Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I didn't accomplish much past my morning routine on Sunday. After church, my family and I ran a few errands, then came straight home. I had just enough energy to help put groceries away and make one phone call. After that, I past out for the night. I couldn't believe how tired I was. You would have thought I had been chopping lumber all day, as exhausted as I was. When I laid down for, what I thought was a nap, it was day light. When I woke again, it was 5 am.
Morning Routine:
[x] Wake at 5:00 am
[x] Shower
[x] Oral care
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[Ø] Make bed
[x] Wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Get son dressed for church
[x] Attend church
Afternoon Routine:
[x] Grocery shop
[x] Fuel Car
[x] Bulk shopping at Costco
[x] Put groceries away
[x] Take short nap (TOOK LONG NAP)
[Ø] Wash daughter's hair
[Ø] Blow dry daughter's hair
[Ø] Braid daughter's hair
Evening Routine:
[D] Cook dinner - Husband did this
[x] Eat dinner
[Ø] After dinner cleanup
Put food away
Clean kitchen table and counters
Reboot dishwasher
Shine sink
Wipe down major appliances
Wipe down cabinets
Sweep main level
[Ø] Spray Shower
[Ø] Set out mouthwash
[Ø] Set alarm
[x] In bed before 11pm
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
I want to get ready for bed early because I have to get up very early tomorrow to go out of town for an interview. I have an early train that I can't miss. So I'm starting my bedtime routine now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
...taking the hated pills. I haven't taken any pills at all yet today. I have to take at least one dose (of the three I should have taken). But I don't want to swallow them so I'm running around in circles doing everything but.
I shall take my pills now!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
You'll find lots of helpful info here. The check-in board is a powerful and effective tool. You'll find info about it here (if you haven't seen it already).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Welcome to the group. In addition to posting, there are alot of interesting articles on file here, so look around, post, ask questions, give feedback, etc.
X 7:30 AM.
X Shower.
X Get ready.
* Tomorrow's CI.
* Laundry.
* Room.
X Buy mob credit.
* Oxy.
X Talk to guys abt Nirvana price (30) and acoustic.
* Call T after work and ask about acoustic again. (Tomorrow)
X Listen to Mike's show.
X Work.
X Tell Tamara Ash'll be late for work tomorrow.
X Delegate Ashe's tasks (tell A CE).
X Check tax document.
X Ask about last cheque.
* Finish Mike's demo.
X Finish DCS channels.
X FL NT joke.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
I lounged around until early afternoon, then went out and did some errands. I back now, ready for an evening of lounging around.
I've been taking it easy because I haven't been feeling well and I have an important interview out of town on Monday. I can't be sick!! After Monday I'll go back to "getting things done".
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Incidently, there has been no heat in my apartment all day, and it's cold outside - in the 20's. When the temperature in my apartment dropped into the 50's, I reluctantly turned on the space heater (costs a fortune to run). I've called the super twice and the landlord once. Others in the building are calling, too. I'm very upset about this. I'm thinking of going to a meeting at 7pm mainly to be in a warm place for a little while.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Haven't been here in a while, I've been too depressed & not accomplishing to even post.
Gratefully, I did my long workout today. I don't know what it is, but when I don't work out it tends to ruin my whole day or is that not doing what I say I'm going to do is so depressing. Maybe both? When I workout, it makes me feel so hopeful, probably also because of the good feelings you get from working out??
Anyway, I really need help through this site and you guys. Like Amanda said, it seems to be easier (most of the time) to get things done when you have help. I am a 12 stepper, have trouble asking for help, but I do. If you can relate to things I share or have suggestions/ideas, I'd be happy to hear from you.
Here goes what I hope to accomplish for the rest of Sunday and tomorrow:
Sunday TO DO: Dust apartment Clean kitchen Send out more resumes. Possibly type up press release for work Possibly send out press release to papers Possibly call cousins to set up time to see them. Play with "munchkin" our dog all day. Watch football with hubby. Brush teeth before bed.
