Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
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I tried to get in the chat from the chatbox and I tried to check in but it says I need to be in to be in the chat. I could not find the "meeting chatbox," but I found chatbox and then I pressed meeting or check-in and I was not able to share. I don't know how to check in or get into the meeting. I need help.
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Lennon -How to enter "meeting" chatbox
Hi there,
I think what is happening is that you are "timing out". This means that your internet connection is dropping out in some way, and this is disconnecting you from chat, even if you are still connected to the main forums.
Sometimes your connection will "time out" if you haven't said anything for a while. This is different for each oerson.
To re-enter main check-in chat, just click the "chat" button at top of the forum screen.
To get to the MEETING, follow this: