Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Saturday 23 June 2007
Everyone have a great weekend!
Graphics and formatting added by pro.
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pro's last check-in - 11pm
I haven't checked in since my first post this morning because I've been out most of the day. I did stuff:
♦ Brought car in to have air conditioner fixed.
♦ Bought stuff to clean chain on bicycle (urgent - chain a mess and riding bike a lot).
♦ Cleaned bicycle chain (and got filthy and a sunburn in the process).
♦ Brought down recycling.
♦ Hand washed some stuff because I didn't do laundry (more to do tomorrow).
Tomorrow I'm going to a baseball game with family, so it will again be hard to get stuff done. I'm very tired now. I slept badly last night. Bedtime...
♦ Prepare package for mailing.
♦ Pick up apartment.
♦ Finish hand-washing.
♦ Baseball game.
♦ Work on pile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
4:40 Check in for Christa
I have been really busy this morning, so I haven't had much time to procratinate. I went to exercise, then my husband and I went to get lunch and run some errands. We got a lot done, and I really enjoyed running around. Now that I am back home and tired, I really don't want to do the stuff that needs to be done here at home.
Morning Accomplishments:
1. Aerobics Class
2. Recycle
3. Went to grocery
4. Bought new walking shoes
Things to Do this Afternoon: (between 5 - 7 p.m.)
1. Do weekly cleaning tasks
2. Read two chapters in preparation for book discussion
3. Fix dinner
I will check back in when these tasks are completed.
I completed all of the tasks, they were not done at seven since they took longer that I thought, but they are all done. I even did a few additional things. I will soon be rewarding myself with time to read a book that i want to read.
Plan for Today
P.E.D.L. - Plan, Execute, Debrief, & Learn
* Install Xampp for class;
* Pick up diet Pet food;
* Buy cloth;
* Install Fish Tank;
* Work on Client 1 tax return;
* Six mile run;
Andrew -Complete the first
Andrew -
Complete the first two chapters (which I need to study) from C++, tonight. First of course install bloodshed Dev.
Will be back!
Execution of Today's Tasks
P.E.D.L. - Plan, Execute, Debrief, & Learn
X Install Xampp for class;
X Pick up diet Pet food;
X Buy cloth;
X Install Fish Tank;
* Work on Client 1 tax return;
* Six mile run
1:30pm CI for Lark
I started the day with a resentment of sorts--someone who owed me money wanted to borrow (alot) more. When I get in a space like that I usually start to procrastinate, and I've been doing it all morning. Now that I've shared it, I need to make this a fruitful day.
(X)morning things
cleaning swoop in kitchen
make "gameplan" for client
sort things in workshop for about half an hour
double check to make sure project A is done
finish project B (small job)
accomplish anything on project C
check in here later
pro's first check-in - 8:20am
Task #1 - Slap return label on box and have breakfast. I'll do this first. If I go out for a while, I might do better at Task #2.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
lilimissyi chekcing @ 8:00 am est
Gmarie - Moving along!!!! =)
X follow up on requests from DV
X update WASC assessment participation chart - IN PROGRESS
X appointments
* finish participation chart
* update 2 charts for CST ELA Percent Proficient or Advanced '05, '06
* update 2 charts for CST Math Percent Proficient or Advanced '05, '06
* update chart for Algebra1 CST Percent Proficient or Advanced
Why is it that I can now only reply and not edit my original post (above)??? This has happened before and I have no Idea why it happens...
Getting There!!!!! =D
* finish participation chart
* update 2 charts for CST ELA Percent Proficient or Advanced '05, '06
* update 2 charts for CST Math Percent Proficient or Advanced '05, '06
* update chart for Algebra1 CST Percent Proficient or Advanced
Forgot to plan for dinner and then had a big disagreement with my b/f. Boy, does THAT put a crimp in things. Now I wish I could just get drunk except that I don't drink. =/ SAME tasks, NEW check in time - 8:30
Mark 2:10 AM EST CI
leftover tasks:
additional stuff I should do: