Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.


I tried to get into the chatbox to check-in.  It said I need to be connected to check in.  How do I get connected?  My I got into the website through my username.  What do I need to do to be connected to the chatbox in check-in?


Welcome, Lennon!

Glad to see you were able to get into the Chat.  Welcome to PA--these tools, forums, and check-ins have been so helpful to me and many others, and I hope you'll find a lot here that helps you.

Hope to see you here again soon!


I'm stuck

I typed something once and then I was not able to chat anymore.  I pressed send again and I was not able to send anything.  What am I doing wrong,  I was going to mention an action I was going to do.  How do I get in?

Chatbox problems

That is strange.  What happens when you go away from the chatbox tab, and then go back?  It's supposed to reload the screen...if it's not doing that, you might try logging out, clearing your browser cache, and logging back in. 

Logging Out and In

I logged out and then I logged back in and it is still giving me problems.  I do not know what to do. 

Connection dropping

Movingalong has suggested that your internet connection may be dropping (see  When you lose the chatbox, do you also lose the ability to reach other websites?