Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday March 11, 2021

InnerTruth's to-do list - Thursday

7 to 9 - vocab w/s


Weekend HW - inc. self-reflection

9 -10 - plan for Friday

T-LA check in

Good day all -- 


Workout routine [2 hours - 2 1/2 hours]:

[ ] Get ready for workout: make coffee, make smoothie, pack lunch for day, workout clothes, pack car - 15 to 30 minutes 

[ ] Meet trainer and workout partner Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday - 2 hours incl driving DONE 

*use driving to return calls and check voicemail

[x] Bootcamp via Zoom Monday/Wednesday/Friday - 1 hour 15 min incl set up iPad DONE 3/__, Missed 3/22 due to vet [do online class] 

[ ] Sunday - cycling or hiking or tennis or online classes

[ ] Walk dogs - 15 minutes warmup/warmdown 3/22, 3/__, 3/__, 3/__ - do __ morning 

[ ] Meditation a.m. - 20 minutes - [can do it if I arrive at meeting or gym early or do in jacuzzi]

have NOT done at all -- see if I can fit it in 3/22 

Start Home Tasks/Get Ready for Day Routine 30 minutes [can do some during workout routine time]:

[X] Pets water and food  - 2 minutes  3/22 DONE

[ ] Box duty - 5 minutes 3/__ DONE

[ ] Put load in laundry or dryer - 5 minutes 3/__

[ ] Shower/Get Dressed - 30 minutes 3/__

Start Work Routine:

[ ]  Start beginning of day playlist [focus music]

[ ] Clean up desk; get supplies; log onto computer, etc.  - 15 minutes

[ ] Open prior setting document and identify #1 priority for the day [Project B] - 2 minutes

[ ] Open calendar and count available work blocks in  - 2 minutes

[ ]  Draft list for assistant - 5 minutes

[ ] Check calendar for this week, next week and month. Quick glance. 2 minutes

[ ]  Check work voicemail and personal - list of calls - delegate if I can  wink 

[ ]  Go through emails and identify action emails.

[ ]  Open Evernote and update list. Keep open during day and update.

[ ]  Open Nozbe and update list. Keep open during day and update.


[ ] Block out times 9 am to 6 pm. Start 1 block at a time. Print list of blocks for day or use calendar

[ ] Use Pomo technique or chatbox or other checkin

[ ]  Timesheet for day - start and finish one from prior day money-mouth 

[ ]  Send email to assistants on projects for day and asking for status.


[ ]  Start end of day playlist [music]

[ ] 5 minutes: What did I do?

[ ] Journal: What did I not do?

[ ] Journal:How can I improve tomorrow?

[ ] Journal:5 minutes: Plan out tomorrow

[ ]  5 minutes: Last minute urgent emails

[ ] Journal:5 minutes: Last minute phone calls - set up for next day or later

[ ] 5 minutes: clean desk/office

[ ] 5 minute: REWARD: Log off computer and say "I'm done with an awesome day!"

Evening Routine - After Work - 1 hour:

[ ] Change clothes if needed - put away clothes: 15 min - get clothes for next day

[ ] Cook dinner - depends 15 min to 1 hour

[ ] Walk dogs - 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending 

[ ] Load laundry or dryer - 15 min

[ ] Quick kitchen cleanup - 5 min

[ ] Meditation a.m. - 20 minutes - [can do it in jacuzzi]

[ ] Bed by 9:00 to 10:00 pm - Ideally earlier the better


Long Term Goals Personal Growth and Develoment and Fitness (Physical and Mental):

[ ] Fill out part of "My 100 SubGoals" for my Financial Goals - review if all filled out

[ ] Fill out part of "My 100 Travel/Experience Goals" - filled out half by 3/22

[ ] Fill out part of "My 100 Books to Read Goals" - downloaded 20 on iBooks or Kindle; filled out one-fourth by 3/22 review if all filled out

[ ] Fill out March Monthly Goals - review if all filled out

[ ] Coaching questions and watch video - hire?

