Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
prioritize projects pack laundry go through clothes taxes bills email Bohlenders email Faulkners package CELDT tests CAHSEE data table and bar graphs CELDT data tables AYP/API information written analysis call Dad call Misty appointment dentist appointment counselor identify old links write up new processes for Scantron update WRAT change CELDT information PORTFOLIOS!!!!!!!!!!
Doing okay, but I'm getting lazy. I have more outside things to do before it rains, and this chair feels really inviting. I need a cyber kick in the pants folks.
Hi everyone. Very crazy around these parts this morning. My biggest post for here is to check in later. But, for now...
(done) morning things
a little meditation and reflection
quick swoop through house
(done) order supplies
plan to be rid of work project from H$%%
clean out car
finish other project in workshop
spend an hour on third work project
check in here again
11:43 PM EST CI
k, the day is over, so this is really for tomorrow.
To Do:
Gmarie 10:30 - GOAL more work; less relationship stress =/
prioritize projects pack laundry go through clothes
email Bohlenders email Faulkners
package CELDT tests
CAHSEE data table and bar graphs CELDT data tables AYP/API information written analysis
call Dad call Misty appointment dentist appointment counselor
identify old links write up new processes for Scantron update WRAT change CELDT information
I used to burn all my time and mental energy on relationships. I stopped doing it - too exhausting!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
3:00pm CI for Lark
Doing okay, but I'm getting lazy. I have more outside things to do before it rains, and this chair feels really inviting. I need a cyber kick in the pants folks.
Plan for Today
P.E.D.L. - Plan, Execute, Debrief, & Learn
* Pick up Candy Bar on way back from school
Execution & Debrief
P.E.D.L. - Plan, Execute, Debrief, & Learn
X Pick up Candy Bar on way back from school - Ate Twix! Yummy!
scarlett CI 10:30 am EST
Priority: Review 1!!!!!!
Next CI: 10:45 am
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Look at bus sched
Review E tasks
Talk to E
Schedule mtg w/ E
To do:
Enter reviews 1/2/3
Work plan
I started review 1. I was so scared of nothing, as usual. Off to an appointment, now, be back after lunch.
Re: yay!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
9:40am CI for Lark
Hi everyone. Very crazy around these parts this morning. My biggest post for here is to check in later. But, for now...
(done) morning things
a little meditation and reflection
quick swoop through house
(done) order supplies
plan to be rid of work project from H$%%
clean out car
finish other project in workshop
spend an hour on third work project
check in here again
good luck!
Hope your day goes well!
scarlett CI 9:30 am EST
Next CI: 10 am
Already done:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Look at bus sched
To do:
Review E tasks
Talk to E
Enter reviews 1/2/3
Work plan
scarlett CI 9:05 am EST
Trying to get moving...
To do:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Look at bus sched
Prioritize to-do list