Monday morning TO DO: Get up at 7:00 AM Do laundry. Do 1/2 hour workout tape. Hopefully get to work by 9:00 AM
Love these playing with these graphics. Thanks, Bud♥
Wanted to check in with things I've done so far, because I'm feeling so good, after feeling very depressed recently.
As I was cleaning, I thought what a gift it would be for me if I could keep up with cleaning on a day-to-day, week-to-week basis, which I haven't been able to do for years. Then we can actually have people over for dinner, etc.!! For me, It's usually cleaning all day once a month.
I think where I get into trouble is when things start flowing and getting good, I get cocky, like I've got this down now, I don't need anybody or anything. I'm also a big perfectionist, so when I start to get into the workouts, I start to demand from myself and I start hurting myself when I work out.
I guess I'm afraid of getting voted off this island, because I need the sun and shade that it provides, if you get my drift.
Sunday TO DO: Dust apartment Clean kitchen (just top of range and dishes so far) Send out more resumes. Possibly type up press release for work Possibly send out press release to papers Possibly call cousins to set up time to see them. Play with "munchkin" our dog all day. Watch football with hubby. (Can't watch the Colts lose, after watching the Saints lose. Brush teeth before bed.
I can certainly identify. Exercise makes us feel better--it's a proven fact--even walking can pick up one's spirits. I'm a 12 stepper too, and I think we all have this innate ability to BS ourselves. You have my permission to "call" me whenever you see me BS'ing on my posts, and I'll do the same for you if you wish. As far as procrastination goes, I've noticed the biggest hurdle for me is getting moving. If I set the goal to do something for five minutes, I usually go beyond that, sometimes finishiing it. Take care and keep posting.
O.k. now I'm paranoid, what BS do you see in my post? Honestly, I'm a sensitive gal. G-d, do I wish I wasn't. I think I can handle you calling me on things as long as it wasn't "mean-spirited." I don't do well with mean. I'm also willing to call you on things that I see too. I guess as I get to know you and visa versa.
I've noticed that 12 Steppers can be pretty good at Bs'ing themselves. Sometimes only a Bs'er can detect it, too. When I posted three days about emptying the cat box some time back, someone suggested to me something was startin' to smell, and it wasn't only the box, I think we all need nudged at times, and while I don't like the "feeling", the after-effects are great. Seems like we're able to do things here that we can't independently. Hope I didn't come off as harsh. I just needed a kick in the butt tonight, and couldn't quite reach it. Be well my friend.
If you worked out every morning before, you can do it again. If I didn't believe that for myself (I used to work out consistently for years) I wouldn't be here. Maybe the goal should be baby steps, like 5 minutes in the a.m. and instead of poo-pooing it, really being happy for it?
As a matter of fact, I will be your work-out buddy if you like, and maybe we can help each other?
You're right - I should start slow - 5 minutes in the morning. I have an exercise ball and several collections of ball exercises. I could do this.
I tend to be very all-or-nothing about things. Either it's an exhaustive 2 hour work-out, or I do nothing. Bad attitude.
I'm going out of town tomorrow so I won't try to start then, but I'll start the day after. Yes, we should encourage each other! A little nudge sure would help me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I've been dozing most of the morning. I'm not pushing myself today. I have to go out of town for an interview tomorrow, and I haven't been feeling well. My ear still hurts. I put drops in it and put cotton in the ear canal and that causes fewer pain spasms.
Edge - great "good morning" graphic in the day starter!! :)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
HI. It looks freaky outside, and the weather forecast calls for even "freakier". Glad I don't have anyplace to go later today. Done: morning things returned calls
ToDo: heat on in workshop finish project that's there go through "pile" on table to prevent "volcanic activity" go to church and then get some groceries make plans for what to do the remainder of this month
Within an hour, the fog and drizzle turned into a small blizzard, and now everything looks like a Christmas card scene. I'm glad I'm back from my errands. Back to work now. Back later for at my next coffee break.
Morning Routine:
[x] Wake at 5:00 am
[] Shower
[] Oral care
[] Facial
[] Pedi-care
[] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed
[] Wipe down MBR vanity
[] Get son dressed for church
[] Attend church
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
X 7:30 AM.
X Shower.
X Get ready.
- Tomorrow's CI.
- Laundry.
- Room.
- Buy mob credit.
- Oxy.
- OC.
- HO.
- Talk to guys abt Nirvana price (30) and acoustic.
- Call T after work.
- Work.
- Tell Tamara Ash'll be late for work tomorrow.
- Delegate Ashe's tasks (tell A CE).
- Check tax document.
- Ask about last cheque.
- Finish Mike's demo.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Monica's Sunday FCI
I didn't accomplish much past my morning routine on Sunday. After church, my family and I ran a few errands, then came straight home. I had just enough energy to help put groceries away and make one phone call. After that, I past out for the night. I couldn't believe how tired I was. You would have thought I had been chopping lumber all day, as exhausted as I was. When I laid down for, what I thought was a nap, it was day light. When I woke again, it was 5 am.
Morning Routine:
[x] Wake at 5:00 am
[x] Shower
[x] Oral care
[x] Facial
[x] Pedi-care
[x] Dress to shoes
[Ø] Make bed
[x] Wipe down MBR vanity
[x] Get son dressed for church
[x] Attend church
Afternoon Routine:
[x] Grocery shop
[x] Fuel Car
[x] Bulk shopping at Costco
[x] Put groceries away
[x] Take short nap (TOOK LONG NAP)
[Ø] Wash daughter's hair
[Ø] Blow dry daughter's hair
[Ø] Braid daughter's hair
Evening Routine:
[D] Cook dinner - Husband did this
[x] Eat dinner
[Ø] Spray Shower
[Ø] Set out mouthwash
[Ø] Set alarm
[x] In bed before 11pm
If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
pro's last check-in - 10:15pm
I need to get up at 6am tomorrow so I was hoping to go to bed at 10pm. Too late for that now, but worse, I'm not at all tired. :-?
On the plus side, I'm ready for bed. I'll read for a while.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 8:25pm
I want to get ready for bed early because I have to get up very early tomorrow to go out of town for an interview. I have an early train that I can't miss. So I'm starting my bedtime routine now.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
procrastinating again on...
...taking the hated pills. I haven't taken any pills at all yet today. I have to take at least one dose (of the three I should have taken). But I don't want to swallow them so I'm running around in circles doing everything but.
I shall take my pills now!!!!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Roy's CI
Hello everyone, I'm new here. I'm a procrastinator. But I'm trusting the Higher Power (God) to change me.
Welcome, Roy!
You'll find lots of helpful info here. The check-in board is a powerful and effective tool. You'll find info about it here (if you haven't seen it already).
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Hi Roy
Welcome to the group. In addition to posting, there are alot of interesting articles on file here, so look around, post, ask questions, give feedback, etc.
Edge's CI - 11:56 PM
Good night, all :) Keep warm ;-)
X 7:30 AM.
X Shower.
X Get ready.
* Tomorrow's CI.
* Laundry.
* Room.
X Buy mob credit.
* Oxy.
X Talk to guys abt Nirvana price (30) and acoustic.
* Call T after work and ask about acoustic again. (Tomorrow)
X Listen to Mike's show.
X Work.
X Tell Tamara Ash'll be late for work tomorrow.
X Delegate Ashe's tasks (tell A CE).
X Check tax document.
X Ask about last cheque.
* Finish Mike's demo.
X Finish DCS channels.
X FL NT joke.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
pro's CI - 4:45pm
I lounged around until early afternoon, then went out and did some errands. I back now, ready for an evening of lounging around.
I've been taking it easy because I haven't been feeling well and I have an important interview out of town on Monday. I can't be sick!! After Monday I'll go back to "getting things done".
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
no heat
Incidently, there has been no heat in my apartment all day, and it's cold outside - in the 20's. When the temperature in my apartment dropped into the 50's, I reluctantly turned on the space heater (costs a fortune to run). I've called the super twice and the landlord once. Others in the building are calling, too. I'm very upset about this. I'm thinking of going to a meeting at 7pm mainly to be in a warm place for a little while.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
...heat has been restored in the building. I thought I was going to freeze to death today.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
ActionBud Check-in (3:30 PM)
Hi All,
Nice additions to the site, Pro!
Haven't been here in a while, I've been too depressed & not accomplishing to even post.
Gratefully, I did my long workout today. I don't know what it is, but when I don't work out it tends to ruin my whole day or is that not doing what I say I'm going to do is so depressing. Maybe both? When I workout, it makes me feel so hopeful, probably also because of the good feelings you get from working out??
Anyway, I really need help through this site and you guys. Like Amanda said, it seems to be easier (most of the time) to get things done when you have help. I am a 12 stepper, have trouble asking for help, but I do. If you can relate to things I share or have suggestions/ideas, I'd be happy to hear from you.
Here goes what I hope to accomplish for the rest of Sunday and tomorrow:
Sunday TO DO:
Dust apartment
Clean kitchen
Send out more resumes.
Possibly type up press release for work
Possibly send out press release to papers
Possibly call cousins to set up time to see them.
Play with "munchkin" our dog all day.
Watch football with hubby.
Brush teeth before bed.
Monday morning TO DO:
Get up at 7:00 AM
Do laundry.
Do 1/2 hour workout tape.
Hopefully get to work by 9:00 AM
Love these playing with these graphics.
Bud-s Check-Out (8:45PM)
Hi All,
Wanted to check in with things I've done so far, because I'm feeling so good, after feeling very depressed recently.
As I was cleaning, I thought what a gift it would be for me if I could keep up with cleaning on a day-to-day, week-to-week basis, which I haven't been able to do for years. Then we can actually have people over for dinner, etc.!! For me, It's usually cleaning all day once a month.
I think where I get into trouble is when things start flowing and getting good, I get cocky, like I've got this down now, I don't need anybody or anything. I'm also a big perfectionist, so when I start to get into the workouts, I start to demand from myself and I start hurting myself when I work out.
I guess I'm afraid of getting voted off this island, because I need the sun and shade that it provides, if you get my drift.
Sunday TO DO:
Dust apartment
Clean kitchen (just top of range and dishes so far)
Send out more resumes.
Possibly type up press release for work
Possibly send out press release to papers
Possibly call cousins to set up time to see them.
Play with "munchkin" our dog all day.
Watch football with hubby. (Can't watch the Colts lose, after watching the Saints lose.
Brush teeth before bed.
Hey Bud
I can certainly identify. Exercise makes us feel better--it's a proven fact--even walking can pick up one's spirits. I'm a 12 stepper too, and I think we all have this innate ability to BS ourselves. You have my permission to "call" me whenever you see me BS'ing on my posts, and I'll do the same for you if you wish. As far as procrastination goes, I've noticed the biggest hurdle for me is getting moving. If I set the goal to do something for five minutes, I usually go beyond that, sometimes finishiing it. Take care and keep posting.
Hi Lark
Thanks for responding.
O.k. now I'm paranoid, what BS do you see in my post? Honestly, I'm a sensitive gal.
G-d, do I wish I wasn't. I think I can handle you calling me on things as long as it wasn't "mean-spirited." I don't do well with mean. I'm also willing to call you on things that I see too. I guess as I get to know you and visa versa.
