Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday 25 July 2007
Welcome to Wednesday.
Graphics added by pro.
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pro's CI - 11:30pm
I'm actually ready for bed now (before midnight!). Now I just have to move away from the computer and go to sleep. Doing that now...
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Gmarie - another day...hope to check in, often
STAR job responsibilities
STAR calendar
CAHSEE calendar
CAHSEE job respnsibilities (almost done)
Scantron selections (half done)
Scantron outline (half done)
Accountability outline
Accountability letters
call Jamie
counseling appointment (waited on the phone for HALF an hour)
call endodontist
gather and put out recycling
emails to RC re/ orders; Patty re/ CAHSEE score =); check through other emails
check through "bill pile" and "to do's" before I lose track of something =/
Amy's To Do List
1. Clean downstairs
2. Clean out litter box
3. 1 homework assignment
4. Look through new school stuff
5. Decide what supplies I need for my science lessons.
6. Schedule fitting appointment
7. Check on Christmas present
8. Work on final projects
9. Organize folders for the pocket folders (Left over from Monday)
10. Walk 3 miles
11. Do ab roller for 10 minutes.
I will check in at 10:30 p.m.
Updates for Today
1. Clean downstairs
2. Clean out litter box
5. Decide what supplies I need for my science lessons.
9. Organize folders for the pocket folders (Left over from Monday)- I need to get labels to put on the folders.
11. Do ab roller for 10 minutes.
I will post in the morning before 10 a.m.
9:20am CI for Lark
Good morning evryone. It's very pretty here, and hope it is for you too. I'm gradually taking care of loose ends, and while I don't enjoy it, there's some faint satisfaction creeping in. I'm gong to keep track of my time a bit today--a very humbling thing to do--but it really helps.
morning routine
prepare for client's visit
meditation or other spiritual period
go to bank
clean workshop
half hour cleaning house
sort laundry (a perpetual task)
call client (can't do his project his way)
clean out my car
work an hour on work project A
call friend from out of state
visit hospital
12 step meeting
do something special for me for half an hour. It's my birthday.
make plan for the week
Thanks everyone!
Thank you for the birthday wishes. Seems only two people actually remembered it around here. I didn't do as well today as I'd planned. I didn't feel well for a while, and then I got several delays. Tomorrow should be better. Thanks again, and good night.
Yes, Happy Birthday!
My very warmest wishes to you. :)
Happy birthday Lark
Happy birthday Lark and many of them.
Regards Rexroth
W00t, Lark!!
I heartily second Julie's wishes! Have a great birthday, Lark!! Pamper yerself today :grin:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Have a very happy birthday!!
Movingalong's first check-in
Inspired by recent posts by rexroth,
I've spent some time this week making some some beginning steps on some difficult legal paperwork. And I feel about 100 pounds lighter, just because I started.
Will do more today.
-- movingalong
Well done mate
Well done movingalong. Keep it going.
Regards Rexroth
Good luck with the papers, movingalong :-)
Starting on something that I've been putting off for ages always gives me a burst of confidence that really helps keep me motivated :-) Sending positive thoughts and energy your way!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Julie's 8:20 CI; 11:00; 2:00 CI; 3 pm; 6 pm CI; 6:20; 12:45 am
12:45-I need to be getting ready for bed. I left a lot of items unchecked, but got a lot of work done on my course website. I'll CI at 8 am tomorrow.
6:20 I'm taking a dinner break now so will check back afterwards.
6 pm- I ended up going to buy the pet supplies I needed, so I am going to work some more on the discussion questions. I have other things that need to be done too, but these are causing me the most stress so I want to get through some more today. I'll check back in before I eat dinner.
3 pm CI-I realize I have added "develop discussion questions for forum" to my list since I need to come up with the questions before I can enter them on the forum. This is going to take much longer that I thought. I've been working for an hour and have only got one week's questions. I've looked at how to enter them in the forum and hope I can figure that part out when I get to it (: I will work for one more hour on this and then move to something else for a while. I'll check back in at 4 pm.
2 pm CI-It's getting late in the day and I've gotten about zilch done! I just got home and I'm going to focus on my list. I'll check back in at 3 pm.
11:00 CI I had a 9:30 appointment so I haven't accomplished a lot this morning. I have to leave again at 12 so I'll see what I can squeeze in in the next hour.
Develop discussion and observation questions-2 hours
Enter discussion questions on forum
Enter observation questions on forum
Finish discussion questions through week 6-Finished discussion and observation questions through week 9-hurrah!
Review guidlelines for PH Nursing journal
Write for 15 minutes
Review book to decide which pages to copy
Copy pages
Take suitcase upstairs and sort supplies
Clean Patricia's aquarium
Clean office 15 minutes
Sort books 15 minutes
Clean closet 15 minutes
Supplies from Petco
Read Bible
Work out
Work Misc.
PNEG hotel arrangements
I'll check back in after I complete these and update my list.
To do:
Morning routine
Walk Zoe
Edge's CI – 12:20PM
- Schedule dentist
- Get social security number
- Buy nephew Transformers DVD
- Send D about birthday
- Check up on M tonight
- Dishes (?)
- Email Morgan
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Edge's CI - 4:17PM
X Schedule dentist
** Get social security number (remind accountant tomorrow morning)
- Buy nephew Transformers DVD
- Send D about birthday
- Check up on M tonight
- Dishes (?)
- Email Morgan
- Gym Pilates 8:30-9:30PM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Edge's Closing CI
X Schedule dentist
** Get social security number (remind accountant tomorrow morning)
** Buy nephew Transformers DVD (store out of copies)
** Check up on M tonight
X Dishes (?)
** Email Morgan
** Gym Pilates 8:30-9:30PM (class got cancelled)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
info for edge
Edge, I don't know if this helps any but ...
Thanks, movingalong!
Lol, thanks, movingalong :grin: A muchly appreciated gesture, but I'm not located in the US :-) Still, a very useful site, I'm sure others here might find it handy :-D Thanks again :*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Mark CI 3:59 AM EST
I clocked some hours yesterday, but I didn't get anything done from my posted task list. Instead, I got distracted and either played with the baby or with a soccer video game (somehow I won with Bury against Juventus to win the UEFA Cup).
OK, today most, if not all, of these tasks will be completed:
A-level tasks:
B level tasks:
C level tasks:
Rexroth 06.44 BST
Todo Today
up and post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
be in for stationery delivery
finish work for seeing psychologist tomorrow
move final few bits of stuff out of kitchen for electricians
if time out to buy fruit/veg
bath and wash hair
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 13.05 BST
Finished work for psychologist tomorrow. Often I leave this till the last minute and today it's done in good time.
Bit in the middle of everything else at the moment.
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 20.56 BST
Done everything apart from bath which I will have tomorrow morning.
And so to bed.
Night folks