Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I wish SO MUCH that whoever starts the day thread would add something whimsical, witty, colorful, or SOMETHING of interest to make it pleasant for others. If not a graphic, if not colorful text, at least something different each day, and not always the same thing. :(
Rather than edit the thread starter as I often do, I'll just add a graphic to my own post here.
I still have not handled my pile, and it's getting more and more serious. The problem is that I'm either at work, or tired after work, and I never feel like doing it.
I just watered the plants - that's good.
I'm jet-lagged from being on the west coast. I go to bed very late and get up very late (and get to work very late). I need to break that, so I'm posting a check-in. I'll get ready for bed now, and then if I can't sleep, then at least I'll set the alarm tomorrow so I'll get up on time. Then tomorrow night I'll be tired and I'll go to bed early.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I can sympathize with the jet lag. It took me several days to recover from the 7 hour time difference in Africa. I'm like you and have always been in the habit of going to bed late and sleeping late. I am doing much better with that now although it is 1:30 am and for some reason I'm still up (: Somehow when I was in Africa I was easily able to get up every morning around 5:30 or 6 am and went to bed at 10 pm. There was electricity in the compound where we stayed, but no light in my room. Reading by flashlight gets old pretty quickly so that's a good incentive to go to sleep!
I washed the dishes, took evening pills, laid out my pills for tomorrow, and brushed my teeth. I'm not going to take a shower tonight because it will just wake me up more, and I need all the help I can get going to sleep. I'll shower in the morning. Now I just need to put on my jammies, and I can get into bed.
I'll set the alarm tonight - I can't get up at 9am again tomorrow (like I did today). I'm supposed to be at work at 9am (theoretically).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I've played two games of solitaire. That's not getting ready for bed. I need to at least be ready for bed so if I'm tired I'll go to sleep.
My best chance of working on the pile is early in the morning before I leave for work, but it has to be be really early so I don't get to work too late.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
It's really helpful to read everyone's bookends here and know that I'm not the only one who doesn't find it easy to "just do it" when it comes to cleaning, paying bills, etc.
Nan -- a friend of mine used to sit & trim her split ends when she was stressed because she found it a good way to think & contemplate. (Haven't tried it myself -- my hair's not long enough) Maybe it should be declared a form of meditation?
Rexroth -- congratulations on sorting things out with your friend. That's something a lot of people (even non-procrastinators) would put off.
A couple of things to do before I settle in to read:
Things are happening, but I'm easily diverted today. My main goal for work is getting some done, but should be moving along much further. Tomorrow and Thursday will be the "manic panic" if I don't finish one section this afternoon. To do: (X)morning routine (X)spiritual time (X)paint filing cabinet (not an urgent task) (progress, but interrupted) finish first section of work project (X)clean up around house (X)visit sick relative (X)go to 12 step meeting
As usual I WAY underestimate how long things will take. But I'm pleased with my progress today. Making my list and posting it definitely helps keep me on track.
I have somewhat overwhelmed myself with this long list (: but I know if I work at it I can accomplish much of this today. I'll check back in around 12:15.
Morning routine Walk Zoe Pick up office-15 minutes Read Chapter 2 of AG and write question Enter info in Gradebook Add quizes to Utest-add remaining weeks Download new pics to computer if I have time Email J about senior pics Practice Portugese-15 minutes Fax or call DKHD Clean out car-15 minutes Read Bible Email F. Get materials ready for class onWednesday Homework for classes Get walking supplies Take C dog food Turn expense report in Make changes to T's report Grade forum entries Hotel reservations for conference Clean office-15 minutes Laundry 2 loads Call about and pick up Larry's meds Leave for office at 12:30
up post
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
photocopy and post legal papers
post payment of bill
shopping for food, trip etc
money from bank
wash tablecloth
tidy up
make supper for friend
eat supper with friend and go out for walk
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
I didn't go to the bank as I was overloaded with shopping. It was not a priority as I've plently of money. I'm now at the tidying up and preparing supper which means I'm well in time.
Tidying up turned into a major cleaning session which was well worth while and I had time for it. Supper is ready and friend has just phoned to say she will be a bit late which is for good reasons and not a problem. Also I've spent an irritationg time being polite to my landlords in a couple of telephone calls.
Friend came we settled arguments and are at peace together. So now write journal, prayer of thanksgiving and reflection on behaving differnently and bed and sleep.
pro's CI - 11:50pm
I wish SO MUCH that whoever starts the day thread would add something whimsical, witty, colorful, or SOMETHING of interest to make it pleasant for others. If not a graphic, if not colorful text, at least something different each day, and not always the same thing. :(
Rather than edit the thread starter as I often do, I'll just add a graphic to my own post here.
I still have not handled my pile, and it's getting more and more serious. The problem is that I'm either at work, or tired after work, and I never feel like doing it.
I just watered the plants - that's good.
