Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I got ready for bed, but didn't go to bed and now it's much too late. What have I been doing? I bought a second Sirius radio - a Stiletto. I should have bought this one in the first place (rather than the Starmate 4), but I didn't so now I have two. I dunno. Screw it. I got it at a very large discount. But then, of course, I'll have to pay an extra $7/month to activate it. I tell myself this is just 20 cents a day - big deal!
All right - I have to go to bed now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I'm telling myself that the purchase of the Starmate 4 was not a waste because it has a very large display option that I can see across the room in my apartment, and also will be easier to read in the car. The Stiletto's display is tiny (judging from the pictures, anyway).
It also appears that the docking adapter for both the home and car are the same for the Stiletto and the Starmate 4 - not that I'd need to dock the Stiletto if I have the Starmate 4.
I got $80 off the Stiletto - what a deal! I got the good one - Stiletto 100 - which also can be used as an MP3 player or wireless internet receiver. I don't have an iPod, so this is my iPod - sort of. Not that I like listening to MP3s all the time. I like listening to talk radio, though.
Bed, bed, bed!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I got such a large discount when I bought the Starmate 4 that I only spent $26 more than I would have if I bought the Stiletto with car and home kits and no Starmate 4. That's not so bad. I'll pay an extra $7/month for two radios, but that's not much and I could turn one off if I wanted - though I don't want because the Starmate is really better for docking.
Okay, I feel better now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I got to work really late so I had to stay really late to put in my hours so I ate dinner really late and now I'd like to go to bed but my stomach is full and I don't like to go to sleep on a full stomach. I'm very tired, though. I can at least get ready for bed. Maybe I'll have some tea.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Hey y'all. Had a nice productive weekend. Got to a 12-step meeting (FINALLY!), did lots of things around the house, and even sorted a bunch of papers for insurance filing. Unfortunately, I didn't find the papers I need, so I have to do some more searching, but I found a couple of bills that need paying so it was definitely worth it.
Ta da: Prep and attend meeting
During lunch: Eat lunch Fill out and fax insurance stuff Check if eye dr is in network Make eye appt
To do: Call Al Email re: furniture Upload and label pics Create file for demo Email MT re: chairs
- Rinsed out last of hand washing. - Wrote long overdue letter. - Washed out trash buckets. - Ironed handkerchief. - Lay out pills for day. - Take pills (dose 1 of 3). - Put clothes on (I showered last night). - Pack up stuff to bring to work.
To Do:
- Post work stuff (TBD).
I'm outta here (LATE!!!!)....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
1. Got up 2. Dealt with some fertility micro decisions with partner :) 3. Called a program friend to commit to "showing up" for today 4. Had breakfast 5. Took medicine 6. Emailed a disseration coach recommended to me !!!!! Yay!!!!! That was hard!
To do: 1. Pick up a computer for my mom 2. Work on my dissertation. 3. Book end on here when I've done these. 4. Have an abstinent day with my food. 5. Go to bed on time. I did get to bed earlier last night and it helped!
I got up a little late (8am) and I've been doing some stuff before leaving for work, so now I'm also late for work. I need to get going. Here's what I've done:
Ta Da:
- Rinsed out last of hand washing. - Wrote long overdue letter. - Washed out trash buckets. - Ironed handkerchief.
To Do:
- Lay out pills for day. - Take pills (dose 1 of 3). - Put clothes on (I showered last night). - Pack up stuff to bring to work.
I must say... It's very pleasant in here since I cleaned the apartment yesterday. And it's nice to have clean clothes to put on! :)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I still didn't finish yesterday's main goal, although I did make a bit of progress on it. It turned out to be alot more complex than I thought, however, but that's no excuse for not finishing it some time ago. Now I'm working on a resentment towards my client--who's totally unaware of this, mind you! It needs to be done today, Ugh. Apart from light housework and some paperwork, I'm not scheduling anything till that project is "finis". As I said in my subject line, I feel like a goof.
up and post this
deal with phone messages emails post
prayer reflection meditation
out to get hair cut
collect prescription other medicine post letter
home bath and wash hair
fill in visa form
Preparing for something like that can really stress me out, and I hope you're doing okay with it. I always fear I'll forget something like my toothbrush, and I have done that. I did discover I've been able to buy everythng I'd forgotten when I got there!
Yes it all seems to be going OK so far. I'll start worrying nearer the time. In fact I would be happier to leave earlier so much for getting ready in good time.
How could I have forgotten. Main job to do today is to get the place ready for floorers and tilers tomorrow. I'm back from haircut and need to do the clearing and cleaning. Also there is a letter I need to write, very simple, very important, not urgent and I could have done it last Friday and I don't want to write it.
to do: at work - write an important letter - send invoices - interceed - take money to the bank
at home: -clean kitchen -talk to my husband - clean living room -clean toilet - make dinner - do laundry - fold washed clothes - help son to clean his room -pick up berries
pro's last check-in - 2:15am (TUESDAY!!)
I got ready for bed, but didn't go to bed and now it's much too late. What have I been doing? I bought a second Sirius radio - a Stiletto. I should have bought this one in the first place (rather than the Starmate 4), but I didn't so now I have two. I dunno. Screw it. I got it at a very large discount. But then, of course, I'll have to pay an extra $7/month to activate it. I tell myself this is just 20 cents a day - big deal!
All right - I have to go to bed now.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
my rationalization
I'm telling myself that the purchase of the Starmate 4 was not a waste because it has a very large display option that I can see across the room in my apartment, and also will be easier to read in the car. The Stiletto's display is tiny (judging from the pictures, anyway).
It also appears that the docking adapter for both the home and car are the same for the Stiletto and the Starmate 4 - not that I'd need to dock the Stiletto if I have the Starmate 4.