Nope, no BS
I've noticed that 12 Steppers can be pretty good at Bs'ing themselves. Sometimes only a Bs'er can detect it, too. When I posted three days about emptying the cat box some time back, someone suggested to me something was startin' to smell, and it wasn't only the box, I think we all need nudged at times, and while I don't like the "feeling", the after-effects are great. Seems like we're able to do things here that we can't independently. Hope I didn't come off as harsh. I just needed a kick in the butt tonight, and couldn't quite reach it. Be well my friend.
Be gentle, Lark
Please don't assume someone is BS'ing, or accuse them of it. I know you didn't mean any harm, but people can take offense at that.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
sorry 'bout that
Didn't mean anything bad.
Hi, Bud!
I'm glad you like the rich-text control. Some people's first reaction wasn't positive. I like it a lot, myself. I liked your colorful message, too.
For a while I was going to the gym every morning, and it felt good. Now I can't imagine where I found the self-discipline to do that. :-?
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Hi Pro
Thanks for your reply.
If you worked out every morning before, you can do it again. If I didn't believe that for myself (I used to work out consistently for years) I wouldn't be here. Maybe the goal should be baby steps, like 5 minutes in the a.m. and instead of poo-pooing it, really being happy for it?
As a matter of fact, I will be your work-out buddy if you like, and maybe we can help each other?
the all-or-nothing trap
You're right - I should start slow - 5 minutes in the morning. I have an exercise ball and several collections of ball exercises. I could do this.
I tend to be very all-or-nothing about things. Either it's an exhaustive 2 hour work-out, or I do nothing. Bad attitude.
I'm going out of town tomorrow so I won't try to start then, but I'll start the day after. Yes, we should encourage each other! A little nudge sure would help me.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's first check-in - 10:45am
I've been dozing most of the morning. I'm not pushing myself today. I have to go out of town for an interview tomorrow, and I haven't been feeling well. My ear still hurts. I put drops in it and put cotton in the ear canal and that causes fewer pain spasms.
Edge - great "good morning" graphic in the day starter!! :)
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Credit where it's due
Lol, thanks Pro, but the credit for that one should go to you - it's one of the forum's collection :-p ;-)
How are you feeling now? Ear any better?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Haha - I have a mind like a sieve!
Oh really? I forgot that one! LOL :-D I have the world's worst memory!!
I'm feeling better, thanks for asking. My ear isn't hurting anymore, and I've stopped sleeping 24/7.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
9:30 CI for Lark. Very dreary day outside.
HI. It looks freaky outside, and the weather forecast calls for even "freakier". Glad I don't have anyplace to go later today.
morning things
returned calls
heat on in workshop
finish project that's there
go through "pile" on table to prevent "volcanic activity"
go to church and then get some groceries
make plans for what to do the remainder of this month
Where are you, Lark?
Doesn't look freaky here. Where do you live?
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Snowstorm just exploded, and everything's white here in Ohio.
Within an hour, the fog and drizzle turned into a small blizzard, and now everything looks like a Christmas card scene. I'm glad I'm back from my errands. Back to work now. Back later for at my next coffee break.
no snow here :(
It's just cold here, no snow. I miss snow. I like it. I think you're lucky.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Mollie's CI 7:40am
Today I want to do a morning routine, go grocery shopping, and work on my writing project.
Monica's CI - 5:10 am EST
Morning Routine:
[x] Wake at 5:00 am
[] Shower
[] Oral care
[] Facial
[] Pedi-care
[] Dress to shoes
[] Make bed
[] Wipe down MBR vanity
[] Get son dressed for church
[] Attend church
If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.
"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.
Edge's CI - 8:40 AM
X 7:30 AM.
X Shower.
X Get ready.
- Tomorrow's CI.
- Laundry.
- Room.
- Buy mob credit.
- Oxy.
- OC.
- HO.
- Talk to guys abt Nirvana price (30) and acoustic.
- Call T after work.
- Work.
- Tell Tamara Ash'll be late for work tomorrow.
- Delegate Ashe's tasks (tell A CE).
- Check tax document.
- Ask about last cheque.
- Finish Mike's demo.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway