Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Overall, a very good and productive day. Best Monday I've had in a while. Ta da: Do dishes Eat breakfast Take pill Delete old emails Look up passport renewal Update reviews Print comments Pull folders Phone bill Review E's doc Sched lunch Email S re contamination Feed collective Reg conf Reserve hotel Research flights Pull info for mtg tomorrow
Postponed: Car payment (can't do over phone) BCs 1 & 2 (started) Update master to-do (started) Call Al re: TR Send out email re: cost
Ta da: Do dishes Eat breakfast Take pill Delete old emails Look up passport renewal Update reviews Print comments Pull folders Phone bill Review E's doc Sched lunch Email S re contamination Feed collective
To do: Reg conf (started) BCs 1 & 2 (started) Update master to-do (started) Call Al re: TR Send out email re: cost.
I have been procrastinating on the internet :(. I am really resisting getting to work. Fear is gnawing at me. I didn't do anything much while my dad was here visiting and now I'm tired from that and just . . .arg! Inertia sets in so fast. The negative inertia of NOT working. But now is a new hour, so.
Done: got up ate breakfast prayer meditation checked on money
To do: 30 minutes of reading related to dissertation topic
Be back to check in. Thank you all for being here.
That's what bookends are for... You are doing the right thing by starting from where you are.
Food will definitely help.
(and I can't help but point out that you are just fresh from hosting a parent's visit.... Give yourself a bit of slack, because sometimes you have to just "regroup"! :smile: )
I had coffee yesterday afternoon which was fun, but translated into being awake til 2 or 3 am. So... I have a weirdly late start. I do have things to do today. And I have to watch being too tired.
Priority: Car payment, then BCs Next CI: 11:45 am Ta da: Do dishes Eat breakfast Take pill Delete old emails Look up passport renewal Update reviews Print comments Pull folders
To do: BCs 1 &2 Car payment Reg conf Review E's doc Update master to-do (started) Call Al re: TR Phone bill Feed collective
I got through part of my list today. I had a lot of student emails to answer that took extra time. I'm pretty pleased with my progress, but there are some big items left undone that I want to work on tomorrow.
Morning routine Walk Zoe Email schedules to clinical sites Pick up office-15 minutes Create AG questions-week 1 completed and posted Enter info in Gradebook Add quizes to Utest-week one and two are on Download new pics to computer if I have time Practice Portugese-15 minutes Clean out car-15 minutes Read Bible Email F. Expense report for trip-must do this today! Make changes to T's report Grade forum entries Check with CSTL about quiz Leave for office by 10-left a little late, but close ): Work on assgns. for classes for 1/2 hour
up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails
some more sorting on going away stuff to take
fill in court papers ready to post tomorrow (very important)
Getting on fine after panic attack when I started on the court papers. They were very very simple to do and as soon as I started I felt OK about them. I need to photocopy them and post them tomorrow. Today is a holiday in the UK. There are also other useful things I can do about the case which might make it easier for when I come back but I have at least done what is necessary today. I've also lost or mislaid quite a few things, none on which I need for my trip but I do feel uneasy about it.
Well, I've been gone all day and most of evening. Just checking in and looking at my list.
Well, did most of the things on my list today. But I didn't smile. I was very grouchy. I think I was procrastinating smiling .... thinking I would smile after I got XYZ task done. Why didn't I try smiling while I was doing ithe task?
scarlett CI 4:30 pm EST
Overall, a very good and productive day. Best Monday I've had in a while.
Ta da:
Do dishes
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Delete old emails
Look up passport renewal
Update reviews
Print comments
Pull folders
Phone bill
Review E's doc
Sched lunch
Email S re contamination
Feed collective
Reg conf
Reserve hotel
Research flights
Pull info for mtg tomorrow
Car payment (can't do over phone)
BCs 1 & 2 (started)
Update master to-do (started)
Call Al re: TR
Send out email re: cost
scarlett CI 3:00pm EST
Priority: Reg conf
Next CI: 3:30 pm
Ta da:
Do dishes
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Delete old emails
Look up passport renewal
Update reviews
Print comments
Pull folders
Phone bill
Review E's doc
Sched lunch
Email S re contamination
Feed collective
To do:
Reg conf (started)
BCs 1 & 2 (started)
Update master to-do (started)
Call Al re: TR
Send out email re: cost.
Car payment (can't do over phone)
I have been procrastinating on the internet :(. I am really resisting getting to work. Fear is gnawing at me. I didn't do anything much while my dad was here visiting and now I'm tired from that and just . . .arg! Inertia sets in so fast. The negative inertia of NOT working. But now is a new hour, so.
got up
ate breakfast
checked on money
To do:
30 minutes of reading related to dissertation topic
Be back to check in. Thank you all for being here.
Checking in
I hate admitting this, even on an anonymous forum, but I have done nothing since I last posted except sit and cut split ends out of my hair. :(
I am going to "start over" by getting out of the house and eating lunch.
Hi Nan
That's what bookends are for... You are doing the right thing by starting from where you are.
Gwen D: 8:47
Gwen D's 12:20 PST Check In
Gwen D 9:36 pm bookend
I feel like I just did not do as much as I needed to do. :tongue:
scarlett CI 11:50 am EST
This day is flying by!
Priority: Reg conf
Next CI: 12:30 pm
Ta da:
Do dishes
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Delete old emails
Look up passport renewal
Update reviews
Print comments
Pull folders
Phone bill
To do:
Reg conf
Review E's doc
BCs 1 &2 (started)
Update master to-do (started)
Call Al re: TR
Feed collective
Car payment (can't do over phone)
scarlett CI 11:20 am EST
So far so good.
Priority: Car payment, then BCs
Next CI: 11:45 am
Ta da:
Do dishes
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Delete old emails
Look up passport renewal
Update reviews
Print comments
Pull folders
To do:
BCs 1 &2
Car payment
Reg conf
Review E's doc
Update master to-do (started)
Call Al re: TR
Phone bill
Feed collective
scarlett CI 10:40 am EST
Priority: Update reviews
Next CI: 11: 15 am
Ta da:
Do dishes
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Delete old emails
Look up passport renewal
To do:
Update reviews
Car payment
Update master to-do (started)
Call Al re: TR
Reg conf
Phone bill
Feed collective
Julie's 9:10 CI; Julie's 12:45 AM CI
I got through part of my list today. I had a lot of student emails to answer that took extra time. I'm pretty pleased with my progress, but there are some big items left undone that I want to work on tomorrow.
Morning routine
Walk Zoe
Email schedules to clinical sites
Pick up office-15 minutes
Create AG questions-week 1 completed and posted
Enter info in Gradebook
Add quizes to Utest-week one and two are on
Download new pics to computer if I have time
Practice Portugese-15 minutes
Clean out car-15 minutes
Read Bible
Email F.
Expense report for trip-must do this today!
Make changes to T's report
Grade forum entries
Check with CSTL about quiz
Leave for office by 10-left a little late, but close ):
Work on assgns. for classes for 1/2 hour
scarlett CI 9:05 am EST
Morning, y'all. Trying to get the week off to a good start, so here I am. Hope everyone had a good weekend.
To do:
Do dishes
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Update reviews
Update master to-do
Reg conf
Rexroth 07.55 BST
Todo today
up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails
some more sorting on going away stuff to take
fill in court papers ready to post tomorrow (very important)
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Rexroth 12.41 BST
Getting on fine after panic attack when I started on the court papers. They were very very simple to do and as soon as I started I felt OK about them. I need to photocopy them and post them tomorrow. Today is a holiday in the UK. There are also other useful things I can do about the case which might make it easier for when I come back but I have at least done what is necessary today. I've also lost or mislaid quite a few things, none on which I need for my trip but I do feel uneasy about it.
Rexroth 22.12 BST
and so to bed...
Night Folks
movingalong's Monday goals
Goals for the day:
movingalong's end-of-Monday report
Well, I've been gone all day and most of evening. Just checking in and looking at my list.
Well, did most of the things on my list today. But I didn't smile. I was very grouchy. I think I was procrastinating smiling .... thinking I would smile after I got XYZ task done. Why didn't I try smiling while I was doing ithe task?
your smile came over here
That was funny.