I got $80 off the Stiletto - what a deal! I got the good one - Stiletto 100 - which also can be used as an MP3 player or wireless internet receiver. I don't have an iPod, so this is my iPod - sort of. Not that I like listening to MP3s all the time. I like listening to talk radio, though.
Bed, bed, bed!!!!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I got such a large discount when I bought the Starmate 4 that I only spent $26 more than I would have if I bought the Stiletto with car and home kits and no Starmate 4. That's not so bad. I'll pay an extra $7/month for two radios, but that's not much and I could turn one off if I wanted - though I don't want because the Starmate is really better for docking.
Okay, I feel better now.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 10:30pm
I got to work really late so I had to stay really late to put in my hours so I ate dinner really late and now I'd like to go to bed but my stomach is full and I don't like to go to sleep on a full stomach. I'm very tired, though. I can at least get ready for bed. Maybe I'll have some tea.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Mark CI 6:03 PM EST
To Do:
scarlett CI 2:15 pm EST
Ta da:
Prep and attend meeting
Eat lunch
Fill out and fax insurance stuff
To do:
Call Al
Email re: furniture
Upload and label pics
Create file for demo
Email MT re: chairs
Check if eye dr is in network
Make eye appt
My Monday attitude calls for cranky kitty mocking.
scarlett CI 11:50 pm
Hey y'all. Had a nice productive weekend. Got to a 12-step meeting (FINALLY!), did lots of things around the house, and even sorted a bunch of papers for insurance filing. Unfortunately, I didn't find the papers I need, so I have to do some more searching, but I found a couple of bills that need paying so it was definitely worth it.
Ta da:
Prep and attend meeting
During lunch:
Eat lunch
Fill out and fax insurance stuff
Check if eye dr is in network
Make eye appt
To do:
Call Al
Email re: furniture
Upload and label pics
Create file for demo
Email MT re: chairs
pro's CI - 10am
Ta Da:
- Rinsed out last of hand washing.
- Wrote long overdue letter.
- Washed out trash buckets.
- Ironed handkerchief.
- Lay out pills for day.
- Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
- Put clothes on (I showered last night).
- Pack up stuff to bring to work.
To Do:
- Post work stuff (TBD).
I'm outta here (LATE!!!!)....
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
For Today
Here's what I've done:
1. Got up
2. Dealt with some fertility micro decisions with partner :)
3. Called a program friend to commit to "showing up" for today
4. Had breakfast
5. Took medicine
6. Emailed a disseration coach recommended to me !!!!! Yay!!!!! That was hard!
To do:
1. Pick up a computer for my mom
2. Work on my dissertation.
3. Book end on here when I've done these.
4. Have an abstinent day with my food.
5. Go to bed on time. I did get to bed earlier last night and it helped!
Check in
Picked up the computer
deposited a check
. . . but then I procrastinated by reading gossip magazines at the grocery store :(
To do:
so I am checking in now, before starting 45 minutes of work
Done: 45 minutes of work -- interspersed with 2+ hours of sitting on the sofa cutting the split ends out of my hair. . . .
Progressn not perfection, apparently, :)
Good day to you all.
pro's CI - 9:55am
Thanks for the nice thread opener, chkmate21!
I got up a little late (8am) and I've been doing some stuff before leaving for work, so now I'm also late for work. I need to get going. Here's what I've done:
Ta Da:
- Rinsed out last of hand washing.
- Wrote long overdue letter.
- Washed out trash buckets.
- Ironed handkerchief.
To Do:
- Lay out pills for day.
- Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
- Put clothes on (I showered last night).
- Pack up stuff to bring to work.
I must say... It's very pleasant in here since I cleaned the apartment yesterday. And it's nice to have clean clothes to put on! :)
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Lark @ 8:20am Feeling like a goof.
I still didn't finish yesterday's main goal, although I did make a bit of progress on it. It turned out to be alot more complex than I thought, however, but that's no excuse for not finishing it some time ago. Now I'm working on a resentment towards my client--who's totally unaware of this, mind you! It needs to be done today, Ugh. Apart from light housework and some paperwork, I'm not scheduling anything till that project is "finis". As I said in my subject line, I feel like a goof.
Rexroth 07.51 BST
Todo today
up and post this
deal with phone messages emails post
prayer reflection meditation
out to get hair cut
collect prescription other medicine post letter
home bath and wash hair
fill in visa form
and then ?
Getting ready for your trip well Rexroth?
Preparing for something like that can really stress me out, and I hope you're doing okay with it. I always fear I'll forget something like my toothbrush, and I have done that. I did discover I've been able to buy everythng I'd forgotten when I got there!
Thanks lark
Yes it all seems to be going OK so far. I'll start worrying nearer the time. In fact I would be happier to leave earlier so much for getting ready in good time.
Rexroth 10.34 BST
How could I have forgotten. Main job to do today is to get the place ready for floorers and tilers tomorrow. I'm back from haircut and need to do the clearing and cleaning. Also there is a letter I need to write, very simple, very important, not urgent and I could have done it last Friday and I don't want to write it.
Rexroth 22.46 BST
All done and so to bed.
Night Folks
Ritva at 7:39 am local time
I am back.
to do:
at work
- write an important letter
- send invoices
- interceed
- take money to the bank
at home:
-clean kitchen
-talk to my husband
- clean living room
-clean toilet
- make dinner
- do laundry
- fold washed clothes
- help son to clean his room
-pick up berries
Ritva at 11:27 pm
At work I did nearly everything today.
At home I still have to do (maybe tomorrow)
-clean kitchen and living room and help son to clean his room
Anyway the list helped me
Now I am going to have a shower because it is very hot in the house nearly like in the sauna, then I go to bed.