I'm jet-lagged from being on the west coast. I go to bed very late and get up very late (and get to work very late). I need to break that, so I'm posting a check-in. I'll get ready for bed now, and then if I can't sleep, then at least I'll set the alarm tomorrow so I'll get up on time. Then tomorrow night I'll be tired and I'll go to bed early.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Jet lag
I can sympathize with the jet lag. It took me several days to recover from the 7 hour time difference in Africa. I'm like you and have always been in the habit of going to bed late and sleeping late. I am doing much better with that now although it is 1:30 am and for some reason I'm still up (: Somehow when I was in Africa I was easily able to get up every morning around 5:30 or 6 am and went to bed at 10 pm. There was electricity in the compound where we stayed, but no light in my room. Reading by flashlight gets old pretty quickly so that's a good incentive to go to sleep!
I washed the dishes, took evening pills, laid out my pills for tomorrow, and brushed my teeth. I'm not going to take a shower tonight because it will just wake me up more, and I need all the help I can get going to sleep. I'll shower in the morning. Now I just need to put on my jammies, and I can get into bed.
I'll set the alarm tonight - I can't get up at 9am again tomorrow (like I did today). I'm supposed to be at work at 9am (theoretically).
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
telling on myself
I've played two games of solitaire. That's not getting ready for bed. I need to at least be ready for bed so if I'm tired I'll go to sleep.
My best chance of working on the pile is early in the morning before I leave for work, but it has to be be really early so I don't get to work too late.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Couple of quick things
Hi all,
It's really helpful to read everyone's bookends here and know that I'm not the only one who doesn't find it easy to "just do it" when it comes to cleaning, paying bills, etc.
Nan -- a friend of mine used to sit & trim her split ends when she was stressed because she found it a good way to think & contemplate. (Haven't tried it myself -- my hair's not long enough) Maybe it should be declared a form of meditation?
Rexroth -- congratulations on sorting things out with your friend. That's something a lot of people (even non-procrastinators) would put off.
A couple of things to do before I settle in to read:
Time to go relax
Done. Time to go relax briefly before bed. Good night!
CI for Lark @ 3:10pm "Doing, but not well enough today"
Things are happening, but I'm easily diverted today. My main goal for work is getting some done, but should be moving along much further. Tomorrow and Thursday will be the "manic panic" if I don't finish one section this afternoon.
To do:
(X)morning routine
(X)spiritual time
(X)paint filing cabinet (not an urgent task)
(progress, but interrupted) finish first section of work project
(X)clean up around house
(X)visit sick relative
(X)go to 12 step meeting
scarlett CI 2:35 pm
Ended up going to lunch and then getting distracted. Refocusing now.
Priority: BCs 1&2
Next CI: 3:00 pm
Ta da:
Travel to J
Create choreo sheet and email
Mail car paymt
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Send email re: appt
Prep meeting
Arrange oil change
To do:
BCs 1&2
E stuff
Update reviews
Call Al re: TR
Call re: wall
Send out info re: pulls
Pay chiro
Call dance school
moving on...
done with BCs, going to next thing.
getting 15 minutes of work done in a half hour seems to be about how it works.
Julie's 11 am CI; 1 am CI-need to go to bed!
As usual I WAY underestimate how long things will take. But I'm pleased with my progress today. Making my list and posting it definitely helps keep me on track.
I have somewhat overwhelmed myself with this long list (: but I know if I work at it I can accomplish much of this today. I'll check back in around 12:15.
scarlett CI 11:00 am EST
Meeting now. Will check in after, around 12:15 or so.
Ta da:
Travel to J
Create choreo sheet and email
Mail car paymt
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Send email re: appt
Prep meeting
Arrange oil change
To do:
BCs 1&2
Eva stuff
Update reviews
Call Al re: TR
Call re: wall
Send out info re: pulls
Pay chiro
scarlett CI 10:10 am EST
Morning. Things are going okay so far, but I need to focus and prioritize now.
Ta da:
Travel to J
Create choreo sheet and email
Mail car paymt
To do:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
BCs 1&2
Update reviews
Call Al re: TR
Send out info re: pulls
Pay chiro
Arrange oil change?
Rexroth 06.54 BST
Todo today
up post
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
photocopy and post legal papers
post payment of bill
shopping for food, trip etc
money from bank
wash tablecloth
tidy up
make supper for friend
eat supper with friend and go out for walk
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Rexroth 11.28 BST
I didn't go to the bank as I was overloaded with shopping. It was not a priority as I've plently of money. I'm now at the tidying up and preparing supper which means I'm well in time.
Rexroth 18.18 BST
Tidying up turned into a major cleaning session which was well worth while and I had time for it. Supper is ready and friend has just phoned to say she will be a bit late which is for good reasons and not a problem. Also I've spent an irritationg time being polite to my landlords in a couple of telephone calls.
22.59 BST
Friend came we settled arguments and are at peace together. So now write journal, prayer of thanksgiving and reflection on behaving differnently and bed and sleep.
Night Folks