Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Saturday 11 August 2007
Welcome to Saturday.
Graphics added by pro.
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pro's CI - 11pm
The dishes are washed and the apartment is all picked up now except for the magazines, which are still spread out from when I was sorting through them. I'll finish that now.
I'm showered, teeth brushed, ready for bed.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 9:40pm
I'm (very slowly) picking up my apartment - straightening up. I want it to be neat in here before I go to bed.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 9pm
I'm very tired. I road my bike all over the city today, and carried a lot of stuff up a lot of stairs. Maybe I'm not going to have a night shift after all. It's already 9pm. I might start getting ready for bed now - go to bed by 10pm, maybe watch TV for an hour. I just need to finish with the magazines because they're all over my bed.
I got a lot done today. Tomorrow is another day.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 7:40pm
I'm finally done with all my errands for today. I didn't go to the dry cleaners, but I can do that tomorrow. There will be an evening shift tonight - desk work - but I need to take a break and relax for a while first.
So far I've:
- Added to week-end to-do list (using list software).
- Figured out which are the first three items to do (prioritized).
- Ate breakfast.
- Wash dishes.
- Lay out pills for day.
- Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
- Shower.
- Get dressed.
- Post Office.
- Bike/Car (install Sirius radio).
- 6th Avenue stores.
- Get mail.
- Buy front and rear lights for my bike
- Drug store.
- Go to D'Agostinos for last items I wasn't able to get.
Immediate to do:
- Go through magazines and toss.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 6:30pm
I did a few more errands. The drug store didn't have the kind of laundry detergent I use so I have to go out again to another store, unfortunately. I'm not going to go back to my car to try the radio with the new antenna. I'm too tired, and I have other stuff to do tonight. I'm not done yet!!
So far I've:
- Added to week-end to-do list (using list software).
- Figured out which are the first three items to do (prioritized).
- Ate breakfast.
- Wash dishes.
- Lay out pills for day.
- Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
- Shower.
- Get dressed.
- Post Office.
- Bike/Car (install Sirius radio).
- 6th Avenue stores.
- Get mail.
- Buy front and rear lights for my bike
- Drug store.
Immediate to do:
- Go to D'Agostinos for last items I wasn't able to get.
- Go through magazines and toss.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 5:15pjm
I've done pretty well so far. I've dawdled a little, but mostly kept to plan. I installed the Sirius satellite radio car kit, but unfortunately forgot to bring the radio myself to test it so I didn't get the final satisfaction. I'm not sure I'll bother going back just for that - maybe. I'm sure it works.
So far I've:
- Added to week-end to-do list (using list software).
- Figured out which are the first three items to do (prioritized).
- Ate breakfast.
- Wash dishes.
- Lay out pills for day.
- Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
- Shower.
- Get dressed.
- Post Office.
- Bike/Car (install Sirius radio).
- 6th Avenue stores.
- Get mail.
Immediate to do:
- Drug store.
- Go through magazines and toss.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 12:30pm
I didn't get through all the magazines because I started reading one of them, but I'll finish that later. I need to go do some things I can only do in the day. I'll be out for a while. I'll check in when I get back.
So far I've:
- Added to week-end to-do list (using list software).
- Figured out which are the first three items to do (prioritized).
- Ate breakfast.
- Wash dishes.
- Lay out pills for day.
- Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
- Shower.
- Get dressed.
Immediate to do:
- Post Office.
- Bike/Car (install Sirius radio).
- 6th Avenue stores.
- Get mail.
- Drug store.
- Grocery store.
- Go through magazines and toss.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Book end
First, I want to write that I am so grateful for this thread. It is already changing my life! Pro, Rex and Lark -- thank you!
Second, I read your posts and now I'm feeling "not good enough" :( Talk about "shoulds." So I am going to do something different: I'm going to list what I've done today
1. gotten up
2. went to a 12-step meeting
3. ate breakfast
4. made a "committing my day" call
5. checked to-do list
6. checked on ordering a computer on-line
That's not nothing . . . but it feels like nothing sometimes.
I also feel guilty (in advance) becuase I am going to play computer games most of today. I have designated today as my "computer game" day. I was getting too addicted and using them to procrastinate, so I have capped it as only one weekend day and two weeknights that I play.
Before I play, I want to book end 45 minutes of dissertation/related work.
Will check in afterward.
Thank you all for being here.
Book end
Okay, I did 30 mins of reading.
Now I want to do 15 minutes of WRITING. Or staring at the blank screen. Whatever. I'm trying to have faith: 'just do the footwork. Show up." That's what I'm going to do: show up.
pro's CI - 11:15am
Still doing frequent check-ins to stay on track... I took a shower, but want to let my body cool off before I try to put clothes on. I'll find something constructive (from my to-do list) to do in the meantime.
