Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday July 30 2007

Good Luck, today!

Graphics added by pro.

11: 10pm CI for Lark

Actually I did everything on my list, plus my laundry (not listed), and another 12 Step meeting tonight. EXCEPT the pile on the table. Gosh, what's so hard about that? Perhaps I'll set a timer, and work on the pile for ten minutes.
pile on table for ten minutes

scarlett CI 5 pm EST

Whoops.  Fell down the Internet rabbit hole for quite a while, then had to deal with a couple of fires.  Half hour left at work - refocusing.

Priority - Checks
Next CI - 5:20 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Pay bills
Take pill
Set top 5 priorities and post them
Set schedule
talk to T
type up agreement
verify w/ coworkers
Call C (left message)
Set up mtg w/ C&M
Resolve BB issue

To do:

Review B's plan and send comments
Reg conference
Email M re: seats

5:18 pm

Checks are done.

Amy's CI

1. Work on final project

2. Walk 3 miles

3. Fill out insurance form

4. Do ab roller for 3 minutes

Check in by 10 p.m.

Amy's CI

1. Continue working on final project

2. Fill out check for paperwork

3. Do ab roller for 3 minutes

I'll check in by 2 p.m. tomorrow

scarlett CI 11:45 am EST

Oh, my gosh, it feels so good to have that agreement typed up and out for review. 

Priority - review B's plan and send comments
Next CI - 12:30 pm

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Pay bills
Take pill
Set top 5 priorities and post them
Set schedule
talk to T
type up agreement
verify w/ coworkers (waiting for response)

To do:
Call C
Review B's plan and send comments
Reg conference
Email M re: seats

scarlet CI 10:50 am EST

Priority - type up agreement
Next CI - 11:30 am

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Pay bills
Take pill
Set top 5 priorities and post them
Set schedule
talk to T

To do:

  • type up agreement
  • verify w/ coworkers
  • call C

Reg conference
Email M re: seats
Review B's plan and send comments

Julie's 8:30 CI; 1:45 CI; 800; 1:20 CI-should be in bed!

I'll check back in after I walk tonight.

1:45 I still have a lot to do. I will check back in at 3 pm.

Only two days until I leave for my trip so I'm focusing on the essentials! This is all the stuff I have to get done before I go. What I don't finish today I'll have to do tomorrow.

To do:
Morning routine
Walk Zoe
Look through book to decide what to copy for students
Make copies
Put notebooks together-I'll do this tomorrow after I pick up the copies
Finish quiz questions-Weeks 1-5 completed
Post questions to u-test
Update syllabus
Email students about clinical
Finish laundry for trip
Clean out Patricia's cage
Clean out Fern's cage
Email Twila
Talk to Gloria about schedule
Get stuff ready to take to Gloria
Get paperwork for trip ready


Anybody up for a quick chat, say 5 minutes or so?  I need to talk through a decision with someone.

I'm already in there, so just pop in.

never mind!

Figured it out on my own.  Thanks.

scarlett CI 9:20 am EST

Next CI - 9:45 am

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Pay bills
Take pill
Set top 5 priorities and post them

To do:
Set schedule

  • talk to T
  • type up agreement
  • verify w/ coworkers
  • call C

Reg conference
Email M re: seats
Review B's plan and send comments

If I can get all that done, it would be AWESOME.

scarlett CI 8:44 am EST

Good morning, y'all.  I, too, have quite a lot of catching up to do.  That means of course that the danger of procrastination is huge!  Wink

To do:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Decide on schedule
Set top 5 priorities for day and post them

I feel like this little furry guy, he's cracking me up:

8:30 am CI for Lark

I need to pay some bills before the end of the month. I've been putting off paying till a client pays me a goodly amount. BUT, I have enough in my checking acct. to pay off most of the bills which are due. This is screwy thinking, and I need to go today and pay those I can. I thnk I'm going to go to a meeting of my 12 Step fellowship since I can usually find a friend there to help with this sort of thinking. Sharing it with another person always seems to help.
 morning routine
 spiritual time
 make big start on work project A
 work hour on project B
 go pay bills
 attend to pile on table
 visit relative in hospital
 go to meeting
 check back here

good plan, lark.