[ ] Cycling goals of rides 30/50/60; Train to do 50 mile ride

[ ] Meditation - get consistent practice. Sign up for monthly TM business group

 [ ] Tennis - set up lessons and weekly games. Text Will

[ ]  Project Inbox ZERO. Spend 5 minute intervals on it! Look up YouTube video on

[ ]  Block out billing Saturdays - get old bills out and create routine. Work at least 15 min day on a bill. Eat That Frog! Did not do 3/20

[ ]  Get down to goal weight - Goal date 7/4/21 for beach trip. Lost 3.8 # last month as of 3/22

[ ]  Be able to do 25 full pushups without stopping and 10 pull-ups without stopping

[ ] Train to hike Mt. Baldy

[ ] 

House, Yard, Family Tasks and Things to Do

[ ] mother-in-law arrange for insurance change; PT; pay caregiver 

[ ] health insurance payment

[ ] Dispute bill from mother-in-law assisted living 

[ ] Research preventative care for animals. GPS collars for dogs?

[X] Book neutering and chip for for kittens. Booked both. Took cat 1 3/22. Other 3/28

[ ]  Wash dog beds for March.

[ ]  Leave list for housekeeper. Create notebook and master lists

[ ]  Weekly dinners - Saturday (friends) and Sunday (family) plan

[ ] Send a card or note a day - gratitude

[ ] organize refrigerator

[ ] birthday gifts cards for April ... LV, PL; birthday card Grandma overdue

[ ]  condolence card for FB family

[ ]  write letter to brother


Fun or Stress Relieving Things to Do

[ ]  Take dogs to dog park or for walk

[ ]  Cycling [even if only 15 min]

[ ]  Listen to book on Audible for 15 min

[ ]  Jacuzzi - pick something to watch for fun when there

[ ]   Listen to some good music for 5 minutes. Pick out something new.

[ ]  Facial treatment at home

[ ]  Facial treatment - facial make appointment use gift certificates

[ ]  Massage - make appointment use gift certificates

[ ]  Light favorite scented candles and take a bath

[ ]   Work on ancestry in 15 min reward blocks [be careful it's easy to go down rabbit hole]

[ ]  Make reservation at Huntington Museum and go!



-- 3/22 

katia 3/11

Hey friends! I know I haven't been too consistent but hey I'm here today. 

  • make breakfast ✓
  • medicine for C ✓
  • mail letter ✓
  • walk dog ✓
  • dishes ✓
  • nice dinner ✓
  • apply for job?
  • hang poster ✓
  • hang calendar ✓
  • shopping for dinner stuff ✓

Things to do

Things I will do today

1. Prayer and meditation

2. Read devotionals

3. Go to the library

4. Finish filling out the forms

5. Go through my e-mail

6. Wash dishes

7. Clear kitchen counter

8. Clear kitchen stove

hazyjane's check-in thursday

  • write this list/check-in           done
  • write for 40 minutes               done
  • attend zoom group 12:30-14:30            done
  • visit B, bringing coffee, homemade muffins and my dog            done
  • write for 20 minutes            done
  • do back yoga      done
  • read my book for 20-30 minutes      done
  • get to 6pm theatre show online     done
  • tidy kitchen/do washing up
  • make dinner
  • write for ten minutes
  • transcribe the Artist's Way lists x 2 that I meant to do yesterday    done
  • do sleep meditation in bed.

I might also do some other decluttering things that need doing - would like to prep the hallway for a deep clean/redecorating...

Plus get a sourdough bread started off...

Hypatia's check-in

must do

[x] claim for gas boiler - done, only 7 months late!

[x] YCC invoice

[x] arrange plumber - will ring me back

Should do

[x] intray

[x] read inbox

[x] review Weds meeting notes

[x] action emails - down to 6

[x] email re collections and radio programme

[ ] order birdseed

[x] Ecosia for mobile/tablet

[ ] email CCG

[ ] book simpler meetings course

[ ] read online safeguarding guidance

[x] OU coursework

[ ] AM actions (March)


Could do

[ ] tai chi

[ ] exercise/gardening

[ ] housework - clear and clean hall

[x] action from Q list - down to 27

[x] lace/knitting/embroidery