Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Following on from the discussion in the thread here, I though I'd offer a temporary workaround to not being able to create new threads and the unmanageabity of such a long 17th March thread, by recycling the thread from exactly on year ago to use for each daily check-in. Feel free to use whatever system works for you.
I started off well today, but am bogged down in the hard MITs.
I did the following:
-attended my first PA phone meeting at 8:30
-went for a run
Am now in the middle of:
-4 poms on the first 10 pages of intro did 3 poms
And need to do:
-4 poms on grading
-take care of emails and other administrative stuff ; did this, including a couple errands I've been putting off: getting trousers hemmed and knife sharpened (funny combo of tasks!)
Thank you Rexroth. So glad you've recovered. I think convalescence can be a really tricky time for us because there is such a grey area between tiredness and procrastination, and we can feel bad about resting.
Thanks for the starter jalla and thanks to everyone for being here.
Feel well and only a little tired this morning and feel organised and am happy to be in a clean cleared flat with the washing up done - so:
Todo Today
x Up prayer and reflection
x Check emails and posts
x Make and post this list
x Work on new flat prepare for seeing agent tomorrow - I've done a lot on this and am well prepared for the meeting
+ Contact with central heating person and am close to a deal for a new boiler ++ deal done and new boiler should be fitted in the next few days
x Work on book - my big project - at last I have started again, it was difficult but I think it will be easier to continue having begun
+ Letter to landlords modified from friend printed signed and posted
Update 14.01 feeling very positive and am getting on very well with things - done above x and additional +
Write bank letters - not done other more imporant things
xx Exercise - a little first for ages
xx Write journal
Prayer and reflection
Update and Check Out 22.17 xx done and ++ extra
Now ready for bed and feel good about myself. I have a lot to do tomorrow
Thank you so much jalla. Sometimes the idea that the past will let go of you can be scarier than carrying its burden.
I was listening to a programme on Radio 4 Tempus Fugit, in which they were talking about how being totally focussed on the present moment diminished our sense of time rushing past.
still bugged by a virus that has left me exhausted. Two hours work done this morning, two hours rest, healthy lunch, veggie shopping one hour rest and now it is 3.30.
Yesterday I did manage quite a good clean up, so the house does not feel so depressing.
There are three main areas I need to focus on.
1 putting some organisation into all the things I have to do, actions, filing, phonecalls, online tasks, town tasks, finances, correspondence. I need to sort the urgent from the not urgent.
that was 1, now I can't remember what the others were.. Perhaps they are part of that. I do need to make a a countdown plan towards traveling.
Daily Check-in: Tuesday November 18th 2014
Progress not perfection.
Following on from the discussion in the thread here, I though I'd offer a temporary workaround to not being able to create new threads and the unmanageabity of such a long 17th March thread, by recycling the thread from exactly on year ago to use for each daily check-in. Feel free to use whatever system works for you.
Yours in fellowship,
Jack's check-in for the day
- morning pages
- Step 4 including bookending
- call sponsor re: Step 5
- set up an action meeting
- print time sheet for time planning
marcelor Monday CI
It is early afternoon and I still have not really started the day :-( Heading to the library and hoping that I will be able to focus better there.
Monday check-in
I started off well today, but am bogged down in the hard MITs.
I did the following:
attended my first PA phone meeting at 8:30-
went for a runAm now in the middle of:
4 poms on the first 10 pages of introdid 3 pomsAnd need to do:
-4 poms on grading
take care of emails and other administrative stuff; did this, including a couple errands I've been putting off: getting trousers hemmed and knife sharpened (funny combo of tasks!)Vic 11/18/13 ck in
Maint. basics, exer, plan, follow through, use tools that work good starter jal
11/18/13 CI Babarino
-three things
-follow up from K.Z.
-prep for 12/11
-parli (done)
-4pm meeting
-UI item (MB)
monday 19 november
people say motivation won't last. neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily
zig ziglar
thank you jalla
@ Mole
My sympathies - having been ill and only new better I understand how difficult it can be to be ill and to want to get on with things.
Peace Rexroth
Thank you Rexroth. So glad you've recovered. I think convalescence can be a really tricky time for us because there is such a grey area between tiredness and procrastination, and we can feel bad about resting.
