Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday 31 July 2007

Welcome to Tuesday.

Graphics added by pro.

pro's LAST check-in - 11:30pm

I bought a Sirius radio. I've wanted one of these for a long time. I get so bored when I drive long distances, and I hate commercials. Now I need to find someone who can install the car kit.

Bed now!!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 10:30pm

I need to get ready for bed immediately. I cannot stay up late again. I desperately need sleep.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

scarlett 5:20 pm EST

Once again I got derailed and spent a good chunk of the afternoon surfing the 'net.  The bright side on that is that two days in a row, I have managed to jump off that train to Procrastination Town and get back to work.  Usually, once I start slacking, it's all over.

I have a half-hour or so to go.  I'm going to quickly review the sites and maybe I'll have a few minutes to at least start on my monthly report.  I've got the document created and ready to go.

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Check personal and work email
Review B's plan and send comments
Review reports
Discuss reports
Plan site visits
Set up visit w/ R
Email - BB consensus
Put out fire
Call dental insurance and office
Print claim status
Check measurements

To do:
MONTHLY REPORT (start no later than 2:30 pm)
Review sites for tomorrow

Email athl
Review other plan
Email to M (cc TH)
Reg conference

oh well

Just got the sites reviewed.

scarlett CI 2:30 pm EST

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Check personal and work email
Review B's plan and send comments
Review reports
Discuss reports
Plan site visits
Set up visit w/ R
Email - BB consensus
Put out fire
Call dental insurance and office
Print claim status

To do:
MONTHLY REPORT (start no later than 2:30 pm)
Review sites for tomorrow
Check measurements

If time:
Email athl
Review other plan
Email to M (cc TH)
Reg conference

scarlett CI 12:30 pm EST

Next CI will probably be after lunch, around 2 or so.

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Check personal and work email
Review B's plan and send comments
Review reports
Discuss reports
Plan site visits
Set up visit w/ R

To do:
Email - BB consensus
Email athl
Review other plan
Email to M (cc TH)
MONTHLY REPORT (start no later than 2:30 pm)
Reg conference

Julie's 9:15 CI; 2:15

2:15-I obviously should be in bed because I'm leaving for the airport in a few hours but I wanted to check off my list. I'll have 18 hours or so to rest on the plane so I should be fine. Hope everyone has a great week and I'll be back on the 15th.

It's my last morning to post before my trip! I'm leaving tomorrow and won't be back until the 15th.

To do:
Morning routine
Walk Zoe
Finish quiz questions weeks 6-10
Post quiz questions to forum
Email CH students
Update syllabus
Email Twila
Pick up copies
Put copies into notebooks
Pick up last minute items at store
Copy shot records
Gather all paperwork for trip
Clean out Patricia's cage
Clean out Fern's cage

scarlett CI 9:45 am EST

Morning, y'all.

I'm going to try and power through the first two items on the list so that I can start reviewing reports @ 10 am.

Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Check personal and work email

To do:
Review B's plan and send comments
Email - BB consensus
Review reports
Reg conference
Email M re: seats
Email - athl

I think Demand Resistance Kitty is my new mascot.

time to change

reviewed plan, but BB email will have to wait.  time to review reports.

8:50am CI for Lark

Hi everyone. I hope you do well today. Last night I set a timer for ten minutes, and went through the pile on my table. Alot of stuff went directly into the trash! It's still not cleared, but it's much better. Perhaps I'll use the timer for more projects.
To do:
 morning routine
 spiritual time
 (X)put out trash
 speak to friend about price quote I got for him
 try to finish work project A
 work minimum of one hour on project B
 arrange to do other things on an errand to town, or have friend who lives there pick up the thing I
 spend half an hour in kitchen
 check in here again

Didn't do badly today.

Aside from slacking a bit on my job tasks, I did okay. Only thing, more job things are scheduled tomorrow and beyond, and things will get stressful when they begin to stack up. I REALLY hope to cross off some work stuff in the morning. Good night everyone.


I love using a timer.  It doesn't always work, but it's frequently very helpful in building momentum on an unpleasant task or shifting to a different one.  Plus, it helps give me an idea of how long things take, since I am very bad at estimating task duration.

Good for you for working on your pile.

Timers work

Yup, so often I'll set the timer for fifteen minutes or so, and I'm often willing to do another block of time on that task when it rings. MUCH better than stewing over it not getting started. Another thing that really works is keeping a log of one's time through the day. It can be very humbling, and always shows why "this" or "that" didn't get done. I think time logging should be done cautiously, however, like the Vulcan mind meld thing from Star Trek. Both are great, but too much of either will burn you out! Be well.

Mark CI 3:18 AM EST

To do:

  • search integration doc
  • IHE TCE integration doc
  • category fixes
  • thumbnails committed and submitted for test
  • remote search committed and submitted for test
  • additional testing of munge
  • delete option added to abstract
  • fix n case view bug


  • meeting re Cincinnati encryption/munge
  • evaluate ACR changes and provide an estimate

Weekly hours so far: 13 1/3

Rexroth 07.03 BST

Todo today

up post this
prayer reflection meditation
get place ready for flooring worker
wash up and clean up
deal with flooring person
deal with other maintenance person
work on files
post letters
buy fruit and veg
bath and wash hair
out to shop for travel stuff
and craft class
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 12.37 BST

So far so good and I've written an email to a friend who I've not been in harmony with.

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 22.51 BST

And so to bed.

Thanks for being here. I'm grateful.
