good one (I'm leaving for this as soon as I

change clothes.)

- maybe get started writing a new song. (perhaps when I'm back from open mic)

Better get going. Hope all are well. Best, Scribbler


5/23 slowbro

gonna just relax untill 11:00am.  Head kind of hurts.


continue cleaning place

do a load of laundry

add a reminder in cell to stop by the art dep for advisor schedualing + stop by library for Mon.


work on painting or drawing

after that, enjoy some free time


huma CI

I've completely fallen off the last week or so. I've not even been doing CI, which I preach to newcomers. Hopefully I can have a productive Sunday.

  • mow lawn
  • laundry
  • dishes
  • recyclables
  • send banner to MM
  • proposal to PD
  • TDC 9
  • TDC 10
  • TDC 11
  • TDC 12
  • TDC 13
  • TDC 14
  • TDC 15
  • TDC 16
  • prepare meals for week

"A year from now, you may wish you had started today." - Karen Lamb

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese proverb

Rexroth Check In

Up prayer and thought
Checked emails
Got ready and out to church
Stayed afterwards to listen to band

Wash up
Put on washing machine to start on washing all blankets
Tidy work table
Write journal

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Update


Wash up again and clean up again
Put rubbish and recyling out
Finanise internet shopping list
Phone friend
Look again at plans for week

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out


Rest and play on web
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Night Folks


Vic 5/23

   Show up (done)

reach out for help.

Helping Hand


 /files/images/handwave.gifGrab the cyber hand and together we can get through it. I have been struggling myself. So here is to us and helping each other push through.



(Thank You)

Wow what a suprise, the care/support/connection of the people in this cyber room never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes I want to ask, are you really real or am just deaming. Thank you.


Ups and downs, good week and bad weeks are normal. Hang on in their for brighter times to come.



I've hardly been a good example lately. But I just wanted you to know that I care, and I hope you can find what you need. Best wishes my friend.   Smile


"A year from now, you may wish you had started today." - Karen Lamb

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese proverb

Hope-Faith CI 4:25

Hi all and thanks for getting the day started Putmynikeson.

Starting with a different approach to my day today in hopes that it get me jump started.

  1. AM routine
  2. Fold all clean clothes
  3. Clean out van
  4. Start end of the year progress post
  5. Plans for excel
  6. Color
  7. Exercise
  8. Down time 10:00-2:30
  9. Shopping

 Now that I have my post started I just want to crawl back in bed and wish it all to go away. ): But I will do one thing and see how it goes. Will update often (if I do not go back to bed).


Hope-Faith CI 11:00



I faltered hard on Friday and Saturday (part of today also) after making small but much needed strides in my first full week on PA. At the advice of a good friend of mine I'm going to seek counselling available to me from my University. Perhaps it can help me become a more productive person. I am not so bothered (funnily enough) about the money or time cost associated with potentially failing my subjects this semester. I know I can pass and do well if I scramble HARD these next 3 weeks, but what I want is to have the concentrated EFFORT. The satisfaction of not procrastinating, not stressing myself to the point of exhaustion. With that satisfaction I believe only good things in every area of my life can result. I am committed to PA and I hope that counselling will give me guidance I so crave.

My CI for today is

My aim is to finish at least all my P1 and do one activity from P2 and P3 tiers.

P1 (must)


Stats ASG


P2 (moderately important)

Music Prac

Lecture review stat 11

Study notes ACCG

P3 (extra work)

Study notes stat

start AHIS ASG

Review HW ACCG


Something that helps me and kids that I help is realizing everyone has a different working style.

One time I took a personality test and they decribed my work style as:

When there's a job to be done, like most people you want to know what the goal is and when it's to be completed. For you, that's a start. Next you want to know what the plan is to get to the goal and your plan is  "Get the project at work done as soon as possible." You don't need an in-depth specification of every little detail; in fact you prefer not to work that way. You lay out your goals, develop a general plan, and then you get things done.

You believe in intuition as well as organization. As such, you trust impulses as much as strategies and you value spontaneity as much as you do efficiency. In a word, you like to keep it flexible.  While you do keep to a general plan, those times of pure vision and originality are what really drive you.

Some of the people who rely completely on an organized approach to getting things done may be surprised at your efficiency.

This is "my" style but not what most organization experts would write about.It helped me to know what works for me then try to improve.