Hope you feel better soon my friend Rest up.xo
Thank you for your well wishes, dear jalla.
edit hardcopyedits informatbe ready to sendreadingscall NHIOemail g backedits in doc 2 from v and deditmske sure extra docs includedprint out x 2email to Cphotocopy articleslook r form docsphotosort printing outcopylaundryaccountstidy bedroomcall dchange meeting C to tomorrowgo postal pickup placecontact t re r formbuy gift Cwrite cardsenvelopes d and v articlego to bankAmend SI lettersreturn bulbs buy duvet vans aptsend cards, letters and giftLaundry finishvans suitcase and bits and pieces have readydinnerfilingtidy bedroompack hopsital bagdecide what time you are leavingleave note for Krehab excercisesbed earlyHIORexroth Check In 07.38
Thanks for the starter jalla and thanks to everyone for being here.
Feel well and only a little tired this morning and feel organised and am happy to be in a clean cleared flat with the washing up done - so:
Todo Today
x Up prayer and reflection
x Check emails and posts
x Make and post this list
x Work on new flat prepare for seeing agent tomorrow - I've done a lot on this and am well prepared for the meeting
+ Contact with central heating person and am close to a deal for a new boiler ++ deal done and new boiler should be fitted in the next few days
x Work on book - my big project - at last I have started again, it was difficult but I think it will be easier to continue having begun
+ Letter to landlords modified from friend printed signed and posted
Update 14.01 feeling very positive and am getting on very well with things - done above x and additional +
Write bank letters - not done other more imporant things
xx Exercise - a little first for ages
xx Write journal
Prayer and reflection
Update and Check Out 22.17 xx done and ++ extra
Now ready for bed and feel good about myself. I have a lot to do tomorrow
Bed and sleep
Peace Rexroth
Mole's check in
Thank you so much jalla. Sometimes the idea that the past will let go of you can be scarier than carrying its burden.
I was listening to a programme on Radio 4 Tempus Fugit, in which they were talking about how being totally focussed on the present moment diminished our sense of time rushing past.
still bugged by a virus that has left me exhausted. Two hours work done this morning, two hours rest, healthy lunch, veggie shopping one hour rest and now it is 3.30.
Yesterday I did manage quite a good clean up, so the house does not feel so depressing.
There are three main areas I need to focus on.
1 putting some organisation into all the things I have to do, actions, filing, phonecalls, online tasks, town tasks, finances, correspondence. I need to sort the urgent from the not urgent.
that was 1, now I can't remember what the others were.. Perhaps they are part of that. I do need to make a a countdown plan towards traveling.
make a to do list for tower business
eat healthy meal
7.05 K to pick up
7.15-9 run practice
Mole's check in
rang the podiatrist
ordered the W for LM
ate well
rested when necessary
ran the practice well
wish I had thought to ask K re D earlier. Had forgotten A was away.
jalla and her lovely starters and her warmheartedness
that i am in a position where l can rest when l need to.
Innertruth's check-in for Monday, November 18
Finish 2007 & 2009 tax returns
Call CRA re T4 for 2008
2010 tax return
2008 tax return
Call CCOHS Hamilton
Pay TD
Afternoon & evening
Read one chapter ebook
Week one CBT
2011 tax return
2012 tax return
GST returns
Wash dishes
Finish newspapers
Recycle twice
"To do" list for Tuesday
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone meetings, and my life.
I want to thank jalla for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:55 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 6:45 a.m. telephone OA meeting
3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting
4. Cook and eat breakfast
5. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone UA meeting
6. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
7. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line
8. Go to the 10 a.m. telephone UA meeting
9. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting
10. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
11. Take shower
12. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
13. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
14. Go to the 1:45 p.m. telephone UA meeting
15. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone UA meeting
16. Eat dinner
17. Get dressed
18. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
19. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
EleanorBE's Monday List
Thanks Jalia!
Monday stuff as follows:
Go in early
Write to N and J re. catering for launch
Write to G re. costumes needed next Tues
Reply to R.
Look at Australia emails
(domestic: ring T.W.)
Prep class, including film extracts
Photocopy text extracts
Teach class
Be sure Friday class reading has been left for students by N
Do R's teaching evaluation
Get new module form
Write up PBR module form