Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Seeking Check-in/Book-ending Buddies and Possible PA Zoom meeting

Mama_Cat's picture

Hi --

when I first joined PA ten years ago my procrastination was tied into my incredibly intense anxiety, and the adrenaline spike I would get before starting a project (even just THINKING about starting one) would be so intense I couldn't think or breath. 

So, it hasn't been that intense for really a good long while. A GOOD, long while...until I recently started doing EMDR with my Trauma Therapist. Sigh. 

we're early in the process of working together and I' believe/hope/pray the more we work together, the better this will get. However, RIGHT NOW -- the anxiety ans corresponding avoidance/procrastination are seriously seriously seriously kicking my ass.


If anyone is game to work together as check-in/book-ending buddies, please feel free to e-mail me and maybe we can coordinate doing that!

I'd also be game to start doing a Zoom PA Meeting if anyone's interested.

Thanks a bunch!


Water Ninja's picture


How many are you attending the meetings currently on wednesdays? 

PA Zoom Meeting

I would be interested.

haribol's picture

Hi mama_cat! I can relate ... and current Zoom meetings.

Hi mama_cat!

I can relate to anxiety before starting projects.  I hope the EMDR is helpful. Glad you are finding some help.

Just thought I'd ask if you're aware of the Zoom meetings on Wednesdays at 12:30 PM, US ET? That's a 75-min weekly meeting that has been going on since May of this year.  I've been there most times.  Here is the info: but you'll have to contact pro in order to get the meeting passcode. 

Also, Barbara (Justitia on this website) has more recently started a daily series of Bookending calls on Zoom, at 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, and 7:30 pm US ET.  More info on that is here: , though that post is a bit outdated. I added a comment to clarify the current status - we actually have one more checkin daily than listed there, and usually also on Sat & Sun.

Not trying to discourage if you wanted to start something new or different, just thought I'd make sure you knew those were happening also. : )  

Mama_Cat's picture

Oh this is great!!  Thank you

Oh this is great!! 

Thank you haribol! I did NOT know about the meeting or the check-ins!!

Maybe I'll see you there!
