Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thurday 21st November 2013
PA Tools for Recovery 2: Visualization
Plan what to do, then imagine yourself doing it. The more specific and vivid your visualization, the better.
See yourself doing the task, and doing it well.
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My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank findingaway for starting this trend.
Things I have done today
1. Went to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Took shower4. Got dressed5. Fixed and ate breakfast6. Went to group therapy at 9:30 a.m.10. Went to individual therapy at 10:30 a.m.11. Went to the store12. Ate lunch13. Went to the 1 p.m. telephone DA meeting14. Went to take care of business15. Did numbersThings I will do today
1. Get medicine ready for the next two weeks
2. Warm up and eat dinner
3. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting
4. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
5. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
Marcelor Thursday CI
Interesting to see posts on avoidance and laziness today. I have procrastinated since I was a teenager, but I do think that it has gotten worse. I used to just leave assignments to the last minute but I would be busy with other stuff and I would eventually get things done. Now I find myself unable to do anything at all some days, including getting dressed. And even approaching deadlines do not create the focused frenzy I used to rely on.
Oh, well. The good news is that I have reached out to my partner for help this week. Today I want to assess the situation and come up with a plan for the next five weeks. I want to have a first draft ready to submit by then. First step is read what I have.
Rexroth Check In 15.44
Late check in today. I left ot go out wihtout checking in this morning
Up prayer and reflection
Check emails and post
make and post this list
Check smail mail
Phone electrician
Reply to email from gas engineer
Email estate agent
Goto new flat and start sorting out locks
Take varous keys and lock to locksmith
Go to estate agent and give keys and update
Home and rest
Out to flat to meet electrician
Check keys work in locks
Reassemble lock and check it works
Leave key and note at estate agaents
Come home and relax
Reply to friend's email from this morning
write journal
prayer and reflection
Update and check out 21.57 I've done all above and posted a new thread here. I got very cold out and am now for a warm bed and I'm grateful for that.
bed and sleep
Peace Rexroth
11.21.13 CI Babarino
Sat meet follow up
prep for dec. meeting
clean desk
jays thursday 21 november
people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily
zig ziglar
gas & elec DD
post parcel
make shopping list
pack SHOES
post office
bank kh
tracking number
phone MH----
clear kitchen
put sheets to wash
clear dressing table
make bed
tidy bedroom
KF Check in Thurs 21st Nov 08:20
Nope not washed or dressed but decided to do some study while I ate breakfast and drank tea. Not the best idea, but I'm here now so I may as well get on with it. :-)
Today I will:
Finish breakfastFinish assignment& SubmittedShowerPut washing on@ Mole & Unstucking
Ah, the old laziness problem. I think I am quite lazy. It's quite unfashionable to admit, but I don't really like working that much most days. Although I will admit it's a lot easier to get on with work I am interested in or that is slightly enjoyable. I find starting things I am unsure about the most difficult.
I do tend to go in for a bit of avoidance through activity, but mostly that's web surfing or only mildly useful stuff.
I keep going back to that iProcrastinate podcast about the post-grad (or something) who had come up with an elaborate structure to combat all aspects of her procrastination. Underpinned by a work scheme that meant she worked 4 hours a day on the most important project til it was done, with the rest of the day doing a small amount (say 40 or 20 mins) on each other project which meant that by the time she got to the next most project it was almost done. Not approproiate for all of us, but worked for her.
"it means I have to have my clothes on"
Do not underestimate the power of having to get dressed! Some days that doesn't happen for me til long after it's generally accepted to be dressed.
Mole's check in @ unstucking
Ooh what a lovely starter findingaway. Thank you
and un-stucking, if you read this - your description is so familiar! I have been thinking a lot about the difference between procrastination and laziness - and wondering whether there really is such a thing as laziness or whether it is more about resistance to starting. My tricks are that I go to a cafe as soon as it opens- this is pleasure and timed- it means I have to have my clothes on. And when this system is working I am strict about my starting time - go to my work spot and set the timer. Even if I tail off later, I do get something done, and often ame much less inclined to stop. For what it's worth! When I'm desperate l take my work to a public place and do it- which is what I do most afternoons.
this morning i have worked slept worked.
now eating a pile of mixed veg with feta
To prov with proj 1.30-3.30
Buy food and put it away
call J
Eat healthy meal
call S
I'm here....
As I was interminably snoozing in bed this morning I reflected that my procrastination used to take the form of useful tasks which just weren't my priority. I was never lazy.
Now I am lazy. Since I've banned myself from doing the useful but unplanned tasks I tend to spend more time 'tired' and 'exhausted'. I am tired and exhausted but that's not why I lolled about in bed this morning. I'm ashamed to admit it but I have to be honest to myself and to you all.
Today is Thursday with the dreaded grilling session. Aim: 10min timers until 1200 of previous CVS questions. Punctuated by putting washing on the line and cups of tea.
Thanks for letting me share and my encouragement for all of your days!