Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 26 August 2007

Amy's to do list for Monday

Clean out George's cage

Get Larry's medicine

Feed Larry, Kit, and Marie

Put clothes away

Post lesson plans

Make shark study guide

Make interview note page

Put student papers into folders

Job interview study guide

Job interview question page

Email YUW contacts

Email Linda

Clean bathrooms

Call about Marie's medicine

Amy's CI

Amy's to do list for Monday

Clean out George's cage

Put clothes away

Job interview study guide

Job interview question page

Email YUW contacts

Clean bathrooms

movingalong's Sunday

Hello all.  I have been reading the posts every day here, but I haven't had much to say myself.

I had a big cleaning task that I had been procrastinating doing.  And that had made other tasks difficult to do.   Today I got my cleaning task done, and I feel better.

Moving Along.

Sunday afternoon

I intend to:

  • eat a snack
  • check the calendar to see when I can make a doctor's appt. (been putting that off forever. . .)
  • make soup
  • make a sandwich to take to work tomorrow



Done!  And cleaned up the kitchen after spattering soup all over while cooking.  :-)

Have a good week, everyone!


Julie's 9:30 CI: 1 am

Morning routine
 Walk Zoe
Email schedules to clinical sites
 Pick up office-15 minutes
Check on AG book at store and pick up
Create AG questions-week 1 completed and posted
Enter info in Gradebook
Add quizes to Utest-week one and two are on
Download new pics to computer if I have time
Fill out expense report for trip
Practice Portugese-15 minutes
Clean out car-15 minutes
Read Bible
Email F.
Expense report for trip
Find T's report and copy to disk to take to work tomorrow/print out related emails

A little time before class

Humidity is nasty, isn't it?  It's muggy where I am, too.  Blech!

I have maybe 25/30 minutes before I leave for my class, and I feel like shutting down & doing nothing.  Instead I'm going to do the dishes & tidy the kitchen so I can cook later today.



Done!  Going to class now.


9:00am CI for Lark

Hi everyone. I've been really burned out lately, and haven't been posting alot. Also, the weather here has been horrible, nearly 100 degrees and very high humidity. The mold and mildew growth has been bad, and I've been cleaning everywhere with a spray bottle of chlorine bleach and water. The forecast for this week is better, thank goodness, so I need to get back on track. I hope we all do well today.
To do:
 morning routine
 spiritual time
 sort and clean in and around workshop
 work an hour each on four projects for work (any combination)
 visit relative in nursing home
 call friend with some electical questions
 check in here again

Rexroth 10.07 BST

Todo today

up and post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages and emails
finish of a few bits from yesterday
hand wash trousers
email charity abroad
email people re society abroad
unpack and repack clothes for charity
test pack rucksack
write outline itinerary
list stuff still to buy
list todo when back and decide what to do befoer going away
out for fruit and vegs shopping

that will do I keep thinking of other todos.


phone friend in evening and try to arrange meeting
write journal
bed and sleep


Hi Rexroth

A couple notes to you. Your recent floor projects have motivated me to have my living room floor re-done. I'd been putting it off too long, and found a wonderful deal on new floor covering, not to mention stuff starting to grow beneath the old carpet! I'm so glad I removed it. Also, will you be checking in when you're on your trip? I hope so. Thanks.

Rexroth 17.09 BST

Hi Lark glad to hear about your floor. No I won't be checking in while I'm away. When I'm away I'm away but if anything happens to me then a friend will check in to tell everyone I won't be back. I anticipate being back in early October.

So far today I've got things done as on my list and for some reason I feel fed up. Think it's just about being ready to go away and needing to change to doing something else in the meantime. I'm not good at changing from one thing to another. That seem to be usual.

Regards for now


Rexroth 21.10 BST

and so to bed.

Night Folks