It would do me good to go to a 12 step meeting, too.  I've gotten out of the habit and it's one reason I'm not doing as well lately, I know.  I've been toying with the idea of trying to do "7 in 7" to kickstart my recovery again...

Thanks for the inspiration, and good luck today.

Edge's CI - 11:00AM

Okay, I haven't been very productive lately. In fact, I've fallen into the slippery-sided procrastination pit again and am in danger of hitting rock bottom. So here goes, another fresh start:

- Buy T gift during lunch break
- Go home and clean room - perfectly! *pokes self and glares*
- Bring A after work to set up wireless
X Confirm appointment tomorrow with dentist
- Oxy
- FH
- Edit Gina's document
- Edit A's document

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

** Buy T gift during lunch

** Buy T gift during lunch break (postponed for tomorrow)
X Go home and clean room
- Bring A after work to set up wireless
X Confirm appointment tomorrow with dentist
- Oxy
- FH
- Edit Gina's document
- Edit A's document
- Plan E's birthday tomorrow

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway

Rexroth 07.53 BST

Todo today

I've work I could finish. It is hanging around and I would be happy to get rid of it.

up post this
prayer reflection mediation
deal with phone messages emails post
work on file above
in for worker this afternoon
get living room ready for floor layer coming tomorrow
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep


Rexroth 17.33 BST

I've written nearly 2000 words of a complaint appeal folowing my accident last year. I'm going to do more work to try to finish it today and I can revise it tomorrow. Worker did not turn up to fit the window locks but phoned. Another who didn't turn up last Monday wants to come next to pick up mouse bait (poison) he will have a hard job as I've already collected it. Just need to know what to do with it.

So finish appeal and clean up floor and that's it.

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 19.48 BST

I finished it some time back and need to leave it alone till tomorrow when there might be some new developments and I need a clear head to check it anyway it's done.

Now I'm going to have some internet time and tidy up for the floorers tomorrow.

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 23.16 BST

Night folks


Mark CI 1:00 AM EST

Each week, the hole has gotten deeper.  This week, I must work 55 hours to fill in some of the hole I've dug for myself.

To do:

  • document MIRC import
  • test munge
  • fix login bug
  • reorder outreach results
  • review all bugzilla items
  • remote search committed to test
  • set up car appointment
  • test thumbnails against larger dataset
  • thumbnails committed to test
  • clear 5 small bugzilla items that were assigned to me
  • exercise
  • clean office


Hours worked so far for the week:

Mark CI 11:23 AM EST

Alas, time-binging is a necessity this week b/c of bills that have to be paid.

To do:

  • fix login bug
  • review all bugzilla items
  • remote search committed to test
  • test thumbnails against larger dataset
  • thumbnails committed to test
  • clear 5 small bugzilla items that were assigned to me
  • exercise
  • clean office


  • document MIRC import
  • set up car appointment
  • reorder outreach results
  • fixed user view page issue
  • planning meeting
  • test munge
  • meeting to discuss ACR changes
  • incipient planning for ACR changes

Hours worked so far for the week:
9 1/2

Yep, I'm usually there too

One thing I found that works when I get in these areas is to make a list of what has to be done, and then remove the nonessential items. It's usually those things I'll do instead of the important things. Then things remain in a hole. I suspect you can identify--since you're in this group--but the average person on the street may think it's odd! I want my work to be "right" for my clients, so I often get mini-resentments toward them and "procrastinate at them"--usually when they begin to nudge me. Doing things like cleaning out a dresser drawer give me "good strokes", but those tasks don't usually have to be done within the month. The popular notion of procrastination is doing "nothing", but we "professionals" actually work quite hard at it. Good luck my friend.

long "make-up" hours

Don't you hate those long make-up hours? That time-bingeing leads to more procrastination. Click the "Articles" button at the top of the page and you'll see an article about it. (Been there, done that.)

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.