Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Done. O.k., done after much poking around & foot dragging & pursuing distractions, but done. I think I must be needing some time to process stuff & clear out my brain, and meanwhile I'm instinctively trying to shut down. Good thing there's a long weekend coming up soon.
And I'm psyched to have finally started doing a little weight lifting! O.k., a VERY little, but that's o.k., it's good to start small.
1. Morning routine 2. Walk Zoe . Enter info in Gradebook Add quizes to Utest-add remaining weeks 5. Update senior pic letter/email to RN's Practice Portugese-15 minutes Read Bible Email F. Take C dog food 10. Make changes to T's report 11. Grade observation questions 12. Hotel reservations for conference 13. Clean office-15 minutes 14. Pick up laundry room Feed Fern and Patricia 16. Pick up office-15 minutes 17. Read Chapter 2 of AG and write question 18. Clean out car-15 minutes Make decision about class 20. Register for conference 21. Clean Fern and Patricia's cage Check on books for students 23. Check on decision book 24. Work on PN plan-15 minutes
I'm tired today, so I'm going to post only the important things for this morning. When I've gotten my most important task done, I'll take a little nap for 15 or 20 minutes. Today: morning routine spiritual tiime important work project check in afterwards
up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
check list of stuff to take away
out to buy a few bits
home and list todos before leaving
email last night's date to say thank you
check legal/admin file
probably photocopy documents for case
I'm home and having a rest. I now have everything I need to go away except a spare pair of glasses which I have arranged to collect tomorrow. It's strange when I was out I was tempted to come home and get the stuff I needed tomorrow or the next day.
To do this evening
Done (slowly!)
Done. O.k., done after much poking around & foot dragging & pursuing distractions, but done. I think I must be needing some time to process stuff & clear out my brain, and meanwhile I'm instinctively trying to shut down. Good thing there's a long weekend coming up soon.
And I'm psyched to have finally started doing a little weight lifting! O.k., a VERY little, but that's o.k., it's good to start small.
Good night,
Bookend 3:21 pm EST
To do:
45 mins. reading/notetaking for dissertation.
Easy Does It.
Done. Now off to a meeting. :)
Julie's 9 am CI;12:15 CI; 1 am CI
Morning routineWalk ZoeUpdate senior pic letter/email to RN's10. Make changes to T's report
11. Grade observation questions
12. Hotel reservations for conference
13. Clean office-15 minutes
14. Pick up laundry room
16. Pick up office-15 minutes
17. Read Chapter 2 of AG and write question
18. Clean out car-15 minutes
20. Register for conference
21. Clean Fern and Patricia's cage
Check on books for students23. Check on decision book
24. Work on PN plan-15 minutes
9:00 am CI for Lark
I'm tired today, so I'm going to post only the important things for this morning. When I've gotten my most important task done, I'll take a little nap for 15 or 20 minutes.
morning routine
spiritual tiime
important work project
check in afterwards
Rexroth 08.09 BST
Todo today
up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
check list of stuff to take away
out to buy a few bits
home and list todos before leaving
email last night's date to say thank you
check legal/admin file
probably photocopy documents for case
and then?
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Rexroth 13.27 BST
I'm home and having a rest. I now have everything I need to go away except a spare pair of glasses which I have arranged to collect tomorrow. It's strange when I was out I was tempted to come home and get the stuff I needed tomorrow or the next day.
Rexroth 21.23 BST
and so to bed
Night Folks
Amy's To Do List
To Do List
Fish test
Shark test
Job interview question page
Email YUW contacts
Clean bathrooms- Top Priority
Get new liner from PetCo
Get Frontpage from mama
Give Kit a bath
Order t-shirt
Read chapter 2
Complete 1 forum- due Friday
Complete 1 drop box
Feed Kit, Larry, George, and Marie
Check in at 9:00 p.m.
Amy's CI- 10:04 p.m.
Updated To Do List
Post Lessons
Wolf Lesson
Put new bed spread on
Job interview question page
Email YUW contacts
Clean bathrooms- Top Priority
Get new liner from PetCo- Saturday
Get Frontpage from mama- Friday
Give Kit a bath- Saturday
Order t-shirt- Get check on Saturday
Read chapter 2- On page 62
Complete 1 forum- due Friday
Complete 1 drop box- due Friday