So far I've:
- Added to week-end to-do list (using list software).
- Figured out which are the first three items to do (prioritized).
- Ate breakfast.
- Wash dishes.
- Lay out pills for day.
- Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
- Shower.
Immediate to do:
- Go through magazines and toss.
- Get dressed.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 10:30am
Obviously I'm dawdling a little. It doesn't take 40 minutes to take a dose of pills. I also read a book for a while. I dislike taking pills. The shower is running now so I will get dressed.
So far I've:
- Added to week-end to-do list (using list software).
- Figured out which are the first three items to do (prioritized).
- Ate breakfast.
- Wash dishes.
- Lay out pills for day.
- Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
Immediate to do:
- Get dressed.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 9:50am
I want to check in frequently for a while to make sure I stay on track:
So far I've:
- Added to week-end to-do list (using list software).
- Figured out which are the first three items to do (prioritized).
- Ate breakfast.
- Wash dishes.
- Lay out pills for day.
Immediate to do:
- Take pills (dose 1 of 3).
- Get dressed.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 9:30am
So far I've:
- Added to week-end to-do list (using list software).
- Figured out which are the first three items to do (prioritized).
- Ate breakfast.
Immediate to do:
- Wash dishes.
- Get dressed.
I'll check in again after I do the "Immediate to-do" list.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
9:00am CI for Lark
Gee, I'm running behind already, mostly from checking e-mails which aren't urgent, having a third cup of coffee, reading Wednesday's newspaper... I forget what they call that behavior... Hmm.
To do:
morning routine
spiritual time
run errands
finish the work project I barely touched for two days--the IMPORTANT one
call financial lady about relative's finances
use timer to clean house for half an hour
spray kitty's room for fleas
check in here
it's Saturday!
Give yourself a break - it's the weekend. You can have that third cup of coffee. We procrastinators tend to be too hard on ourselves - too many "shoulds". It's leads to procrastination from resentment.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Spot on pro
'Shoulds' I've so many that I don't notice them. I am so resentful at what I 'have' to do that often I don't do it. No wonder psychologist kept asking me what I 'wanted' to do? Now each morning I ask myself what I want to do. It's hard.
Regards Rexroth
Thanks Pro and Rexroth
Yep, I have a few important things to do today, but there's no way they'll take up alot of my time. Too often the time I spend between tasks is worrying or planning the next task. Talk about wasted time. Also, too I often I find myself asking "what someone else wants next", and I seldom ask myself what I want to do. Seems like that's not very important. Thanks folks for your great comments.
do something YOU want every day!
I try to do something for myself every day - make sure every day has a fun thing that I'm doing just for me. Why not? It's my life. I was given life to enjoy it, no? :)
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
did you read the "Demand Resistance" thread?
This is a huge issue for me. I read a book called "Too Perfect" that talks about it at length. I posted an article about it with a bunch of lengthy comments:
Demand Sensitivity and Demand Resistance
Take a look - I think you'll find it useful!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 8am
Here's my to-do list for the weekend. I may not be able to do it all, but I at least what to list it all so I know I'm not forgetting anything:
V. P.O.
- Mail package
- Address correction for M.
Drug store after 2pm
- Pick up prescription
- Buy stuff on list (d, laundry detergent)
6th Avenue
- Drug store with bp
- Citarella, stir-fry veggies, fruit salad
- Bookstore (H)
- File complaint re car
- File quarterlies
- Write to T to say thank you
- File papers
- Health Insurance
- Check B reimbursement
- File C claim
Dry Cleaners
- pick up shirts
- bring shirt
- bring pants for shortening
Grocery Store
- CC, BB Chai, Tarragon, SF Sugar
Email Inboxes
- Action/Deferred folders
- Business payment folder
PayPal bug
- Correct misfilings
- Contact PayPal about error
- Fix bug that PayPal caused
Work on accounting
- Get software straightened out.
- Finish entering downloadable stuff.
- Start entering receipts.
Niece's Web site
- Look
- Call niece
- Machine wash
- Hand wash
- Stained things (2)
Apartment Cleaning
- Clear out magazines
- Dust and vacuum
- Install Sirius satellite radio in car
- Put air in bicycle tires
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Rexroth 07.56 BST
Todo today
up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
out for exercise walk
bath and wash hair
collect prescription post office shopping
work on landlord file
write journal
prayer reflection
bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 15.30 BST
Came back from walk to a heap of bills which was fine as I was expecting them. Decide priority was to pay them and as all financial stuff was out to finish accounts and pay rent etc so now all is done that needs to be before I go away in three weeks. I'm leaving shopping etc till Monday and am now working on the landlord file.
Regards Rexroth