Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Another dull thread starter. :( I'll just live with it, rather than taking the time to update it.
I just hung a large, heavy mirror in the bathroom. It took several hours because of all the measuring I had to do - and because there isn't a single 90-degree angle in this very old building. I had a spot where I wanted to put it that was almost exactly the same size as the mirror, so it had to be right. It was a huge PITA, but it's done. On the down side, I trashed my apartment in the process. I pulled tools out of the closet looking for things and threw them all over the floor, etc. I'm too tired to clean up right now, but it's in my near future!
Right now I think I'll have some dinner. I'm happy it's a long weekend!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I just made a major decision to not continue in an educational program I was in to allow more time for writing and other things that are important to me. I will be book-ending writing and hope to actually do it on a regular basis (:
1. Morning routine 2. Walk Zoe
3. Take off point values in Gradebook 4. Write quizzes 6-11 5. Grade observation questions 6. Read Chapter 2 of AG and write question 7. Make changes to T's report 8. Write-15 minutes 9. Hotel reservations for conference 10. Work on PN plan-15 minutes
11. Clean Fern and Patricia's cage 12. Clean office-15 minutes 13. Pick up laundry room 14. Pick up office-15 minutes 15. Clean out car-15 minutes
16. Email about class 17. Register for conference 18. Email C about lunch 19. Email team about donations 20. Call Cape VNA? 21. Email about committee? 22 Email Ann-50th
23. Lunch-11:20-leave by 10:50!!
24. Take Bashful to vet-1pm
This evening:
25. Practice Portugese-15 minutes 26. Read Bible 27. Feed Fern and Patricia
Hi eveyone. I need to finish a project today which should have been done a couple of days earlier. I have a bill to be paid before five, so finishing the project, contacting the client, and hoping they'll come and go, and me going to pay the bill on time...What a stupid rush. I still do it--but not nearly as bad.
To do: morning routine spiritual time finish job (it's THAT simple) pay bill do one area of living room floor thin out pile on kitchen table check in later
Lark, Best wishes on completing your tasks today. I know what you mean about slipping back into bad habits and then having to rush! It's so easy to do. I still really struggle with leaving the house to get to where I need to go on time. Like you, I'm doing better, but I'm not sure if it will ever be easy or if I will always have to consciously think about it. We'll see..
up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
bath wash hair trim beard
collect new glasses
check some bit of legal/admin file which I might need to act on
email landlord and check that file
wash loads of clothes for going away
sort pscking and check lists etc
Rexroth, Just wanted to say thank you again for inspiring me. I appreciate your commitment to Higher Power and right principles. I have found motivation to tackle a lot of difficult things ... from reading your daily bookends. I realize you will be gone for a few months, so I wanted to wish you well on your journey. I have faith that H.P. will guide you on whatever path is before you. I wil imagine you mentally "sending up in prayer" your daily bookends -- although you might be away from the computer, I know you'll still be bookending directly to H.P.
I will continue working on my legal and financial paperwork. And every time I bookend about completing some aspect of a difficult task, I will send good thoughts to you and to all people who are struggling with such tasks.
Thanks for good cheer movingalong. I feel very happy posting on this board. It works for me and it's free to all.
Today I woke feeling uncomfortable in that I was worrying about some legal work that I though I might need to do before I left. I had not checked before and it would have been in my interests to have done so. When I checked this morning I found that I needed to file papers at court before the 10 October. Now it is possible that I had till next April but if I did it early it was one less thing to worry about. I am due back on 3/4 October so I would have had time when I got back but I could not find any reason not to do it now. So today I filed the papers and also wrote to the other side with a bundle of papers which they say the don't have. It's been a lot of work and I've just finshed. This is recovery for me. I've been putting off doing this work for five and a half years and it took me just a few hours today.
pro's CI - 9:50pm
I ate dinner and watched a movie.
I wish someone else would clean this place up. It's a disaster area, and I really don't feel like dealing with it. :(
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
maybe tomorrow
Maybe I'll clean up this mess tomorrow. It's after 10pm, and I'm tired from hanging that huge mirror. I'll have more energy in the morning.
I think I'll just put away the food, brush my teeth, and get into bed.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Amy's To Do List
To Do List
Post Lessons
Wolf Lesson
Put new bed spread on
Email YUW contacts
Clean bathrooms- Top Priority
Get new liner from PetCo- Saturday
Give Kit a bath- Saturday
Order t-shirt- Get check on Saturday
Complete 2 forum- due Friday
Complete 1 drop box- due Friday
Put laundry away
Put school stuff
Call Linda back
Post after I'm done with my homework
I'm going to finish all my homework now. It is due by midnight. I'll check in when I'm done.
pro's CI - 7pm
Another dull thread starter. :( I'll just live with it, rather than taking the time to update it.
I just hung a large, heavy mirror in the bathroom. It took several hours because of all the measuring I had to do - and because there isn't a single 90-degree angle in this very old building. I had a spot where I wanted to put it that was almost exactly the same size as the mirror, so it had to be right. It was a huge PITA, but it's done. On the down side, I trashed my apartment in the process. I pulled tools out of the closet looking for things and threw them all over the floor, etc. I'm too tired to clean up right now, but it's in my near future!
Right now I think I'll have some dinner. I'm happy it's a long weekend!!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Julie's 9 am CI
I just made a major decision to not continue in an educational program I was in to allow more time for writing and other things that are important to me. I will be book-ending writing and hope to actually do it on a regular basis (:
1. Morning routine
2. Walk Zoe
3. Take off point values in Gradebook
4. Write quizzes 6-11
5. Grade observation questions
6. Read Chapter 2 of AG and write question
7. Make changes to T's report
8. Write-15 minutes
9. Hotel reservations for conference
10. Work on PN plan-15 minutes
11. Clean Fern and Patricia's cage
12. Clean office-15 minutes
13. Pick up laundry room
14. Pick up office-15 minutes
15. Clean out car-15 minutes
16. Email about class
17. Register for conference
18. Email C about lunch
19. Email team about donations
20. Call Cape VNA?
21. Email about committee?
22 Email Ann-50th
23. Lunch-11:20-leave by 10:50!!
24. Take Bashful to vet-1pm
This evening:
25. Practice Portugese-15 minutes
26. Read Bible
27. Feed Fern and Patricia
CI for Lark @ 9:00am
Hi eveyone. I need to finish a project today which should have been done a couple of days earlier. I have a bill to be paid before five, so finishing the project, contacting the client, and hoping they'll come and go, and me going to pay the bill on time...What a stupid rush. I still do it--but not nearly as bad.
To do:
morning routine
spiritual time
finish job (it's THAT simple)
pay bill
do one area of living room floor
thin out pile on kitchen table
check in later
Best Wishes!
Best wishes on completing your tasks today. I know what you mean about slipping back into bad habits and then having to rush! It's so easy to do. I still really struggle with leaving the house to get to where I need to go on time. Like you, I'm doing better, but I'm not sure if it will ever be easy or if I will always have to consciously think about it. We'll see..
Rexroth 06.55 BST
Todo today
up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
bath wash hair trim beard
collect new glasses
check some bit of legal/admin file which I might need to act on
email landlord and check that file
wash loads of clothes for going away
sort pscking and check lists etc
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Sending cheer to rexroth
Just wanted to say thank you again for inspiring me. I appreciate your commitment to Higher Power and right principles. I have found motivation to tackle a lot of difficult things ... from reading your daily bookends. I realize you will be gone for a few months, so I wanted to wish you well on your journey. I have faith that H.P. will guide you on whatever path is before you. I wil imagine you mentally "sending up in prayer" your daily bookends -- although you might be away from the computer, I know you'll still be bookending directly to H.P.
I will continue working on my legal and financial paperwork. And every time I bookend about completing some aspect of a difficult task, I will send good thoughts to you and to all people who are struggling with such tasks.
Best Wishes,
Rexroth 16.18 BST
Thanks for good cheer movingalong. I feel very happy posting on this board. It works for me and it's free to all.
Today I woke feeling uncomfortable in that I was worrying about some legal work that I though I might need to do before I left. I had not checked before and it would have been in my interests to have done so. When I checked this morning I found that I needed to file papers at court before the 10 October. Now it is possible that I had till next April but if I did it early it was one less thing to worry about. I am due back on 3/4 October so I would have had time when I got back but I could not find any reason not to do it now. So today I filed the papers and also wrote to the other side with a bundle of papers which they say the don't have. It's been a lot of work and I've just finshed. This is recovery for me. I've been putting off doing this work for five and a half years and it took me just a few hours today.
Rexroth 21.52 BST
Night Folks
Friday's Hello Cats
I must admit, I'm trying to put an image in for the first time. 'Scuse the clumsiness!